Monday, 2020-12-14

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acathlaIn foboot, the "rand" boot method allows to insert the software in the gateware image so that it's loaded (in SPRAM) while the FPGA loads it's bitstream at startup, am I right (@xobs probably)?11:18
acathlaSo you don't have to rebuild the gateware everytime you change the software11:22
xobsacathla: correct. It generates a pseudo random bootloader that foboot is able to replace. It made development much quicker.11:47
xobsSimilar to how icebram works. Except done in one step.11:48
acathlaSo when I upload some code for the vexriscv via USB, it goes into the flash and the CPU reboots from the SPI flash?11:49
acathlaIsn't it much slower?11:49
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