Monday, 2021-06-21

*** tpb <[email protected]> has joined #tomu00:00
tpb<t​cal> tnt: which vexriscv variant did you try?   I've built with the two recipes Florent provided in his tweet a while back -- `--cpu-type=serv`, and `--cpu-type=vexriscv --cpu-variant=minimal`.  It's a tight fit with VexRiscv, but they both fit.05:36
tpb<t​nt> tcal: I wasn't passing _any_ argument, just using exactly what's in the HEAD of the repo.05:41
tpb<t​cal> tnt: Ah, yes, it would be nice if it worked with default args.05:43
tpb<a​cathla> Or if there was a warning or something when using the wrong variant/cpu16:37

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