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tvCommitBot | [HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware] mithro pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vzX2l | 02:44 |
tvCommitBot | HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/master d95579a Tim 'mithro' Ansell: Downgrading from LGPL3.0 to LGPL2.1... | 02:44 |
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tvCommitBot | [HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware] mithro pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vzX2M | 02:47 |
tvCommitBot | HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/master d5c664a Michael Farrell: Add short aliases for the command interface. | 02:47 |
tvCommitBot | HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/master f8fb036 Tim Ansell: Merge pull request #186 from micolous/aliases... | 02:47 |
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travis-ci | [mithro/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/master#109] (d95579a): The build passed. (https://travis-ci.org/mithro/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/builds/104804243) | 03:26 |
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travis-ci | [timvideos/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/master#386] (f8fb036): The build passed. (https://travis-ci.org/timvideos/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/builds/104804620) | 04:17 |
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travis-ci | [mithro/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/master#108] (5e11b6b): The build has errored. (https://travis-ci.org/mithro/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/builds/104803979) | 04:43 |
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travis-ci | [timvideos/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/master#385] (d95579a): The build has errored. (https://travis-ci.org/timvideos/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/builds/104804233) | 04:44 |
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travis-ci | [mithro/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/better-versions#110] (68dc499): The build passed. (https://travis-ci.org/mithro/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/builds/104815272) | 04:49 |
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travis-ci | [mithro/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/master#111] (f8fb036): The build passed. (https://travis-ci.org/mithro/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/builds/104815314) | 05:07 |
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tvCommitBot | [HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware] mithro closed pull request #116: Download prebuilt (master...download-prebuilt) https://git.io/vCy03 | 07:30 |
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travis-ci | [timvideos/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/master#389] (2cff76e): The build passed. (https://travis-ci.org/timvideos/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/builds/104833344) | 08:32 |
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travis-ci | [mithro/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/better-versions#112] (f2aa3a1): The build has errored. (https://travis-ci.org/mithro/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/builds/104818179) | 08:39 |
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tvCommitBot | [HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware] mithro created romboot-fix (+3 new commits): https://git.io/vz1Ud | 09:37 |
tvCommitBot | HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/romboot-fix 254c281 Tim 'mithro' Ansell: gateware/targets: Make firmware a real gateware object.... | 09:37 |
tvCommitBot | HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/romboot-fix da3041d Tim 'mithro' Ansell: targets/atlys: Bump firmware size. | 09:37 |
tvCommitBot | HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/romboot-fix 415246b Tim 'mithro' Ansell: makefiles: Build lm32 firmware as part of generate step. | 09:37 |
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travis-ci | [sealne/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/download-prebuilt#59] (53eefc9): The build is still failing. (https://travis-ci.org/sealne/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/builds/104844631) | 09:41 |
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travis-ci | [timvideos/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/romboot-fix#390] (415246b): The build passed. (https://travis-ci.org/timvideos/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/builds/104851803) | 10:53 |
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tvCommitBot | [HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware] mithro opened pull request #194: Romboot fix (master...romboot-fix) https://git.io/vz1l1 | 11:26 |
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tvCommitBot | [HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware] mithro deleted romboot-fix at 415246b: https://git.io/vz18c | 11:29 |
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travis-ci | [timvideos/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/master#392] (23e9224): The build was broken. (https://travis-ci.org/timvideos/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/builds/104869667) | 12:37 |
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tvCommitBot | [HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware] mithro closed pull request #189: Better version information (master...better-versions) https://git.io/vziJB | 13:56 |
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tvCommitBot | [HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware] mithro opened pull request #195: third_party: Change misoc/migen to TimVideos versions (and update). (master...misoc-local) https://git.io/vz17L | 13:59 |
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tvCommitBot | [HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware] mithro closed pull request #195: third_party: Change misoc/migen to TimVideos versions (and update). (master...misoc-local) https://git.io/vz17L | 14:00 |
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travis-ci | [timvideos/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/master#392] (23e9224): The build passed. (https://travis-ci.org/timvideos/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/builds/104869667) | 14:01 |
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travis-ci | [mithro/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/misoc-local#114] (17ab94d): The build has errored. (https://travis-ci.org/mithro/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/builds/104895219) | 14:07 |
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travis-ci | [mithro/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/better-versions#113] (74aa0db): The build passed. (https://travis-ci.org/mithro/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/builds/104892415) | 14:10 |
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travis-ci | [timvideos/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/master#394] (002ebb5): The build passed. (https://travis-ci.org/timvideos/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/builds/104894985) | 14:27 |
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tvCommitBot | [HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware] mithro created small-fixes (+3 new commits): https://git.io/vzMGA | 15:54 |
tvCommitBot | HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/small-fixes 0803fda Tim 'mithro' Ansell: makefiles: Only update embed when fx2 firmware changes. | 15:54 |
tvCommitBot | HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/small-fixes fbdcc20 Tim 'mithro' Ansell: firmware: Make the fx2 loader timeout quicker. | 15:54 |
tvCommitBot | HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/small-fixes ad19ed8 Tim 'mithro' Ansell: firmware: Add support for comments on modes. | 15:54 |
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tvCommitBot | [HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware] mithro opened pull request #196: Couple of small fixes. (master...small-fixes) https://git.io/vzMZJ | 15:54 |
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travis-ci | [timvideos/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/master#396] (ec9f88e): The build has errored. (https://travis-ci.org/timvideos/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/builds/104895737) | 16:20 |
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travis-ci | [timvideos/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/small-fixes#397] (ad19ed8): The build has errored. (https://travis-ci.org/timvideos/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/builds/104922980) | 17:56 |
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Generated by irclog2html.py 2.13.1 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!