Tuesday, 2021-12-14

*** tpb <[email protected]> has joined #tomu00:00
tpb<k​ristianpaul> o/14:13
tpb<k​ristianpaul> fomu on batteries anyone?14:48
tpb<a​cathla> kristianpaul, what's the real question behind that?16:10
tpb<k​ristianpaul> thinking about trying to use fomu on a rc rover i have to collect some imu data19:14
tpb<k​ristianpaul> i have it there, hanging doing not much besides when plugged to the computer and followed the workshop19:15
tpb<a​cathla> There are not many IO availables...19:50
tpb<t​nt> well for an imu you just need i2c pretty much :P19:54
tpb<t​nt> Save it to flash then recover it by usb. Easy.19:55
tpb<a​cathla> I put an IMU on the same SPI bus as the flash, with a separate CS line of course. Seems to work well20:48
tpb<a​cathla> Of course I put the code in RAM at startup so I can disable memory-mapped SPI when I want to.20:49

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