Sunday, 2020-06-21

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aretsan27Hi, I got stuck when updating the bootloader for Fomu...02:22
aretsan27Never mind...02:34
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mithroxobs: You going to port to powershell on Windows?03:17
tpbTitle: conda-env-make/ at master · mithro/conda-env-make · GitHub (at
xobsmithro: that was an idea. I'm still investigating how it's supposed to work.03:17
mithroxobs: Okay -- the idea is that people can just type "make" and it gets conda03:19
mithroxobs: And if the environment.yml / requirements.txt updates - make should update the conda environment too03:20
xobsSome questions: (1) The template Makefile has `include third_party/conda-env-make/`, but there is no `third_party` directory nor are there submodules. Where do I get that `` from?03:21
xobs(2) What should `environment.yml` contain?03:21
xobs(3) What should `requirements.txt` contain?03:21
tpbTitle: GitHub - mithro/conda-env-make: Repository containing common Makefiles for setting up conda environments. (at
mithroOn windows you need to clone with symlinks enabled03:26
xobsAlso, Miniconda has installed itself using this Makefile and is resisting being uninstalled :(03:26
mithrogit config core.symlinks true03:27
mithroxobs: You should just rm -rf the env directory?03:27
mithrogit clone -c core.symlinks=true <URL>03:27
xobsI need to manually remove it from the Registry and the start menu and the "Uninstall Software" menu as well.03:27
mithroxobs: That sounds like the command line arguments were not added to the install call03:28
mithro`/InstallationType=JustMe /AddToPath=0 /RegisterPython=0 /NoRegister=1 /NoScripts=1`03:29
mithrobe back in an hour or so03:30
xobsShouldn't it be `/NoRegistry=1`?03:30
xobsmithro: I did a clone with symlinks=true, and still don't have a `third_party` directory. Shouldn't it be showing up on the web interface if it existed?03:40
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mithroxobs: any luck?05:19
tpbTitle: conda-env-make/test at master · mithro/conda-env-make · GitHub (at
mithroxobs: third_party directory is right there?05:19
xobsmithro: ah, okay, I didn't realise it was in the `test` directory.05:34
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