Sunday, 2013-04-14

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Yrol_Denjeahoh, ew00:00
Yrol_Denjeahthat yucky windows path... �sighs� where are the good old times when programs stored their stuff inside the program-folder, as it shoujld be00:01
GeofftheMediosince about windows XP, you're not supposed to do that00:02
GeofftheMedioand actually it doesn't let you write to anything in program files00:02
GeofftheMedioit silently, and buggily, redirects to virtual store00:02
GeofftheMedioindeed... how are trojan / virus writers supposed to overwrite files now?00:03
STalKer-Xjust give them admin rights00:03
GeofftheMediothat pops up that annoying UAC dialog, or requires running as administrator beforehand00:04
GeofftheMediovery inconvenient00:04
Yrol_DenjeahWho installs games to "program files"??00:05
GeofftheMedioprobably most people00:05
GeofftheMedioit being a program and all...00:06
GeofftheMedioand requiring files to be placed somewhere00:06
GeofftheMedioseems reasonable00:06
Yrol_DenjeahI dont even install programs there. I make my own "programs" folder00:06
STalKer-Xmcguyver :)00:06
Yrol_Denjeahstop throwing your underpants at me!00:07
Yrol_Denjeahhm, okay, now it works, it doesnt go fullscreen but only into a maximized window, but thats all the better, at least the windows are "full" screen now00:09
Yrol_DenjeahA lil thing that i noticed when i switched fonts to the one i use, if the project is open source, isnt the font also sujpposed to be open type?00:10
Yrol_Denjeah-font +#shipped font00:10
tpbTitle: DejaVu (at
Yrol_DenjeahAlso: i find it mildy browraising that one who tries to work against being a slave to ones OS is seen as weirdo.00:11
STalKer-Xwhy do you use that os in the first place?00:12
Yrol_DenjeahAh, i wondered, because that deja vu font had that usual ttf icon, not the open ttf icon.00:12
GeofftheMedioThere has to be a default fixed place to store config files (else there's no way to load up the setting that controls where the config file is stored). it can't be in the program directory00:12
Yrol_DenjeahSTalKer-X, because i dont have the time or will to configure 20,000 files in 1,500 places just to install one application, because i need an OS that doesnt need to emulate stuff to play games and because i have so many games and because when i got my pc, there wasnt even a WWW and dial-up was expensive and my parents werent rich enough to get me an apple00:15
STalKer-Xi thought a macintosh was even more crippled.00:16
Yrol_DenjeahWell and because developers still apparently refuse to make games for native *nix00:16
STalKer-Xtotally wrong :)00:16
Yrol_Denjeah�cough� good games �cough�00:17
Yrol_Denjeahnot stuff like tuxracer00:17
Yrol_DenjeahAnyways, i will lose this battle, so...00:18
STalKer-Xthere is no battle.00:19
Yrol_Denjeah�smirks� Then why did you put me into a defensive position? ;oP00:20
Yrol_DenjeahIm not heralding for windows, god no, i try to find everything i use with windows in open source or at least made by other developers and i got screwed by this OS often enough, resulting in loss of data and such things, but in the end, its the one that i can use ( i never got a hang of the linux filebrowser ) without too much hassle, but most importantly i spent big bucks on games that i still pl00:24
Yrol_Denjeahay. ( and i plainly refuse to use a dumbed down *nix OS like ubuntu )00:24
STalKer-Xi am just asking.00:24
Yrol_DenjeahWhy do -you- use a cellphone? ;o)00:25
STalKer-Xi don't :D00:25
Yrol_Denjeahokay, one of the few00:25
Yrol_DenjeahWhy do you drive a car?00:26
STalKer-Xi don't have one00:26
Yrol_Denjeahoh come on... now its getting unrealistic ;oP00:26
Yrol_Denjeahunless you are 15 years old �grins�00:26
GeofftheMedioI don't have a car... quite reasonable when living in a city with decent transit00:26
Yrol_Denjeahn owait, then you WOUILD have a cellphone00:26
STalKer-Xit is called smartphone :D00:27
Yrol_Denjeahwhy does it make people stupid then?00:27
STalKer-Xit does?00:27
Yrol_Denjeahsee? ;oP00:27
STalKer-Xi just run everything as admin, because UAC sucks :)00:29
Yrol_Denjeah( by the wayside, i hope i use enough de-seriousing smileys so i wont appear like some mean person )00:29
STalKer-Xno harm done if you keep away from files from obscure sources00:29
STalKer-Xas a german you are by default: mean.00:30
Yrol_DenjeahI think, windows XP doesnt have UAC.00:30
STalKer-Xthat is correct :-)00:30
STalKer-Xbut i sometimes have access to windows 8 :DD00:30
Yrol_DenjeahSTalKer-X, you certianly meant "mean" there like "mean temperature"..."general" ;o)00:31
Yrol_Denjeahewwww! you are infected!00:31
STalKer-Xwith? :-)00:31
STalKer-Xi meant 'mean' like 'gemein' :D00:31
Yrol_Denjeahinfected with uhm...00:32
Yrol_Denjeahthe "above directx9 desease"00:32
STalKer-Xi don't play games00:33
STalKer-Xno harm done :)00:33
Yrol_Denjeahas you certainly know, direct x does not only manage games00:33
Yrol_Denjeahadmittedly, that was just a meager try to escape00:34
Yrol_Denjeahi revise my assumption then. no cellphone, no car, no games... you are not 15, you are 7500:35
Yrol_Denjeahheck, you might even know the original stalker movie the games are based on00:35
STalKer-Xexcept that my nickname has nothing to do with that, ehehe :>00:36
Yrol_Denjeah( of course without knowing that games are based on it )00:36
Yrol_Denjeahgeez, fit into some clichee already!00:36
STalKer-Xi was already in this room when nobody knew about FO :D00:37
Yrol_DenjeahGeofftheMedio, are there plans to, how to say... make the ship design UI uhm... nicer? As it is now, the added parts cover the ship-graphics as an example00:38
Yrol_DenjeahSo basically, one wouldnt need those even00:38
GeofftheMedionot that i know of.00:38
GeofftheMediopost in the forums if you have specfific suggestions00:39
Yrol_DenjeahSTalKer-X, pah, poser! "I" was there when the zodic sign "orion" wasnt even invented yet, HA!00:39
STalKer-Xi think it was in 2004 when i joined this room00:40
Yrol_DenjeahI got internet that year00:40
Yrol_DenjeahGeofftheMedio, hm, i dont use forums, it was just a question :o)00:42
Yrol_DenjeahIt would use up more screenspace, but it could be in a way that the thingies that go into the ship are placed around the ships graphics, maybe in small boxes with small lines leading to points that resemble their spot in the ship, kinda like a technical blueprint00:45
STalKer-Xif you want to suggest stuff, you should really use the forum, basically everything development related takes place there00:48
Yrol_Denjeah�looks at topic�00:51
STalKer-XLatest release v0.4.2 - Ask questions in the forums at freeorion.org00:53
Yrol_DenjeahWhy does this channel exist then in the first place if you just more or less told me that anything i write here regarding the game, wont be read, plus the almost rude slap ion the face by the topic line.00:53
STalKer-Xoh noes :)00:57
STalKer-Xit will be read, but forgotten00:57
STalKer-Xirc is a volatile media :)00:57
STalKer-Xforums is visited by far more people01:01
STalKer-Xand read by far more people01:01
Yrol_DenjeahI rather its the dependency to be smart in some way to use realtime communication that killed off IRC. Wheras in a forum, you can be as dumb as you like, someone always will answer ( even if wrongly ) or at the very least, ask again and again what you meant. Another reason i am sure is that IRC cannot be used so well with translators and you just need a browser, not a special application to use i01:01
STalKer-Xif you post it here, GeofftheMedio reads it, i read it, everyone who is online and wants to read the backlog can read it.01:02
STalKer-Xirc is lively as ever :)01:03
STalKer-Xbefore forums there have been mailing lists01:03
Yrol_DenjeahThats why there are in any given channel only 10& of the idlers talking01:03
STalKer-Xand if people had longer stuff, they used the ML.01:03
STalKer-Xyou would not want have everyone talking in channel with 100 people :-)01:04
Yrol_Denjeahno, but certainly more than 5 ( which isnt 10%i know )01:04
STalKer-Xhm, 5 is usually enough01:06
Yrol_DenjeahI would prefer though a channel of 100 with 20 people talking at the same time to a forum where i have to sift through 500 pages of posts, still not finding what i look for and/or then being rudely slapped off when i re-open a thread thats older than three months01:06
Yrol_DenjeahI think, it is the disability of people to focus or commit these days to real time communication, especially with more than one person on the other end.01:08
STalKer-Xhas always been a problem01:09
Yrol_DenjeahAdmittedly, there is one reason i see to use a forum: when a picture or a block of code needs to be shown in context to the post. You can do that in IRC too, but only with links.01:09
STalKer-Xi have no problem with either irc or forums01:13
STalKer-Xor a wiki01:13
Yrol_DenjeahThat is apparent, yes :o)01:14
Yrol_DenjeahOtherwise you would have at some time agreed with me in some aspect.01:15
Yrol_DenjeahAnd i actually love wiki's, no better way to put the truth on the net01:18
Yrol_Denjeah( no, im not referring to wikileaks )01:18
STalKer-Xunless you find an admin that removes your "truth"01:24
Yrol_DenjeahOf course i spoke of wiki's that are not regulated by corrupt or immature OPs. And i wrote "the truth", not "my truth"01:25
STalKer-Xthere is no "the truth"01:27
Yrol_Denjeahundisputable truth01:29
Yrol_Denjeahit of course does not mean that 10=5+501:30
STalKer-Xundisputable truth01:30
Yrol_Denjeahnow you are just being silly to oppose me01:30
STalKer-Xi am not silly01:30
STalKer-X5+5=10 is only true in the decimal system01:32
Yrol_Denjeahit is nontheless undisputable truth, it doesnt state it is the only true version.01:33
STalKer-Xonly if you put certain restrictions on it.01:35
Yrol_DenjeahAn even in the hexadecimal or octal system, the truth lying behind it, is exactly the same, its ten, if you use 10.16 millimeter or 4 inch to -describe- it, it ( the length ) stays the same01:36
Yrol_DenjeahI mean, you can also express the speed of light as "number of grandmothers passed in an hour", silly, but still the same value01:37
Yrol_Denjeah2001 space odissey reference: "oh my god, its full of grannies!"01:38
STalKer-Xbut unless you be exactly exact... :)01:39
STalKer-Xanyway, i hope you don't spam any wikis with mathematical stuff01:49
Yrol_Denjeah10 4!01:50
Yrol_Denjeahor, to stay in context: 10.16 401:50
Yrol_Denjeahhrmpf, such a nice developed pun and no one got it01:56
STalKer-Xi wasnt listening :)01:57
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SkasiI think there's a bug with solar orbital generators. The description says target industry on supplied planets increases based on star color, but the actual effect is a 0.4 * population target industry increase.18:58
SkasiI better use the bug tracker.19:07
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Yrol_DenjeahI bet you are the funniest guy in your school.19:25
STalKer-X_mwhat school?19:30
tpb<> (at
SkasiThanks, I'm posting already. :)19:33
adrian_broherthe bug tracker isn't watched iirc19:33
GeofftheMedioit us19:33
STalKer-X_mand i was right, as always :-)19:33
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Yrol_Denjeahwow :o) if i see that correctly, it is not at all mentioned in what language FO is made on the compile page of the wiki20:23
Yrol_DenjeahAnd not on the main page either20:24
GeofftheMedioit's not just one language...20:30
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Yrol_DenjeahClearly i am not welcomed here.21:53
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STalKer-X_moh my god22:36
STalKer-X_mwhat a whiny bitch :x22:37
STalKer-X_mwho told him to stfu and go away?22:37
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