Thursday, 2019-10-03

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synaption[m]oh man, you're going to have so much fun01:22
* synaption[m] sent a long message: < >01:22
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mithroxobs: re: mithro: that's a concern I have. Will that force me to have one version of all the packages for all the different litex/migen projects on my system?  Or will it force me to have one copy of conda for each project?02:30
mithroxobs: Generally you want one copy of conda / litex / migen per project02:30
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xobsmithro: right, and that's how we do it with lxbuildenv. But with litex-buildenv, it also seems like it stores one copy of the fpga tools per project as well.02:36
mithroxobs: Yes, and C compiler02:37
mithroStill significantly smaller then vivado :-P02:37
xobsTrue! It doesn't [yet] include a Linux distro.02:38
mithroActually it does when you do ./scripts/ :-)02:39
CarlFKmithro: when are you coming back to the US?03:50
mithroI'm back in the US on Monday evening03:53
mithroI fly to San Diego on Friday morning03:53
mithroxobs: did you see that renode can now run foboot firmware and you can use dfu-util running on your computer to talk + program the virtual hardware?04:46
mithroxobs: means they have USB emulation + picosoc's flash controller working pretty well I guess!04:50
xobsThat's cool! Makes developing easier, I'd imagine.05:43
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xobsfutarisIRCcloud: so he's using an netv2 to do live inspection of a Windows system, mapped over Ethernet?  Cool!08:51
futarisIRCcloudYep. He's done that on other boards in the past.08:52
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