Tuesday, 2011-05-10

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tansellalanp / ezod: ping?00:12
ezodtansell: pong00:16
tansellezod, so I had a chat with llnz last night about what we should do regarding Thousand Parsec infrastructure00:19
* ezod scrolls00:19
tansellbasically I want to wind up our current website00:20
ezodwhat does "wind up" mean? :)00:20
ezodok, so would github wiki take over the function of both the old website and the old wiki?00:21
ezodin that case, are we still fussing about wiki migration w/ history etc.?00:22
ezodi imagine we'd have to give the new wiki a somewhat different structure than the old00:22
ezodto accomodate everything from the web and old wiki, in an organized fashion00:22
tansellI would like to keep the history00:23
tansellbut it's a problem of having to the time to do so00:23
ezodyes, it seems like a groaner job, in comparison to just moving the current version00:24
ezodtansell: so regarding the github repos, i think we're good, all we have to do is shut off the push from git.tp.org?00:25
tansellI've already done that00:26
tansellit now pulls from git hub00:26
tansellI've also split the thousandparsec org into "thousandparsec" and "thousandparsec-obsolete"00:26
tanselland am moving all the old repositories to that00:26
ezodon github?00:26
tansellI want to streamline everything00:28
tansellmake everything less confusing00:29
tansellsounds good?00:33
ezodso what's my job?00:33
tansellhelp make the project active again00:34
tanselland develop the new website?00:34
ezodwell i can start migrating everything from old web and wiki to github soon (tomorrow, it's 9pm here)00:35
ezodif i have the goahead to ignore history if i can't find an easy way to keep it ;)00:35
tansellI'll give it a go today00:36
ezodone thing that comes to mind00:36
ezodwhat are we going to do about protocolxml?00:36
llnzwhy not just grab the xml or sql for all the wiki history?00:36
llnzanothing thing, what about the media? (web and svn)00:36
ezodare we still going to have the thousandparsec.org domain and webserver?00:37
ezodi.e. is it just an issue of maintenance?00:37
ezodbecause we can host metaserver, media, etc. on tp.org then, and the actual website/wiki stuff on github00:38
tansellit's more of the fact that our website is horrible out of date00:39
tansellhasn't been updated in like forever00:39
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ezodoh, another thing i like (natch) is the downloads page :D00:41
ezodbut i suppose we can achieve mostly the same end effect by offering bundles and a well-organized downloads area on github00:42
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llnz2and javascript :-)00:44
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tansellI think the downloads page is pretty useless00:44
tansellas we haven't really ever don't proper releases00:44
tansellI think our best bet at the moment is to provide instructions on using git00:50
tansellI've also been pretty brutal in what I consider obsolete00:50
llnzyeah, i can see01:00
tansellmediawiki is now readonly01:06
tansell-laptopI'm oncall this week01:20
tansell-laptopso it depends on how quite it is if I get this done01:20
tansellwell I have a repo of our wiki with history!03:02
tansellnow to convert from media wiki syntax to markdown03:40
tansellit was actually not that bad to do04:15
* llnz wanders off04:31
llnzlater all04:31
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alanp#tp activity overload12:40
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tansellalanp, ?21:22
tansellalanp / ezod: ping?21:22
ezodtansell: pong21:33
tpbTitle: thousandparsec/wiki - GitHub (at github.com)21:34
tansellyet to convert mediawiki to markdown21:34
tansellbut thats the wiki with history21:34
ezodi'm reading up on github wiki stuff21:37
ezodtansell: is the intent to use this repo as a github wiki?21:40
ezodcan you do that?21:40
ezodi assume the mediawiki-style history won't work...21:41
tansellthey support mediawiki format21:42
tanselland it's just a git backed wiki21:43
ezodyeah i just figure they have some specific way of committing wiki changes with metadata so that it's interpreted as history properly?21:44
tansellnot to my knowledge, they just commit over the fly21:46
ezodhmm ok21:48
ezodim also not sure how we get the repo to expose as a wiki21:48
tpb<http://ln-s.net/8o0T> (at github.com)21:56
tansellit doesn't like pre23:03
tansellI've got tables working23:03
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