Saturday, 2019-08-24

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TomKeddieVercas: I've worked with it somewhat, did you have a question?00:58
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VercasTomKeddie: I do have one. How can I do DMA from the FPGA (read host memory)? As opposed to having the host write into the DMA descriptors in the BAR.07:06
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mithroHi everyone! I could use some help with filling out
tpbTitle: Tomu Family Specifications - Google Sheets (at
VercasWhat is Womu? Looks like a wireless chip to me. o.o11:50
tntmithro: ?!? FOMU has cortex-m0+ listed ?  Also, risc-v is 12 MHz not 16.  Also you list the various micro as USB 2.0 and the FOMU as 1.1.  But all those micro also only suport up to "Full Speed" just like the FOMU.12:05
mithrotnt: "Class"12:05
tnteven then. The M0+ is 1 IPC, the Vex is definitely not.12:06
yorickthe vex could do 1.21 if you use the full config if I understand the docs completely12:07
yorickalso I think there's nothing stopping you from doing usb 2.0 on the fpga12:07
tntyorick: it is already 2.012:07
tnt"2.0 Full Speed" just like the other listed there.12:07
tnt(you can't do "2.0 high speed" without a dedicated phy)12:08
yorick"peripherals: usb 1.1"12:08
tntyorick: yes, it's listed as 1.1, but my point is that the table is wrong, the core implemented in it is already 2.012:09
tnt(there is no change between a 1.1 and 2.0  when you onl consider a full speed device)12:09
tntI'd put "2.0 FS" for all of them basically to be complete.12:14
mithroAnyone should be able to edit it?12:16
mithrotnt: There is a USB2.0 HS and USB1.1 HS?12:17
tntNo, there is 2.0 HS by no USB1.1 HS12:17
tntThat's basically what 2.0 added, it's the support for HS12:17
mithroThere is definitely some minor difference between a device which supports USB1.1 FS and USB2.0 FS?12:22
tntIs there ?12:22
mithrotnt: Maybe it is just what test suite the USB certification was done against?12:23
tntYeah possible. I don't know any major difference. Apparently the sleep power state might have been added in 2.0.  But if you go by strict compliance, then fomu isn't even 1.1 compliant, it doesn't pass any of the usb test suite.12:24
mithroYet :-P12:38
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FxPapeHi, so this is the IRC for tomu AND fomu?15:29
FxPapepollo: thanks for the info. I've just been at the workshop on CCCamp and am quite impressed with its capabilities.15:42
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MadHackerYay. I've got a 6502 core up and running in the Fomu and able to blink lights. :D17:17
MadHacker(I know, this isn't fundamentally impressive, but I'm still pleased with myself)17:17
MadHackerNext step, work out how to do USB.17:20
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xobsMadHacker: hooray!18:59
MadHackerHow much USB-ness in the cores you're using just now is in software vs. hardware?19:03
MadHackerI'm thinking a 6502 probably can't keep up terribly well.19:03
xobsMadHacker: you can throw a dummyusb core at it. It's not optimised, but it's 1500 luts19:05
MadHackerOK. That'll probably do. I have my 6502 autogenerating mux etc. for its own bus, but I haven't done a wishbone bridge for it yet - that's probably a sane thing to do, and will work OK with the dummyusb stuff I guess.19:06
MadHacker(I started off trying to drop a 6502 into litex, but there's far too many assumptions about address spaces)19:07
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MadHackerxobs: Thanks, I got that working. So, dummyusb + CPU core + LED controller + RAM + ROM (in LUTs!) comes in at about ICESTORM_LC:  2092/ 5280    39% (with no -relut etc.)23:13
MadHackerI'll look to make dummyusb a bit less, well, dummy, for this job. It works, though. :)23:14
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