Tuesday, 2019-11-19

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turqhi, running "make" is failing with "rpi.c:291:19: error: use of undeclared identifier 'MAP_LOCKED'", full output is pasted at https://gist.github.com/turqq/1751514742a180b4dcc79b8bc86401e905:52
tpbTitle: gist:1751514742a180b4dcc79b8bc86401e9 · GitHub (at gist.github.com)05:52
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turqtips or suggestions for debugging this?05:52
xobsturq: As a hack you could remove MAP_LOCKED and see if that works.06:19
xobsIt might be better to use mlock(2) instead of MAP_LOCKED, but mostly it's there to prevent you from running two copies at the same time.06:20
turqthat seemed to have compiled. thanks xobs06:23
turqone more question i have is that I was looking at the hacker version of fomu. is there a common tool used for opening the files within gerbers.zip?06:23
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xobsturq: Any Gerber viewer should work.  KiCad comes with one built-in that works well enough.06:25
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xobsOn Windows I really, really, really like https://www.zofzpcb.com/ and it works fantastically for the PVT boards.06:25
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turqxobs: thank you! I'm on a Mac right now and was able to find the gerber file viewer within kicad06:48
xobsI don't think fomu-flash will be much use to you, since it's designed for bit-banging raspberry pi GPIO pins.07:11
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TomKeddiexobs: a quick thank you for the impromptu tutorial on the riscv debug interface on Sunday.  Lets just say something positive came out of the issues you were seeing!.  I'm tempted to look into adding async serial to wishbone-tool, it would be useful to me or do you already have it done somewhere?16:32
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alexhwxobs: I was just reading through some of the tinyusb implementation and came across this https://github.com/hathach/tinyusb/blob/master/src/portable/valentyusb/eptri/dcd_eptri.c#L418 Shouldn't it be ep_dir == TUSB_DIR_IN?16:49
tpbTitle: tinyusb/dcd_eptri.c at master · hathach/tinyusb · GitHub (at github.com)16:49
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mithroTomKeddie: Want to write up a debug tutorial / docs somewhere?20:06
TomKeddiemithro: thanks, that's a good idea.  xobs was explaining the debug interface to the riscv, I'm sure that's documented but wishbone-tool could probably do with some usage examples, I'll consider it.20:12
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xobsTomKeddie: Is async-serial different than the uart bridge (https://github.com/xobs/wishbone-utils/blob/master/wishbone-tool/src/bridge/uart.rs) which you enable by passing e.g. --serial /dev/ttyS0?23:32
tpbTitle: wishbone-utils/uart.rs at master · xobs/wishbone-utils · GitHub (at github.com)23:32
TomKeddiexobs: Oh, it's there, I could swear i only saw ethernet and usb, awesome!23:33
xobsTomKeddie: It doesn't support Ethernet (etherbone) yet.  Only spi, uart, and usb.23:34
tpbTitle: wishbone-utils/wishbone-tool/src/bridge at master · xobs/wishbone-utils · GitHub (at github.com)23:36
TomKeddiexobs: right, I saw the ip and assumed remote ip.  Make sense, other than arty, none of the common boards have ethernet.23:36
xobsalexhw: You're very correct. Good find.23:37
TomKeddieThanks, it's great to remove the split openocd/bridge crud.23:37
xobsThat's the idea!  Works on Windows too :)23:37
xobsI figured I'd do this because getting things upstream in openocd is hard, and getting a "wishbone bridge" adapter thing upstream would be even more difficult, because it's not JTAG.23:38
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TomKeddieopenocd sucks at the moment too because there are tons of confusing error messages etc.23:59

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