Tuesday, 2019-01-29

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xfxftchaypo: that actually doesn't make any sense, YT re-transcode everything uploaded.  i just tested one video and everything works for me too01:47
xfxfi'll eat my hat if the videos on YT don't have YT webm encodes that work on html5-video-only browsers01:48
xfxfnerd stats may be saying what the 'original' was, that should be irrelevant to what gets streamed to the browser01:49
xfxf(i know you're pasting what someone else wrote, but the theory doesn't make sense)01:49
xfxf@keeper: the shimmering at the bottom of that video is just the distance between the camera and presenter and interpolation occuring when we've got an item that is sitting *just* between two pixels01:50
xfxfyou'll notice it doesn't happen on motion, just when things are still01:50
xfxfif we were doing 1080p you likely wouldn't notice it01:51
xfxf(which is the plan with the next gen of capture equipment, maybe for next year, if not, year after)01:51
xfxfi am curious what camera that was though01:53
xfxfi'd be fairly confident it's interpolation going on within the camera itself through, likely somewhere between physical sensor and what it's sampling to output via HDMI01:53
xfxfi doubt anything in our encoding pipeline is causing that01:54
CarlFKxfxf: where is the doc / wiki / whatever to dump comments?01:55
tpbTitle: Google Docs - create and edit documents online, for free. (at docs.google.com)01:56
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CarlFK[m]I just got stranded in St Louis because of weather in Chicago.02:19
CarlFK[m]This leg of my travel may take longer than going from New Zealand to San Francisco02:19
xfxfoh ugh. showstorms again?02:22
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charcol:( that sucks02:54
charcolI was stuck in Mackay airport for about 8hrs once.  It's a 90min flight back to Brisbane02:55
xfxfhow big is that airport?02:56
xfxfi've been stuck at LAX for >10 hours a few times, but it's LAX, everyone has those stories :(02:56
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charcolI don't think anyone *likes* LAX03:03
charcolMackay airport is tiny, but at least there was wifi03:04
keeperAre all big airports evil, or do people just get a bad associated memory due to all the customs stuff?03:05
charcolNRT and DXB are huge but had great experiences at both.  Left 2-3 hrs to transfer at LAX and still missed the connection03:07
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keeperxfxf: Ah right, thanks.03:12
CarlFK6 baggage carousals.  none of them have my bags.03:13
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charcolre: the debconf docs - is that all the same as what we do?06:02
keeperFrom what I understand yes, the diagrams look identical.06:03
charcolmostly asking because Grid Engine Master and SReview06:05
keeperveyepar vs SReview doesn't change vocto mcuh from what I know, you're just rsyncing the .ts files to a storage server, and the respective systems do whatever they do with those files.06:09
xfxfwe don't do everything debconf does, but it is similar06:10
xfxfSReview is a simpler veyepar clone.  it was made literally, and I quote,06:10
xfxfbecause "Python is the wrong language"06:10
xfxfit's written in Perl06:10
xfxfif you're looking for inspiration to do what we do better, look at what CCC do.  they use vocto but with a very different workflow06:11
xfxfi'd _love_ to replicate what the CCC do, but they have massive budgets and a team size that we can only dream of06:11
xfxfand most of their documentation is in german :P06:11
xfxfi haven't volunteered on the debconf-video team for a long time (tumbleweed is way more up to speed than this, given he still does) but when I did I had a bunch of disagreements about how they tackle some things06:12
xfxfbut IIRC what they do now is mostly the same as what we do06:12
CarlFKsReview expects less work done in the room and more work done in post06:13
keepercharcol: Just FYI, I linked you those things for the vocto side of it. I haven't found any good documentation for the veyepar side.06:15
xfxfkeeper: it doesn't exist ;)06:15
xfxfveyepar has a user base of under 5 people06:16
xfxfwe've effectively doubled it at the hackfest06:16
charcolwere all 5 at the hackfest?06:17
xfxf3 of them - carl, myself, tumbleweed :P06:17
xfxfthe other two are thereotical..06:18
xfxfi have opinions on lots of things with veyepar and how it could be adopted by more people, but Carl regularly hacks on it and it's the best system I've seen despite its flaws06:19
charcolwhat does the CCC budget get that we don't have?06:19
xfxfand if somebody's gonna hack on improving parts of the stack, i can think of many things that would have an infinitely better outcome than writing another one06:19
xfxfmuch much higher end equipment06:19
keeperAlso re the "wrong language" comment, this community seems a bit too small. I found some blog posts and mailing list archives that were quite opinionated about right vs wrong ways of doing things.06:19
xfxfya, well, i'm not one to language bash, but if somebody tells me they're using Perl because python is the wrong language, i'm not listening anymore :P06:20
xfxfcharcol: we effectively do what we do with consumer hardware and lots of code.  they rent very high end equpment which is HD-SDI instead of HDMI, and use pro level gear06:20
xfxfvideo production is very much a solved problem if you step up to that tier of production grade equipment06:21
charcolof all the reasons to re-write veyepar, python seems like the wrong argument06:21
xfxfwe're trying to acheive similar results with a tiny budget and consumer gear06:21
xfxfcharcol: ye06:21
charcol "HD-SDI instead of HDMI" -> is that for the camera out?06:22
xfxffor everything06:23
charcoldo they use opsi as well?06:23
xfxfHD-SDI is how they transport video - they'll run 200m lengths of the cable to shuttle around video from equipment06:23
xfxfwe use HDMI out > HDMI capture > laptop running gstreamer pipeline > ethernet06:23
xfxfmost of what they produce is 1080p video with several audio tracks / translations in different languages06:24
xfxfit's a very different result to what we do, but they've got a far larger team and a 6 figure budget IIRC06:25
keeperI assume if you spend enough money, you can get a device that does everything that the opsis does + more.06:26
xfxfit's more that the problem is solved in a completely different way06:27
xfxfbut ya, with enough money, you do it the normal industry way, which is HD-SDI and lots of expensive hardware units06:27
xfxfand fast video production is having video offloaded to SD card recording units, transporting those SD cards to a full time edit suite who have macs + adobe premiere, and they use templates to speed the process up06:28
xfxfwhat we do is super unusual.  but the industry is starting to move more towards a similar automated workflow06:29
xfxfthe industry is also starting to move towards decoding video and shuttling it over tcp/ip too...06:29
charcolalso, did you mention earlier moving to 1080p?  What would need to change?06:31
xfxfone of my goals is to use an open workflow - i could achieve that by moving entirely to desktops with blackmagic PCIe cards, but I don't want to do that06:32
xfxfthe opsis's in their current state (USB capture) are only capable of USB2, so 720p or 1080i is around their limit06:32
xfxfthe solution is either getting ethernet streaming working (they have an ethernet port) which should be able to do 1080p - or hell, theoretically even 4k06:33
xfxfbut according to Tim, a newer capture unit, the 'NeTV2', will get this support first06:33
CarlFKcharcol:  hacking on the hdmi2usb firmware to run on  https://www.crowdsupply.com/alphamax/netv206:33
tpbTitle: NeTV2 | Crowd Supply (at www.crowdsupply.com)06:33
CarlFKyeah, that.06:33
xfxfi've ordered 2, CArl has ordered some too.  once they work for 1080p i'll buy a bunch more and replace the opsis's06:33
xfxfi'll need to upgrade the capture laptops too, i think bumping vocto up to 1080p might be pushing their CPU's a bit06:34
CarlFKI'm not in a hurry.  I think the 720p we do is fine.06:34
xfxfbut i upgrade my equipment all of the time so that's just normal06:34
xfxfya IMO 720p works great for laptop capture - but 1080p would make the camera look more crisp and our videos percieved to be higher quality06:34
xfxfmost people watch our videos on Youtube, 720p looks a little yucky when it's not 1:1.  and in most browsers it never is06:35
xfxfalso, those blackmagic USB capture boxes I use - the only reason I use them is they do audio capture.  the opsis hardware is capable of it, but the gateware/firmware need to have the support added06:37
xfxfI'm holding off buying any more because the opsis will in theory support it soon06:37
xfxfonce a bunch of work on the NETV2's is ported back to the Opsis, they'll be way more reliable too06:38
xfxfso saying i'll replace the opsis's is probably misleading, i'll just buy more netv2's to replace any of the blackmagic gear06:38
xfxfif I had the time I'd dig into adding a lot of these little features into the opsis gateware/software, they genuinely sound super fun/interesting to do - i just never have time in between organising AV for events and my day job and my stupid car hobby06:39
xfxfbut is on my ever growing TODO :)06:39
xfxfethernet streaming on the opsis's would be neat too, it means we no longer plug a laptop into the thing, it just sits on the AV VLAN with its own IP address and we either shoot or pull video directly out of it into voctomix06:41
xfxfTim had plans for hardware video mixing too, and chaining the units together via Displayport, so you'd end up with a single unified opsis with as many ins/outs as you wanted and do all of the video mixing using the FPGA rather than voctomix06:41
xfxfi'd be pretty happy with HDMI audio capture implemented though :)06:41
thepatr1ckHDMI audio capture and pass through would be awesome (I wish I had the time & FPGA knowledge to make that happen)08:39
tumbleweedxfxf, tchaypo: Yes, I'm pretty sure that when you upload VP8, youtube doesn't let you change speed09:15
tumbleweedcharcol: I'd say DebConf is half way inbetween LCA and CCC09:20
tumbleweedDebConf usually uses our own audio equipment (owned or hired)09:20
tumbleweedand SDI from 2 cameras to a single vocto machine + HDMI from a laptop-capturing opsis over the network to vocto09:20
tumbleweedCCC has lots of fancy broadcast-pro-level cameras, and nice audio gear09:22
tumbleweedthey do multiple language streams (live translation)09:22
tumbleweedand they don't use opsis for capture, but HDMI->scaler->SDI->blackmagic09:23
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xfxftumbleweed: veyepar uploads mp4's though, and i tried 5 LCA videos and they all let me change speed fine - i'm surprised at what you say though, it shouldn't be dependent on the source format - it'll be dependent on what the browser supports, surely?10:30
tumbleweedno, we were uploading webms10:52
tumbleweedat least, once we started doing webm10:52
tumbleweedbut yeah, I can't reproduce the speed issue now that I try10:54
tumbleweedI swear I have seen it in the past, though10:54
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CarlFK[m]I'm on a taxi going home!16:26
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CarlFK[m]Out the taxi window16:42
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CarlFKand home!17:57
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charcolhooray for being home :)23:42
CarlFKwell, I can't open my front door because there is ice in the way23:46
CarlFKbut otherwise, yes, hooray ineed.23:46
charcolI'd give you some heat from here if I could.  Was about 30C / 86F at 5pm the day we got back23:55

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