Sunday, 2018-01-07

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CarlFK"The owner of has configured their website improperly."16:41
jeaCarlFK: what part of the site would you like?22:12
jea(I'm on the org team, so can sort things out if needed)22:13
CarlFKjea: I can get to the schedule api, so thats what I care about.  that message was from FF, guessing a key expired or something22:15
CarlFKor someone is trying to mim me and make me show up on the wrong day :p22:15
jeai see the error too. i'm not sure what site it is pointing at, but I'll talk to people to get it fixed22:16
jeais the schedule working alright for you?22:16
CarlFKI'll know in 30 min ish22:27
CarlFKor sooner cuz I have your attention...22:27
CarlFKwack. default backend - 40422:50
CarlFKjea: help...22:52 needs to auth to get       "contact": [         "redacted"       ],22:52
CarlFKI have a dict from last year:  'username': 'CarlFK'}, 'login_page': ''}22:53
tpbTitle: 2018 - Sydney 22-26 January 2018 (at
CarlFKwhat is it this year?22:53
jeaCarlFK: what is it you are after? login?23:23
jeait is all SSO this year, so some URLs are different23:23
CarlFKyeah - so that I can get email addresses23:23
jeaah, is that the bit where once you have logged in to symposion it will include emails in the JSON response?23:24
tpbTitle: veyepar/ at master · CarlFK/veyepar · GitHub (at
CarlFKthats the line of code that I need a URL for23:25
jeaI am actually not 100% sure. normally you get sent to, then you login, and from that point you have a token and a session23:29
jeaI think you probably just need the cookie/token that you can then send with each request23:30
jeaI think I'll have to go and ask some people and get back to you23:31
jeacould you put it into an email and send it to [email protected] please? That way it will all be tracked nicely so I don't forget23:32
jeathanks CarlFK :)23:33
CarlFKYour message has been sent. 23:56

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