Friday, 2019-09-06

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xobsYay. Finally got something working. That was a super subtle bug. But so far it seems reliable!17:49
xobsI'll finish it up in the morning. Then I can try and see where all the LUTs are being used, and if I can prune any.17:49
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sgpthomasHas anybody managed to flash the bootloader to the fomu with an arduino?19:29
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ovfMadHacker: could you give an example of migen input with boolean operators that fails? i don't use migen, just idle interest from general code transformation angle.21:45
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tpbTitle: LEAP#494 (at
mithro"#494 Fomu Build Notifier"23:12
tpbTitle: Fomu - Official Temtem Wiki (at
ovf> Fomu has a blue, rounded body with four small, stubby legs.23:19
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mithroOMG -- so CUTE -->
mithroAt some point we will have to do Tomu plushies.....23:53
ovf (sorry)23:57
tpbTitle: USB Teddy Bear (at

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