Monday, 2019-08-05

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tpbTitle: Log in to Docker (at
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tntxobs: ah well, turns out I was actually using the toolchain from sifive and not the one from  Switching to the latter one is much closer to what I want.07:00
tpbTitle: The RISC-V Embedded GCC (at
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tpbTitle: cocotb-test/ at master · themperek/cocotb-test · GitHub (at
xobsmithro: neat!10:48
mithrococotb-test provides standard python unit testing capabilities for cocotb10:48
mithroallow the look and feel of Python unit testing10:48
mithroremove the need for Makefiles (includes Makefile compatibility mode)10:48
mithroallow easy customization of simulation flow10:48
mithroeasy installation (especially on Windows)10:48
mithroallow to use pytest-xdist for parallel runs10:48
tntAre you guys at the micropython thing ?10:49
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auscompgeekHeh, managed to figure out why the Xilinx toolchain wasn't being downloaded in the Azure Pipelines build. Turns out reading the docs on secret variables is helpful.13:21
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whatnick1mithro: submitted my circleci PR : , no qemu and image testing yet. Will perhaps work on that today.20:39
tpbTitle: Add config and script to build raspberry pi Image on CircleCI by whatnick · Pull Request #10 · im-tomu/fomu-pi-gen · GitHub (at
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