Wednesday, 2020-09-09

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xobsmithro: Interesting. The way the svd2rust crate does it is using `Option::take()` which doesn't use any extra memory (since storing a pointer in an `Option<T>` takes no extra space because pointers can't be NULL).02:01
xobsThe approach they take wouldn't work on Fomu because Fomu is `rv32i` and not `rv32ia` (no Atomic instructions, and therefore no `AtomicBool`). However, that would work on Tomu, and on Betrusted as well.02:02
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tntxobs: on a single core rv32i can't you just disable interrupt to emulate atomics ?04:20
xobstnt: You can, and I believe the vexriscv does something similar in its HDL.04:22
xobsThe problem is that the spec for `riscv32i-unknown-none-elf` has `atomic_cas: false`:
tpbTitle: rust/ at master · rust-lang/rust · GitHub (at
xobsWhich means there is no `AtomicBool` struct at all.04:24
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CarlFKhey usb experts... if I hook tx to rx, can I do loop back?  like send data, get data, which will confirm that path is working.20:55
tntusb doesn't have tx / rx ...21:02
CarlFKwelp, so much for that idea21:09
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