Sunday, 2016-06-26

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escondidaHey, folks. Maybe I'm missing something, but in a git build from the 22nd, my map has several "monster" enemies just sort of hanging around, with dotted lines indicating that they're trying to move. One, for instance, has been in my second star system, supposedly due to arrive in nearby deep space in three turns, for about 40 turns03:06
escondidaMy military ships won't attack it while in the system it's supposedly in, in the system it's supposedly arriving in, or in transit in between the two03:06
SectorCould be a ghost.  What happens sometimes is you encounter something when you can't see it, the system will still show the last known location but it may not really be there anymore.03:07
escondidaWell...neat, then03:08
SectorCan be annoying, but that's what it most likely is.03:09
escondidaYeah, I can live with that. Thanks again (-: . I'm definitely enjoying the game so far03:11
Afdalmaybe sometime...03:19
Afdalwe could enjoy the game together ;103:19
escondidaI'm not much of a multiplayer person in general, but I certainly appreciate the offer!03:22
escondidaCheers, and have a good evening (-:03:22
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