Tuesday, 2020-03-10

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xobsCarlFK: There's always the RFC: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc6121/?include_text=1 -- it only defines login, addressing, roster (i.e. contact list), presence, and one-to-one messaging.  The intro paragraph hints that it's only basic messaging.01:38
tpbTitle: RFC 6121 - Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP): Instant Messaging and Presence (at datatracker.ietf.org)01:39
xobsThen there's the long list of XEPs that add on to it, including things like group chat (XEP0045), a ton of Jingle-related ones, HTML messages...01:40
xobsmithro: it was an interesting hack.  If I were to do it again I'd modify `wishbone-tool` to grab the PC.01:41
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CarlFKxobs: yeah, but that is a bit of homework for me to ask someone to do in order to make a point04:12
xobsCarlFK: you could just show them the XEP page.  Anything on there isn't in the core.04:12
CarlFKxobs: I need your "why we chose Matrix" bit that would be a similar rational for why xml can be better than json04:25
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