Saturday, 2020-02-29

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CarlFKforgive my ignorance - I have attended KiCon, but never used it or anything like it...  do the cad files on
tpbTitle: 0467651301 Molex | Connectors, Interconnects | DigiKey (at
CarlFKinclude .. pin labels?  so that If I drop 2 on a board, I don't have to work out what pin runs to what pin?07:04
CarlFKIm basically making a gender changer07:04
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xobsCarlFK: The "Mfg CAD Models" are more for the 3D view, and are useful for mechanical integration.07:32
xobsYou want the datasheet --
xobsSpecifically, page 4 includes the "Recommended PCB Layout", along with the pinout.07:33
* xobs uploaded an image: image.png (95KB) < >07:33
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xobsThat's actually one of the better mechanical drawings I've seen.07:35
CarlFKoh right, the pinout is what goes on the board layout, not the part.07:41
CarlFKthat is a pretty image07:41
CarlFKoh hell.. now that I look at the labels, I realize what I wanted wont work anyway.  .. I wanted it to route Data2+ to Data2+ and that's not gonna do much07:43
xobsData2+ to Data2+?08:10
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