Sunday, 2009-09-20

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tansellezod, ping?20:13
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ezodtansell: pong21:01
ezodmithro: ^21:01
tansellezod, so have you organised accomidation at the hotel?21:03
ezodtansell: no, not yet21:04
ezodi was actually planning on staying elsewhere unless someone else from TP wanted to split a room21:04
ezodare you staying at the hotel?21:04
tansellhow long are you down for?21:06
ezod23rd afternoon to 25th night21:06
ezodcan you register for both of us or do i need to do something?21:09
tansellI can register for both of us, but it's probably easier you do it :P21:10
ezodok i'll look into it21:11
tansellezod, my full name is Timothy Robert Ansell if needed21:20
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