Monday, 2018-09-10

*** tpb has joined #hdmi2usb00:00
*** tvCommitBot has joined #hdmi2usb01:01
tvCommitBot[HDMI2USB-litex-firmware] mithro pushed 6 new commits to master:
tvCommitBotHDMI2USB-litex-firmware/master 8c17b79 Tim 'mithro' Ansell: tools: Read the BIOS maxsize from the SoC....01:01
tvCommitBotHDMI2USB-litex-firmware/master 410b919 Tim 'mithro' Ansell: scripts: Support RISC-V CPU versions.01:01
tvCommitBotHDMI2USB-litex-firmware/master 5a6ac7b Tim Ansell: Merge pull request #51 from mithro/bios-maxsize...01:01
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*** travis-ci has joined #hdmi2usb01:58
travis-ci[mithro/litex-buildenv/master#26] (0315225): The build is still failing. (
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travis-ci[mithro/litex-buildenv/tinyfpga-support#27] (162a09f): The build failed. (
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travis-ci[mithro/litex-buildenv/add-sphinx-docs#28] (87f3d8e): The build is still failing. (
*** travis-ci has left #hdmi2usb18:11

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