Wednesday, 2019-09-04

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xobsmithro: No, but I'll look at it right now!00:57
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mithroxobs: Thoughts?01:56
xobsmithro: I tried putting reviews down.01:57
xobsIt looks like you moved the documentation to the top of the functin.  Can we keep it above the thing it's documenting?01:57
xobsI really like having the registers' documentation immediately above the register definition.01:57
xobsIt means that whenever I change the register size, I update the documentation right away.01:57
mithroxobs: Sphinx and Migen are both just Python code and Python is super inspectable, so you can pretty much do anything and make anything work02:18
mithroxobs: Just a effort verse reward type thing02:18
mithroxobs: Was trying to stick with a non-customized version as possible for the initial thing to show you02:18
mithroxobs: For example - see this sphinx + argparse integration ->
tpbTitle: Examples sphinx-argparse 0.2.5 documentation (at
xobsmithro: I'm having a lot of trouble understanding what Sphinx is.  The documentation isn't very good.02:20
mithroxobs: Sphinx is a documentation generation tool?02:20
xobsmithro: Okay, but what are its input files?  I thought its input files might be Python, but it seems like its input files tend to be these .rst files.02:21
mithroxobs: Documentation is written in docutil / rst -- by default that is plain old .rst files02:22
xobsmithro: So it's not like perldoc / rustdoc / javadoc where it generates the documentation from the source files itself?02:23
mithroxobs: But Sphinx has a system for plugins which enable you to write less rst and pull data from other places, like Python docstrings02:23
mithroxobs: So Sphinx *can* work like perldoc / rustdoc / javadoc where it pulls data from your source files02:25
xobsmithro: thanks, that helps explain a lot about how Sphinx works.02:28
mithrosphinx-apidoc is a tool for automatic generation of Sphinx sources that, using the autodoc extension, document a whole package in the style of other automatic API "documentation tools."02:29
xobs"It was originally created for the Python documentation" -- I thought that meant it was pulled from pydoc02:29
mithroPeople have used sphinx just as a tool for generating documentation (In a similar vein to docbook / latex / etc) with rst files without any source code02:30
xobsOkay, sounds like a docbook replacement.  What is its relationship to "reStructured Text"?02:32
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mithroReStructured Text (RST) is kind of like asciidoc / markdown / etc02:32
xobsmithro: Is there any canonical list of tags?  For example, "param", "returns", or "raises"?  Or is it entirely freeform?02:40
mithroxobs: For which part?03:01
mithroxobs: BTW It might be worth looking through the commits in individually, so it shows how the sphinx initial quickstart was evolved in a pretty clear manner...03:02
tpbTitle: Adding sphinx docs to tri-fifo branch. by mithro · Pull Request #4 · xobs/valentyusb · GitHub (at
mithroxobs: It's pretty freeform really...03:03
mithroxobs: sphinx has these things called "domains" -- they define expectations on around how documentation in that group is set up03:03
mithroA domain is a collection of markup (reStructuredText directives and roles) to describe and link to objects belonging together, e.g. elements of a programming language. Directive and role names in a domain have names like domain:name, e.g. py:function. Domains can also provide custom indices (like the Python Module Index).03:05
mithroxobs: The "Python Domain" defines the various expectations around things -- see
xobsmithro: ah, thank you. "domains" was the keyword I was missing.03:07
mithroxobs: What napoleon sphinx extension does is take freeform text in either the "Google format" or the "NumPy format" and convert it into the RST tags03:07
xobsOkay, so "reStructured Text" isn't deprecated at all?03:08
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mithroxobs: Well - With napoleon support now built into sphinx, you would be pretty stupid to use the restructured text method inside docstrings for your Python modules03:10
xobsI'm getting conflicting messages here...  How should I document valentyusb?03:11
mithroxobs: Did you understand what I mean by "docstrings" ?03:12
xobsmithro: I'm guessing you mean strings of documentation?03:12
mithroxobs: No - In python the work "docstring" has a very specific meaning03:12
mithroxobs: A docstring is a string literal that occurs as the first statement in a module, function, class, or method definition. Such a docstring becomes the __doc__ special attribute of that object.03:13
tpbTitle: PEP 257 -- Docstring Conventions | (at
tpbTitle: Adding sphinx docs to tri-fifo branch. by mithro · Pull Request #4 · xobs/valentyusb · GitHub (at
mithroxobs: IE This is a docstring -->
tpbTitle: valentyusb/ at 2c70a1256040b768e7649f641df0122ae2fb2fc2 · xobs/valentyusb · GitHub (at
mithroIt will appear as the special attribute -- `TxNRZIEncoder.__doc__` -- which is what `help(TxNRZIEncoder)` will show....03:16
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xobsOh, I see!  I didn't know that's what it was called, or that that's how it worked.03:17
mithroxobs: Understanding?03:17
xobsYes, that's somewhat surprising behavior.  But it's good to know that's how it works.03:18
mithroxobs: docstrings are a pretty fundamental part of Python which makes it trend to more usable :-) --  -- "29-May-2001"03:19
tpbTitle: PEP 257 -- Docstring Conventions | (at
mithroxobs: It's just a good idea that rust stole it :-) ->
xobsHmm... "pydoc3 docstring" and "pydoc3 docstrings" return no documentation, and "pydoc3 -k dostrings" just returns a module called `doctest`.03:23
xobsmithro: rust uses comments, not strings, which is what threw me off.03:24
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mithroxobs: Using strings rather than comments makes it easier on the Python introspection side of things03:25
xobsAlright.  I'll use docstrings from now on.03:25
mithroxobs: Couple of annoying things about docstrings03:26
mithroxobs: We never came up with a "proper" way of doing docstrings for attributes -- For example this attempt was rejected ->
tpbTitle: PEP 224 -- Attribute Docstrings | (at
mithroxobs: See
tpbTitle: How to document class attributes in Python? - Stack Overflow (at
mithroxobs: Python not having solved attribute doc strings is one of those "How is it 2019 and this still not solved" type problems in Python...03:29
xobsI see.  So in Python, when I say I want to document this register, what I'm really saying is that I want to "document an attribute"?03:31
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mithroxobs: In Python you normally document the attributes of a class in the classes doc string03:33
mithroxobs: IE This is what numpydoc suggests ->
tpbTitle: numpydoc docstring guide numpydoc v1.0.dev0 Manual (at
mithroxobs: And the Google style ->
tpbTitle: styleguide/ at gh-pages · google/styleguide · GitHub (at
xobsThat seems to work fine for one-sentence descriptions of those attributes, but what about things like eptri, where the descriptions for each register are 15-20 lines?03:35
mithroxobs: The attribute description can be many lines long...03:35
mithroxobs: See this example ->
tpbTitle: valentyusb/ at 2c70a1256040b768e7649f641df0122ae2fb2fc2 · xobs/valentyusb · GitHub (at
xobsAnd we could fit a wavedrom `reg_definition` there?03:37
mithroxobs: Yes - See
tpbTitle: valentyusb/ at 0dc9ba3ecba42461f3c0b63f948361c06fb22844 · mithro/valentyusb · GitHub (at
xobsAlright, I'll try it.03:41
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mithroxobs: See the output at
tpbTitle: usbcore.cpu package ValentyUSB documentation (at
xobsWhat does ".." and "::" mean in ".. wavedrom::"?  When do you use a single ":" and when do you use a double "::"?03:42
mithroxobs: That is restructure text directive...03:43
mithroxobs: restructured text directives are always `.. <directive>:: <arguments>`03:44
mithroxobs: No idea why they chose that form...03:45
xobsNot always.  Isn't `data : CSR` a directive?03:45
xobsOr is `:caption:` a directive?03:45
mithroNo `data : CSR` isn't a directive03:46
mithroxobs: napoleon converts that into `:param CSR data:` for rst to parse...03:48
mithroxobs: Actually, I think you might be right that `:<directive> <arguments>:` is a directive too...03:49
mithroxobs: Hrm, it might be that the format `:<option> <arguments>:` means it is an option to the current directive block you are inside?03:50
mithroxobs: See the `.. py:function::` example here ->
mithroI'm not expert on python documentation...03:51
xobsThe reStructured Text people seems to really like dots.03:52
mithroxobs: Side ways and horizontal it seems! :-)03:52
mithroxobs: Most of the time you don't need this level of detail...03:54
mithroxobs: You just write some nice docstrings and then use the default setup to get the API docs...03:55
xobsmithro: It's nice to know more about python documentation. I've always had a lot of trouble with it.03:58
tpbTitle: Getting Started with Sphinx Read the Docs 3.7.3 documentation (at
xobsI merged the documentation stuff.  I'm still trying to get eptri working on real hardware (it works fine in simulation!), but I'll use this new method of documentation now.04:01
mithroxobs: If you feel strongly about having the documentation for the registers near the register instantiation, I can give you some options around that -- but it would be unique to this project and not something found in standard Python project...04:02
xobsIf that's how Python does it, then I'll do it that way as well.04:04
mithroxobs: FYI - If you want to get C/C++ documentation into the same place as the python documentation - you can use exhale - (which uses breathe - -- which allows you to import doxygen comments into sphinx...04:04
tpbTitle: Exhale Exhale: Automatic C++ Library API Generation (at
xobsAt this point I'm trying to solve the problem of not having register-level documentation for system developers.04:06
xobsActually, that's still a thing that's missing -- what's the address of  these registers?04:06
xobsThat's a problem for the future, though.04:07
mithroxobs: I think maybe we have a sphinx tool which takes the .csv file and generates sphinx output?04:08
mithroxobs: BUt that would need more docstrings to end up in the csv file -- so not sure if that is the right approach...04:34
mithroxobs: Can you go to and set up an account?04:42
mithroxobs: Just trying to get automatically publishing from your repo...04:46
xobsSure, one moment.04:48
mithroxobs: BTW Did you see that wavedrom-verilog thing I found? Lets you convert a wavedrom waveform into a Verilog file to drive a signal driver...04:52
xobsWeird.  Their confirmation email has a misleading address that my mail client flags as fishy.04:52
mithroxobs: Also ->
tpbTitle: GitHub - wavedrom/datasheet: datasheet generator (at
xobsmithro: still cleaning things up, but:
tpbTitle: valentyusb/ at tri-fifo · xobs/valentyusb · GitHub (at
xobsThe tests pass now, and I think the documentation is in a format that should make sphinx happy.05:16
mithroxobs: Do you need instructions on how to run sphinx locally to check?05:17
xobs`Makefile:13: recipe for target 'help' failed`05:17
mithroShould just be `cd docs; make venv; make html` The `make venv` is only needed once or when the requirements change05:18
xobsIt looks like wavedrom isn't working.05:24
mithroxobs: I don't think wavedrom works from a local file05:35
mithroUse `python -m SimpleHTTPServer` and look at it that way?05:35
mithroOr make it render the images?05:36
xobsmithro: /usr/bin/python: No module named SimpleHTTPServer05:39
mithroI forget, it might be HTTPSimpleServer?05:42
tpbTitle: 20.19. SimpleHTTPServer — Simple HTTP request handler Python 2.7.16 documentation (at
auscompgeekxobs: is your /usr/bin/python a python3?05:43
auscompgeekeither way `python3 -m http.server`05:44
xobsauscompgeek: Yes, I thought python2 was deprecated.05:44
xobsAh, that works.05:44
auscompgeekthe official recommendation to distros is to still have /usr/bin/python point to python205:44
auscompgeekhomebrew defaulted to python3 but then backflipped due to all the problems they had with that05:45
auscompgeekafaik only Arch still ignores that recommendation (which was written because of Arch in the first place)05:45
xobsJust my luck, I was using Arch.  Then I decided that, since Python 2 is dead, I'd remove it.05:46
mithroxobs: your very optimistic for someone who works with hardware05:51
mithroI did like that they might be removing the floppy disc driver from Linux :-P05:53
xobsmithro: So for one thing, it seems like vertical space matterns in reStructured Text.  There must be a blank line before the "::".05:54
xobsI fixed that, but now it's saying "invalid option block"05:54
mithroFull message output and input?05:55
tpbTitle: make html · GitHub (at
mithroMore new lines?05:56
auscompgeekI think you're missing a newline after the directives05:58
auscompgeeki.e. after `:caption:`05:59
mithroYeah, that was my guess too05:59
xobsAfter :caption:?05:59
mithroThis works ->
tpbTitle: valentyusb/ at df5d9955b631ca85071c82e22c42384ef60290f6 · mithro/valentyusb · GitHub (at
xobsI put a blank line before :caption: and the error went away, but now I have no graphs.06:00
auscompgeekyou want a blank line between the :caption: line and the {06:00
auscompgeekno blank line between .. and :caption:06:01
xobsThat fixes it.06:02
mithroxobs: I would paste in an example you knew worked exactly (whitespace and all)06:03
mithroxobs: and *then* start modifying things06:03
xobsmithro: I started from your design, but I didn't think it worked that way.06:04
mithroI'm sure there is a logical reasoning why there need to be newlines - I don't know them...06:05
xobsMostly I didn't know what bits were grouped together, and having it spaced apart makes it very hard to follow.06:05
mithroOnce you are putting non-ascii stuff in your docstrings your optimising for the rendered output....06:06
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mithroThere is probably a sphinx extension to convert diagrams like TNT's at
tpbTitle: ice40-playground/ at master · smunaut/ice40-playground · GitHub (at
xobsNow to figure out how to make wavedrom generate registers that aren't quite so wide.06:13
mithroxobs: I only saw that issue locally not on the readthedocs website...06:21
mithrogot your readthedocs user set up so far?06:24
xobsmithro: yes, it's set up06:25
mithroUsername xobs?06:25
mithro1h 10m -- nice and short :-P06:33
xobsmithro: You're right, the registers on aren't oversized, but for some reason it's expanded them to 32-bits.06:51
xobsOkay, the problem is that "" renames the "config" json property to "options", so we need to put both values in there to get it to work.07:02
xobsI'm reasonably happy with this as a rough first-draft of some documentation:
tpbTitle: usbcore.cpu package ValentyUSB documentation (at
xobsHmm... I still don't know how I'm going to document individual register bits.07:38
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xobsI also managed to get eptri about 90% done today. At least done enough that it sometimes enumerates on Linux.10:46
xobsThere's more work to do on resets, stalling out transactions, and some sequencing issues. But the design seems sound.10:47
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ovfxobs: great work!13:05
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acathlaAnybody knows how to use a differential input on an iCE40 with migen?13:41
MadHackerInstantiate SB_IO (using Instance()) and set IO_STANDARD to SB_LVDS_INPUT, I think.13:45
xobsacathla: It'd be just like how we do the RGB LED in the workshop.13:46
acathlaHum, there is already a "class LatticeiCE40DifferentialInputImpl(Module):" in migen, in lattice/, I wanted to use that but could not find a simple example.14:13
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acathlaERROR: Bel 'X0/Y3/io1' of type 'SB_IO' is not valid for cell 'SB_IO' of type 'SB_IO' :(15:57
mithroacathla: Poke whitequark in #m-labs is probably productive15:57
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futarisIRCcloudxobs: How many endpoints does eptri have?17:02
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tpbTitle: OSFC 2019 - Open Source Firmware Conference (at
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IkerHi guys, I'm trying to update my Fomu's firmware with dfu-util -D evt-installable.dfu but I'm not able something is failing19:58
IkerAfter finishing, with no error, I cannot access it anymore and if I unplug and plug again I've my previous firmware version19:58
IkerThank you!19:58
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mithroIker: are you trying to update the bootloader?20:36
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IkerYes, I have 1.7.320:40
mithroIker: I don't know if there is an official process for updating the bootloader at the moment - you'll need to ask xobs20:48
IkerThank you Tim!20:49
IkerTo my understanding it shouldn't be done the way I have been doing20:49
IkerBut I saw on the slides that I could do that way20:49
mithroIker: which slides?20:49
IkerNot the slides sorry, the workshop walkthrough20:54
mithroIker: I'm pretty sure the workshop doesn't talk about updating the bootloader in any way?20:58
IkerI might misunderstood somethign21:02
IkerMy mistake, I have been reading so much docs, I was refering to this:
tpbTitle: Fomu at Teardown 2019 | I’m Fomu - an FPGA in your USB port (at
Iker I've been through all the available docs so I mix what I have read in which21:08
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dzoHow to read buttons in Micropython?21:39
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