Tuesday, 2021-04-27

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acathlais there a working binary of a riscv-blink somewhere for the fomu so I can find if the problem comes from my fomu or my computer building the files?13:15
acathlaI always obtain a red blinking LED after a dfu-util -D riscv-blink.dfu13:16
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tcalacathla: FWIW, that's the behavior that I see as well (just red blinking).   I see in my directory that I'd been playing around with the code many months ago, maybe to diagnose what the issue is (we expect to see rotating colors, right?), but I can't remember what if anything I had discovered...15:52
acathlaIt worked once for me, from an old build, then I stupidly ran make again and now it's always red.15:54
tcalacathla: I had used the old .dfu sitting in my directory, and got the red breathing pattern that I reported above.   Then just now, I resynced everything including the submodules, stashed my local changes, and rebuilt, and now I get I think the expected pattern -- more rapid breathing that cycles colors.   The submodules shouldn't matter for this app, right?16:05
tcalI can send/drop you my .dfu -- what't the usual method?16:43
acathlaI don't know the usual method =)17:52
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tcalacathla: which foboot do you have installed?22:02
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