Sunday, 2009-01-25

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kroddnoMobilGeofftheMedio: after having read your forum posting 5 times and testing I know understand this --force-external-server command line parameter :-)11:19
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kroddn|Gladiatorfreeoriond does not run on debian sarge with kernel 2.6.18 - boost seems to be incompatible with this kernel12:30
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lizard_rkroddn, I thought I could ping you via IRC since you are the "Compile"(forum) moderator. I have a problem and made a new post.13:57
kroddn|Gladiatori'll have a look14:22
kroddn|Gladiatorlizard_r: ping14:23
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UltraDM1Hi, anybody here?14:25
kroddn|GladiatorI already reported that problem14:25
kroddn|Gladiatorwait, i'll have a look at my checkout14:25
lizard_rIs there a way to solve that?14:25
kroddn|Gladiatorits only a problem with the GG examples14:26
kroddn|Gladiatorthe lib is okay, but the examples are not14:26
lizard_rkroddn|Gladiator, can I disable the examples somehow14:28
kroddn|Gladiatori don't exactly know14:28
lizard_rI'll try scons GG14:29
UltraDM1One Q: As a former Stars! player I stumbled across Freeorion. Does FO support turn transmission via a file (transport e. g. via email)?14:29
kroddn|Gladiatorthe problem is that the examples are linked with -lboost_signals and so on14:29
kroddn|Gladiatorbut the libs are named boost_signals-mt e.g.14:29
kroddn|GladiatorUltraDM1: no, it does not14:30
kroddn|Gladiatorlizard_r: where are your boost libs installed?14:30
kroddn|GladiatorDo you use distribution packages?14:30
kroddn|Gladiatorhave a look at /usr/lib/libboost*14:32
UltraDM1What a pity, Would like to play with friends without setting up a public server. ... or is there a free public FO server to use somewhere?14:32
lizard_rno, I'll seach for the folder14:32
kroddn|GladiatorUltraDM1: not yet, but its a hot disscussion in the last few days:
tpb<> (at
kroddn|Gladiatormeans: i want to work at a dedicated server mode14:34
kroddn|Gladiatorlizard_r: execute "vdir /usr/lib/libboost*"14:34
UltraDM1Thanks, Gladiator!14:34
kroddn|Gladiatorthere should be a couple of boost libs14:34
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lizard_rthere is a lot of output14:35
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kroddnoMobillizard_r: please post one of the shortest ones libboost_filesystem14:36
lizard_r-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  192100 15. Dez 13:08 /usr/lib/libboost_filesystem.a14:36
kroddnoMobiland one with so suffix?14:37
lizard_rlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      27 20. Dez 22:28 /usr/lib/ ->
kroddnoMobil/usr/lib/ ?14:37
lizard_rdoes that count14:37
kroddnoMobilah, okay14:37
lizard_rlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      24 20. Dez 22:28 /usr/lib/ ->
kroddnoMobilthats strange14:37
kroddnoMobilthe examples compile but do not link... very strange ^^14:38
kroddnoMobildid you try to install another boost?14:39
kroddnoMobilmaybe your system has two versions installed14:39
lizard_rI think I have only one14:39
lizard_rI never installed another one14:39
kroddnoMobildoes /usr/include/boost/filesystem/operations.hpp exist?14:40
lizard_ryes, it does14:40
kroddnoMobilis it the same date as the libs=14:41
kroddnoMobil20. Dez 22:2814:41
lizard_rno, it is 15.dez 12:0814:41
kroddnoMobilvdir  /usr/lib/ pls14:42
lizard_rlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 29 20. Dez 22:26 /usr/lib/ ->
kroddnoMobilits an old version14:42
kroddnoMobilyou need 1.3714:43
lizard_rthat is bad, since the reposity does not have them14:43
lizard_rshould I try the static binary intead14:43
kroddnoMobilyes of course :-)14:43
kroddnoMobilif you just want to play its the best solution14:44
kroddnoMobilbut lets see if we can fix that problem14:44
lizard_rI thought I could save Downloadtime by only checking out each release ;-)14:44
kroddnoMobili have one idea14:45
kroddnoMobilg++ -o minimal -pthread tutorial/minimal.o -L. -L/usr/lib -lboost_signals -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem -lboost_thread -lGL -lGLU -lz -lfreetype -ljpeg -lpng -ltiff -lSDL -lpthread -lGiGi -lGiGiSDL -lboost_serialization  -lboost_signals -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem -lboost_thread14:45
kroddnoMobilplease try that, maybe it links then14:45
lizard_rno appearance of the word error14:46
kroddnoMobilokay, than the problem is clear14:46
kroddnoMobildie reihenfolge is falsch ^^14:47
kroddnoMobilDrei deutsche, und wir reden englisch ^^14:47
lizard_rist doch egal14:47
kroddnoMobilkannste noch was probieren bitte14:47
lizard_rwoher weißt du das?14:47
kroddnoMobilg++ -o minimal -pthread tutorial/minimal.o -L. -L/usr/lib -lGL -lGLU -lz -lfreetype -ljpeg -lpng -ltiff -lSDL -lpthread -lGiGi -lGiGiSDL -lboost_serialization -lboost_signals -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem -lboost_thread14:48
kroddnoMobilwoher weiß ich was?14:48
lizard_rdas ich deutsch bin14:48
kroddnoMobildeine IP-adresse is irfgendwas mit de am ende14:48
lizard_r./ undefined reference to `boost::signals::detail::signal_base::signal_base(boost::function2<bool, boost::signals::detail::stored_group, boost::signals::detail::stored_group> const&, boost::any const&)'14:49
lizard_r./ undefined reference to `boost::filesystem::detail::not_found_error()'14:49
lizard_r./ undefined reference to `boost::filesystem::detail::status_api(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, boost::system::error_code&)'14:49
lizard_rcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status14:49
kroddnoMobilah, der gute Rolf is wesnoth fan?14:49
lizard_rjetzt noch auf Gna!, meinen Nachnamen rausfinden...14:50
kroddnoMobilsteht alles in deinem whois drin :-)14:50
kroddnoMobil/whois lizard_r14:50
kroddnoMobil  <--- kannste dort noch kurz posten, dass der befehl klappt?14:50
tpb<> (at
kroddnoMobilich hab keinen zugriff auf GG, das muss jemand anders fixen14:51
lizard_rist das übehaupt fehlerfrei:14:51
lizard_r./ undefined reference to `boost::signals::detail::signal_base::signal_base(boost::function2<bool, boost::signals::detail::stored_group, boost::signals::detail::stored_group> const&, boost::any const&)'14:51
lizard_r./ undefined reference to `boost::filesystem::detail::not_found_error()'14:51
lizard_r./ undefined reference to `boost::filesystem::detail::status_api(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, boost::system::error_code&)'14:51
lizard_rcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status14:51
kroddnoMobilne, das nich14:52
kroddnoMobilaber der befehl vorher14:52
kroddnoMobilg++ -o minimal -pthread tutorial/minimal.o -L. -L/usr/lib -lboost_signals -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem -lboost_thread -lGL -lGLU -lz -lfreetype -ljpeg -lpng -ltiff -lSDL -lpthread -lGiGi -lGiGiSDL -lboost_serialization  -lboost_signals -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem -lboost_thread14:52
lizard_rrolf@linux-ejmp:~/Download/FreeOrion-trunk/freeorion/FreeOrion/GG> g++ -o minimal -pthread tutorial/minimal.o -L. -L/usr/lib -lboost_signals -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem -lboost_thread -lGL -lGLU -lz -lfreetype -ljpeg -lpng -ltiff -lSDL -lpthread -lGiGi -lGiGiSDL -lboost_serialization  -lboost_signals -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem -lboost_thread14:52
lizard_r./ undefined reference to `boost::signals::detail::signal_base::signal_base(boost::function2<bool, boost::signals::detail::stored_group, boost::signals::detail::stored_group> const&, boost::any const&)'14:52
lizard_r./ undefined reference to `boost::filesystem::detail::not_found_error()'14:52
lizard_r./ undefined reference to `boost::filesystem::detail::status_api(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, boost::system::error_code&)'14:52
lizard_rcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status14:53
kroddnoMobildoch nich :-(14:53
kroddnoMobilhast du GG nur mit "scons" kompiliert oder mit parameter?14:53
lizard_rnur scons14:54
kroddnoMobilbzw. "scons configure" mit parametern ausgeführt?14:54
kroddnoMobilversuch mal:14:54
kroddnoMobilscons boost_lib_suffix=-mt14:55
lizard_rwieder der gleiche Fehler14:55
lizard_rDownload fertig14:56
kroddnoMobilnuja, als vorraussetzung wird boost 1.37 genannt14:58
kroddnoMobilich weiß, dass es nicht einfach is, unter Linux zu kompilieren ;-)14:58
kroddnoMobilich richte grad ein Debian Lenny chroot auf meinem Root-Server ein, um dort nightly-builds für FreeOrion in Betrieb zu nehmen15:00
kroddnoMobillizard_r: welches Linux benutzt Du denn?15:15
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kroddnoMobilläuft die Statische Version?15:22
lizard_rJa, die läuft15:23
kroddnoMobilgut :-)15:23
lizard_r~15 fps15:23
lizard_rlol, tbp complayed about ~1515:24
kroddnoMobilGeoffTheMedio2: are you there? Is it right that every option passed to the command line will be saved into config file and used again the next time you start the game?15:24
kroddnoMobillizard_r: 15fps ? what system do you have?15:26
kroddnoMobilis your cpu at 100% or not?15:26
lizard_r2,800.00 MHz, but only on 50%15:27
lizard_r(probably because it is dual core)15:27
kroddnoMobil2 cores15:27
kroddnoMobilthats normal15:27
kroddnoMobilthats very strange, my system has 2000 MHz and is not at 100%15:28
kroddnoMobilGraphics card?15:28
lizard_rNvidea, some chip graphic15:28
lizard_rGeForce 7300 SE/7200 GS15:28
kroddnoMobildrivers from nvidia or from SuSE?15:29
lizard_r1920x1200 monitor might slow the thing a bit down ..15:29
lizard_rdrivers from nvidea15:29
kroddnoMobili use windowed mode at 1400x90015:30
kroddnoMobilcpu is at 25% then15:31
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lizard_rWhy do researchs cost only 1?15:35
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kroddnoMobilhi GeoffTheMedio217:12
kroddnoMobilwanna test the changes i made?17:12
GeoffTheMedio2what changes?17:16
kroddnoMobildo a svn update and compile17:17
kroddnoMobilcurrently i am explaining what i have done17:17
tpb<> (at
kroddnoMobilExplained there17:25
GeoffTheMedio2why did you call it "external-server-address" and not just "server address" and always get the default value in the multiplayer connect dialog from the option?17:34
kroddnoMobilbecause thats only for a player to host a game17:35
kroddnoMobilit only works in conjunction with force-external-server17:35
kroddnoMobilare you read for a test?17:35
GeoffTheMedio2why?  it would work fine to set the default server address for any player, wouldn't it?17:35
GeoffTheMedio2it would just have the effect of storing the last used server address and use that as the default next time you run the game17:36
GeoffTheMedio2much like galaxy setup picks17:36
kroddnoMobilyou do not understand the problem17:37
GeoffTheMedio2apparently not17:37
kroddnoMobilokay, it would be a good idea to have a parameter for the server name17:38
GeoffTheMedio2why can't "external-server-address" be renamed "server-address" and do that job?17:38
kroddnoMobilNow, don't you want to test if it works?17:38
GeoffTheMedio2I want to understand your changes first17:39
kroddnoMobilthe change is, if you CREATE a new multiplayer game and support --force-external-server, than you need to now where to connect to17:39
kroddnoMobil(if you don't want to connect to localhost, which is the default)17:40
kroddnoMobilyou may be right that having a --server-address parameter would be sufficient, but I wanted to make clear that this parameter is intended to be used with --force-external-server17:40
GeoffTheMedio2ok... what --force-external-server does is prevent the client from creating a server process.  in single player, if you have a freeoriond running on localhost and want that to run your single player game, you use --force-extenral-server when running freeorion and it'll connect to your existing server instead of creating a new freeoriond process when starting the game17:43
GeoffTheMedio2previously it worked the same for multiplayer.  if you had a freeoriond running on localhost, you could specify --force-external-server and then host a game and it'd do so on the existing server instead of creating a new freeoriond process17:44
kroddnoMobilbut it would also be able to connect to a freeoriond running on another machine17:44
schmichael"--server <host>[:<port>]" isn't sufficient for that use case?17:44
kroddnoMobilif you support "external-server-address"17:44
kroddnoMobilGeoffTheMedio2: exactly17:45
GeoffTheMedio2so the problem you fixed was that you could only create games on freeoriond at localhost?  This could be either a pre-existing freeoriond process (if you used freeorion --force-external-server ) or a new one (if you didn't)17:46
GeoffTheMedio2but you couldn't create a new game on any other host?17:46
kroddnoMobilnow i can start a freeoriond at my server and let other users use it17:47
GeoffTheMedio2what if you specified an ip in the multiplayer setup window?  it wouldn't connect to that server?17:47
kroddnoMobilWhat do you mean?17:47
kroddnoMobilIf the multiplayerserver has no "host" player, then it does not accept any new client17:47
kroddnoMobilyou first have to start a "new" Multiplayer game there17:48
kroddnoMobilIf would be nice to be able to edit the hostname in the "create multiplayer game" window, but currently you are not able17:48
kroddnoMobilAnd a checkbox "don't create server instance"17:49
GeoffTheMedio2right... so if we just made that editable, wouldn't it try to connect to a freeoriond on whatever host address you specified?17:49
* schmichael understands now :)17:50
kroddnoMobilit skips the code for creating a server daemon completely17:50
kroddnoMobiland only connects to that existing daemon on remote machine17:50
GeoffTheMedio2what do you mean by "creating a server daemon"?  creating a new freeoriond process?17:50
kroddnoMobilThe code is well designed, the steps are completely independent17:50
kroddnoMobilcreating server daemon = running freeoriond17:50
kroddnoMobilthat step does NOT connect to this server17:51
GeoffTheMedio2right... and it shouldn't try to create a freeoriond anywhere but localhost17:51
GeoffTheMedio2but if there is already a freeoriond running on whatever host address you specify, it won't try to connect to it?17:51
GeoffTheMedio2run freeoriond on your server17:52
kroddnoMobilnow i cannot follow17:52
GeoffTheMedio2start freeorion, go to multiplayer17:52
GeoffTheMedio2(have already changed code so you can specify an address in the gui when hosting a game)17:52
GeoffTheMedio2enter server address and create game17:52
GeoffTheMedio2what should happen: freeorion connects to freeoriond on server, creates/hosts new game17:53
kroddnoMobilif the code checks for hostname != localhost than that should be sufficient17:53
GeoffTheMedio2yes.  we only need "--force-external-server" for single player games, or multiplayer games with freeoriond running on localhost before you run freeorion17:54
kroddnoMobilyou even don't need that for mp17:54
kroddnoMobilIf you "host" a multiplayer game and support an address != localhost, than it should be clear that no freeoriond can be startet17:55
GeoffTheMedio2yes, but if you are hosting your multiplayer game with freeoriond running on localhost, then it needs to support creating a new freeoriond when you hit ok, or using an already-running one17:55
GeoffTheMedio2same way it works for single-player with or without an already running freeoriond (on localhost)17:56
kroddnoMobilthen you can use this parameter17:56
kroddnoMobilbut thats for developers I think, which user will want to use that parameter?17:56
GeoffTheMedio2which parameter are you talking about?17:56
GeoffTheMedio2probably users wouldn't expect to need to use it, and by default we assume that they don't already have a freeoriond running on localhost17:57
GeoffTheMedio2it's only if you want to run freeoriond before freeorion and are playing on localhost, that you need --force-external-server17:58
GeoffTheMedio2if connecting to a server anywhere other than localhost, --force-external-server should do nothing and freeorion shouldn't attempt to make a freeoriond (at somewhere other than localhost) no matter if --force-external-server is specified17:58
GeoffTheMedio2that is, if hosting a game somewhere other than localhost, freeorion should always assume there is already a freeoriond there and not attempt to make one (since it can't anyway)  specifying --force-external-server when the host is not at localhost is redundant (it does nothing).18:00
GeoffTheMedio2or rather, it should18:00
kroddnoMobilNext I want to see what happens if a freeoriond is running, one game has played and each player has quit18:00
kroddnoMobilright, it should recognize that it is impossible to create a freeoriond on remote machines :-)18:00
GeoffTheMedio2and so, your --external-server-address  can be renamed to just --server-address   and it should be used to populate the server address in the multiplayer connect window, and it should be possible to edit the server address in that window even when hosting a game18:00
kroddnoMobilNow you seem to understand ^^18:01
GeoffTheMedio2I understood before... I'm making the same argument as I was before.  but before you said I didn't understand...  (I'm not sure why)18:01
kroddnoMobil"Aneinader vorbei geredet"18:03
GeoffTheMedio2a change though:  perhaps it should be --multiplayer-server-address  and only store the address entered for multiplayer games.  Single player should always create and use hosts on localhost.  We could later add a function to play a single player game on a remote server, but that's not needed now.  and the parameter --server-address  looks like it might apply for single player games, but it shouldn't18:03
kroddnoMobili think --server-address is okay18:04
kroddnoMobilif you want to play single player on a server, than that should be possible18:04
kroddnoMobilfor whatever reason18:05
kroddnoMobilBut I still don't know if it would be possible to start a dedicated game without having one player be the host/manager (how do we call that???)18:07
schmichaelis it possible to start freeoriond manually?18:07
kroddnoMobilI now got freeoriond compiled on my rootserver18:08
kroddnoMobilbut I still crashes on startup18:08
GeoffTheMedio2schmichael: yes.  type freeoriond18:12
GeoffTheMedio2but run freeorion with --force-external-server  or else it won't use the already-running freeoriond18:12
GeoffTheMedio2kroddn: even if we do allow single player games on a remote server, the SP and MP server addresses should be tracked separately18:13
GeoffTheMedio2we should also store the player's name for both cases in the options db18:13
GeoffTheMedio2for what reason did it crash?  same as before?  (kernel too old, or somesuch?)18:14
kroddnoMobilseems to be the kernel18:14
kroddnoMobilhas something to do with EVENTFD - but i could not figure out how to compile boost without that18:15
kroddnoMobiltheres a macro BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_EVENTFD, but i don't know where to specifiy it18:15
GeoffTheMedio2I don't know much about boost asio or networking, so you're on your own for that...18:16
kroddnoMobil<kroddnoMobil> Hi there. How can I configure boost with BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_EVENTFD set?18:18
kroddnoMobil* jhunold hat die Verbindung getrennt (Remote closed the connection)18:18
kroddnoMobil<phrosty> #define BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_EVENTFD18:18
kroddnoMobil<loonycyborg> Or pass -DBOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_EVENTFD :P18:18
kroddnoMobilI hate those answers18:18
GeoffTheMedio2not specific enough...?18:21
kroddnoMobilnp :-)18:24
kroddnoMobilits not possible to configure that on "./configure" time, i have to edit sourcefiles to set it - and thats a thing i dont like, as in some weeks or after updating to a new version I don't know that any more18:25
kroddnoMobilI have build-scripts for all the libs I use to easyly upgrade them18:26
GeoffTheMedio2doesn't passing -DBOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_EVENTFD work without editing source files?18:26
kroddnoMobilthats the answer I needed :-)18:27
GeoffTheMedio2and you needed me to repeat it...?  (why didn't you like it when loonycyborg wrote it?)18:28
kroddnoMobilI did not understand that it is sufficient to support it when including the boost headers in FO18:29
GeoffTheMedio2ah, ok.  understand.  I think.18:30
kroddnoMobildo you know where it would be the right place to configure it?18:32
kroddnoMobilCPPDEFINES, okay I found it18:33
GeoffTheMedio2have a look at the freeorion sconstruct and see how and ... yeah.  that18:33
GeoffTheMedio2was going to say look where FREEORION_WIN32 is defined and so something similar, but that's appended to CPPDEFINES18:33
kroddnoMobilI think doing export CPPDEFINES=BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_EVENTFD is sufficient18:34
GeoffTheMedio2you can add it to CPPDEFINES in the SConstruct18:40
GeoffTheMedio2eg. in freeorion's sconstruct:18:40
GeoffTheMedio2if env['release']:18:40
GeoffTheMedio2    env.AppendUnique(CPPDEFINES = [18:40
GeoffTheMedio2        'FREEORION_RELEASE'18:40
GeoffTheMedio2        ])18:40
kroddnoMobilI don't want to add that permanently18:41
GeoffTheMedio2maybe there's a way to pass it as a command-line parameter to scons?18:41
kroddnoMobilinstead of doing that I added support for CPPDEFINES in SConstruct and then I can run "scons configure CPPDEFINES=BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_EVENTFD"18:41
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kroddnoMobilso the code/buildprocess keeps untouched18:42
GeoffTheMedio2make sure that ADDS to the CPPDEFINES, rather than overriding any that the SConstruct sets itself18:43
GeoffTheMedio2else you'll be compiling without FREEORION_LINUX defined18:43
kroddnoMobilmade sure18:44
kroddnoMobilSConstruct just appends variables to it18:44
GeoffTheMedio2presumably the command-line would just set the first entry, and that'd work fine since internally the SConstruct appends to CPPDEFINES18:44
GeoffTheMedio2... es18:44
schmichaelyou could make CPPDEFINES a set() so that there aren't any duplicates18:44
kroddnoMobilschmichael: SConstruct only adds "unique" options18:44
schmichaelah, neat :)18:45
kroddnoMobilso, i'll go to bed now18:53
kroddnoMobilDoes somebody want to play? I can start a freeoriond :-)18:54
GeoffTheMedio2night...  will you be able to modify the server address parameters as dicussed, and make it editable in the multiplayer connect dialog when hosting?18:54
kroddnoMobilmaybe :-)18:54
kroddnoMobilI'll dig into the code18:54
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