Tuesday, 2023-02-14

*** tpb <[email protected]> has joined #tomu00:00
*** robin7g <[email protected]> has joined #tomu23:47
robin7gHello, I just plugged in a new fomu fresh out of the electrostatic bag. I have another which works fine and I can load stuff onto it. I get no lights on the fomu and when I do dfu-util -l it finds no devices when I try to flash a firmware update like pvt-updater-v2.0.3.dfu using dfu-util -D pvt-updater-v2.0.3.dfu. I get the follwing message23:50
robin7gMatch vendor ID from file: 120923:50
robin7gMatch product ID from file: 70b123:50
robin7gdfu-util: No DFU capable USB device available23:50
tpb<t​nt> Where is that fomu from ?23:51
robin7gI bought it a while ago from AdaFruit I think.23:51
robin7gYes AdaFruit was ordered on May 19th 2022.23:52
tpb<t​nt> Mmm, yeah, this should come preflashed ... does dmesg show anything ?23:53

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