Saturday, 2021-02-06

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xobsduanev: I noticed the sifive adds 65 to their CSR offset, which is what I did here:
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tick[m]I was thinking about creating a Fomu compatible device in an M.2 form factor since I'm constantly out of free USB ports but like the idea of having a Tomu/Fomu permanently attached to my laptop.13:40
tick[m]Would anybody else be interested in something like that ?13:40
tntI mean, fomu is already annoying when you need to unplug/replug it to reboot it, so a M.2 ? That's a lot worse.14:30
NotaUserI think it wouldn't be too bad if you put a USB hub chip in front15:26
NotaUserOr you could use I2C to control power to the USB device15:27
NotaUser * Or you could use I2C to control power to the USB device on A B or E keys15:27
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tntyeah, if you put a usb chip with per-port power control in front and use that to turn on/off, that'd work.15:40
tick[m]that's a good point, I didn't consider that. So some sort of power control would certainly be necessary.15:50
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