Tuesday, 2020-12-01

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acathlaHow complicated you think it would be to do a foboot but with an UART instead of USB? I'm looking at the code now... xobs?16:15
xobsYou mean have it go via a USB-CDC-ACM pipe instead of a DFU pipe?16:16
acathlaxobs, via an UART (probably plugged to a USB-to-UART chip)16:18
acathlabut no USB on the FPGA16:18
acathlaIf I google DFU UART I have lots of result from nRF16:19
xobsIt sounds like you want to create a new bootloader that goes via UART. There are lots of examples like that, and it's a relatively common approach. You create your opcodes, then do something like XMODEM to actually transfer the data.16:20
acathlaOk, thank you.16:21
xobsI know litex has a similar command line built-in that lets you download a program, but perhaps that's too heavy for the target FPGA.16:21
xobsI know with Fomu, we didn't have enough space for the full Litex BIOS.16:21
acathlasame target FPGA...16:21
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