Monday, 2018-01-29

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stefanorI see a slides hosting discussion in
keeperOnly way I can see that working well is having a file upload for speakers on the conference website.08:58
tumbleweedyeah, that works well09:16
tchaypoI'm of the same mind09:30
tumbleweedat debconf, we have a git-annex that people submit things to09:32
tchaypoIs git-annex the same as git-lfs?11:19
tchaypoI imagine that most people at debconf are comfortable with git11:19
tchaypoI think most LCA people are too, but far from all of them11:19
tchaypoMithro: xfxf: how soon do you want to start prepping Grant requests for11:20
tchaypoNext years hackfest? ;)11:20
tumbleweedno, it predates LFS. It's a more distrubuted thing11:22
tumbleweeddid a pass through youtube comments:12:35
tumbleweedthis acct has posted 2 that should probably be deleted (and blocked)12:36
tumbleweedthen there's a question to us:
tumbleweedshould we just switch all comments to review?12:37
jeaI guess we can. Then we'll have to remember to do that12:40
jeaI agree with removing the two comments you mentioned. and blocking12:40
tumbleweedif we care about the comments12:40
jeaI think the answer should be 'yes we care' but I don't know how long that is feasible for12:41
jeaI'm not sure if that video should be only 4 mins. it is a tutorial, so maybe it wasn't recorded?12:41
* tumbleweed turned comments off on the debconf ones because I don't care enough12:42
tumbleweedI see more recordings, that 4 mins is until the first pratcial work12:43
rails.x debug bot.stop14:46
railrunnerundefined method `stop' for #<Bot nick="railrunner">14:46
rails.x debug exit14:46
rails.x debug bot.quit "BYE"14:47
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