Saturday, 2017-08-05

*** tpb has joined #hdmi2usb00:00
tvCommitBot[HDMI2USB-mode-switch] mithro closed pull request #61: Fix the location flashing firmware too. (master...flash-right-location)
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tvCommitBot[HDMI2USB-litex-firmware] stefanor created cr-lf (+2 new commits):
tvCommitBotHDMI2USB-litex-firmware/cr-lf 3200596 Stefano Rivera: Nice serial ports speak CRLF01:52
tvCommitBotHDMI2USB-litex-firmware/cr-lf 810fc16 Stefano Rivera: Eww hack around puts() to include CR01:52
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tvCommitBot[HDMI2USB-litex-firmware] stefanor opened pull request #341: Use CRLF line-endings (
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*** travis-ci has joined #hdmi2usb02:10
travis-ci[mithro/HDMI2USB-litex-firmware/download-prebuilt-fix#316] (c34ede9): The build has errored. (
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*** tavish has quit IRC20:45

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