Thursday, 2020-06-18

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xobs1mithro: good morning. What's up?02:42
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acathlaHum, I chose a MX25R1635FZUIH0 flash rom for a fomu-like circuit, but it's not recognised by flashrom, what are my other options to flash it through SPI? I use a buspirate for now.14:15
xobsacathla: it should work with most standard programmers. it doesn't have anything bizarre, particularly if you're not interested in doing quad-spi.14:16
xobsIs there a "generic" chip you can choose?14:16
acathlaFlashrom says : Found Macronix flash chip "unknown Macronix SPI chip" (0 kB, SPI) on buspirate_spi.14:17
acathlaI could force to write it14:17
xobsThat'd most likely work.14:17
acathlaOk, I try14:18
acathlaoh and xobs, what are the differences between foboot evt-* and evt-spi-* ?14:22
xobsThat's actually an excellent question, and I should explain more.14:23
xobs`evt-spi` is a precompiled version with `spibone`, suitable for use with `wishbone-tool` to e.g. debug USB.14:23
xobs`evt` has normal USB debug, just like `pvt` and `hacker` do.14:24
acathlaok, it adds an spi-bone to the raspberry pi14:27
xobsYeah. Basically, when I'm developing something like tinyusb, that's the build I'll use.14:27
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acathlaxobs, flashrom can't be forced, so I copy/pasted the MX25R3235F to a new MX25R1635F, divided everything by 2, and it works15:29
xobsThat works. Weird, I'd imagine they would have a generic programmer.15:30
xobsEvery flash chip I've worked with has been the same: Write an unlock byte, followed by an erase byte, and poll the status register until it's ready. Then write an unlock byte, write 256 bytes of data, and poll the status register until it's ready.15:31
xobsThings get a bit weird when it comes to enabling quad mode, but flashrom doesn't support quad mode.15:31
xobsAnyway, happy it's working for you!15:31
tntAnd most have SPD now where you can discover erase block / page size dynamically as well.15:31
xobsOn Betrusted we have an OSPI, which at that point why even call it "S"PI?15:32
xobsIt starts up as a normal SPI flash device though, and still supports the same command set.15:32
tntIs that 2 QSPI chips or is there really OSPI ?15:32
tntI guess I saw some ... next to hyperram chips IIRC.15:32
xobstnt: It's really OSPI, even runs DDR. On Betrusted it runs at 100 MHz DDR.15:33
tntOh nice. Most flash chip I found with QSPI DDR had a max freq of half their SDR max freq making the DDR mode ... not so useful.15:34
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acathlaIt blinks green like the real FOMU \o/ but it does not enumerate on USB :(15:52
xobsThe LED is the same on all ice40 parts, and if it's blinking then that means you've got the crystal correct too.15:53
xobsCould be the other pins are swapped. Or otherwise incorrect. But the blinking means you've got a CPU at least!15:53
acathlayeah but no mean to program it yet15:54
xobsIt could also be that your pull resistor isn't correct.15:54
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acathlaHum, that could be because the schematics of the usb plug on kicad for the EVT is VBUS, D-, D+, GND, and mine has switched D+ and D- :(16:05
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acathlaxobs, what if I don't type --seed 19 to build foboot?16:55
acathlaIt passes the timings but does not blink anymore, and of course no usb16:57
acathlaooops I forgot to release the reset pin, sorry =)16:57
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mithroxobs: Need help figuring out how Make, anaconda and Windows interact for
tpbTitle: Fix the Windows build · Issue #7 · SymbiFlow/conda-env-make · GitHub (at
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