Friday, 2015-03-27

*** tpb has joined #hdmi2usb00:00
*** tvCommitBot has joined #hdmi2usb06:07
tvCommitBot[HDMI2USB] mithro opened pull request #117: Output name of cypress firmware should be hdmi2usb.hex (master...master)
*** tvCommitBot has left #hdmi2usb06:07
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travis-ci[mithro/HDMI2USB/master#76] (584be1b): The build passed. (
*** travis-ci has left #hdmi2usb06:32
*** tvCommitBot has joined #hdmi2usb07:13
tvCommitBot[HDMI2USB] mithro pushed 2 new commits to master:
tvCommitBotHDMI2USB/master 584be1b Tim 'mithro' Ansell: Output name of cypress firmware should be hdmi2usb.hex07:13
tvCommitBotHDMI2USB/master 85953e6 Tim Ansell: Merge pull request #117 from mithro/master...07:13
*** tvCommitBot has left #hdmi2usb07:13
*** travis-ci has joined #hdmi2usb07:25
travis-ci[timvideos/HDMI2USB/master#34] (85953e6): The build has errored. (
*** travis-ci has left #hdmi2usb07:25
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travis-ci[mithro/HDMI2USB/master#76] (584be1b): The build has errored. (
*** travis-ci has left #hdmi2usb08:08
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travis-ci[mithro/HDMI2USB/travis-test#77] (e3a48be): The build has errored. (
*** travis-ci has left #hdmi2usb08:27
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travis-ci[mithro/HDMI2USB/travis-test#77] (e3a48be): The build passed. (
*** travis-ci has left #hdmi2usb09:00
*** tvCommitBot has joined #hdmi2usb09:04
tvCommitBot[HDMI2USB] mithro opened pull request #118: Fixing a small issue in the travis script. (master...travis-test)
*** tvCommitBot has left #hdmi2usb09:04
*** tvCommitBot has joined #hdmi2usb09:04
tvCommitBot[HDMI2USB] mithro pushed 2 new commits to master:
tvCommitBotHDMI2USB/master ffbb83b Tim 'mithro' Ansell: Fixing a small issue in the travis script.09:04
tvCommitBotHDMI2USB/master 377db66 Tim Ansell: Merge pull request #118 from mithro/travis-test...09:04
*** tvCommitBot has left #hdmi2usb09:04
*** travis-ci has joined #hdmi2usb09:07
travis-ci[mithro/HDMI2USB/travis-test#78] (ffbb83b): The build passed. (
*** travis-ci has left #hdmi2usb09:07
*** travis-ci has joined #hdmi2usb09:30
travis-ci[timvideos/HDMI2USB/master#35] (377db66): The build passed. (
*** travis-ci has left #hdmi2usb09:30

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