Saturday, 2019-12-21

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tpbTitle: circuitpython/TouchIn.c at fomu · xobs/circuitpython · GitHub (at
xobsWhat's going on?00:03
CarlFKtrying to figure out how to read touch pads in python00:03
xobsWell, "touch" isn't implemented really.  Someone needs to come up with a proper captouch library.  But you may be able to fake it.00:04
CarlFKI'm looking at how Adafruit's did if for the CPX board00:04
xobsThe touch pads are exposed in the DigitalIO module.00:04
CarlFKwhat / where is DigitalIO00:05
xobsIn particular, the code is available at
tpbTitle: circuitpython/DigitalInOut.c at fomu · xobs/circuitpython · GitHub (at
xobs maybe?00:05
tpbTitle: Digital Inputs | CircuitPython Basics: Digital Inputs & Outputs | Adafruit Learning System (at
xobsYou can try setting it to an input and reading it.  As a hack, you can try setting pin T1 and T4 as output, with T2 and T3 as output set as "1".  That might give you something that'll vaguely work.00:06
tpbTitle: Playing with the fomu hacker edition. Light the RGB leds according to the touch sensors status. · GitHub (at
bjonnhthe litex whatever approach00:10
xobsbjonnh: that's a great test harness to develop a "real" captouch module.00:16
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bjonnhxobs: there is something I don't know in what I did00:24
bjonnhI'm using a digital input no?00:24
bjonnhtbh it is pretty sensitive and somewhat reliable00:27
bjonnhdidn't try with CarlFK sticky fingers00:27
xobsIt depends on a lot of things.  Humidity, how shielded your home wiring is, things like that.  Most of the work of a real captouch library would be to filter that out.  And get things like field-effect detection.00:28
xobsNot that I'd recommend copying it directly (it looks like it may require an external pullup, and I don't know how good it is), but Lattice has a reference design at
tpbTitle: Capacitive Touch Sense Controller - Lattice Semiconductor (at
CarlFKxobs: did anyone make a tomu/fomu ubikey thing yet?00:40
xobsCarlFK: not that I'm aware of.00:41
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futarisIRCcloud ???01:10
CarlFKkinda - part of the tomu origin story was "$50 for a ubikey!!?"01:11
CarlFKso a little surprising there isn't something already01:12
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buZzreally? i think i saw U2F code for tomu already10:38
tpbTitle: GitHub - im-tomu/chopstx: U2F firmware for Tomu board (+ chopstx port) (at
buZzyeah, 4 years old10:38
buZzCarlFK , xobs , ^10:39
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CarlFKbjonnh: ^^15:05
CarlFKbuZz: thanks15:06
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suchendehello folks, I'm struggling with the dfu releases for the foboot. How do I do this with the dfu-util? Only the updater.dfu or first the updater.dfu and then the foboot.dfu file?16:15
xobssuchende: just the updater. foboot.dfu is used more to test it first, or to get the benefits of foboot-2.0 without permanently installing it.16:16
suchendeOk, thanks16:17
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