Monday, 2019-03-04

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futarisIRCcloudtomu: Are you testing the 5.5 cycle stuff today?01:45
futarisIRCcloudxobs: Are you testing the 5.5 cycle stuff today?01:45
xobsfutarisIRCcloud: yep! That's the plan.01:46
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xobsSomething still isn't quite right. Though the packets I'm receiving look good, the responses still aren't. I need to do some more isolation and testing.10:42
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xobsI guess one nice thing is that Foboot looks like it'll fit in the 8kB of ROM.  I'm up to 7 kB of stuff, and the ony thing I need to add in is the SPI flash code.14:45
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mithroxobs: What was delaying the response?23:47
tntmithro: yeah, I'm in here, but not since long, so didn't really see any status report :p23:55
mithroI think xobs' latest status was23:55
mithro Something still isn't quite right. Though the packets I'm receiving look good, the responses still aren't. I need to do some more isolation and testing.23:55
mithro I guess one nice thing is that Foboot looks like it'll fit in the 8kB of ROM.  I'm up to 7 kB of stuff, and the ony thing I need to add in is the SPI flash code.23:55
tntWhat's the repo with the latest code btw ?23:57
tnt8 kB ROM ?23:57

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