Saturday, 2009-08-08

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alanpmithro/llnz: ping01:47
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llnzalanp: pong01:55
alanpi think i found the answer i was looking for :-)01:57
alanpif i keep HitPoints as a property, the only way for me to change it's value is to getPropertyValues(), change the property in question and then setPropertyValues() no?01:58
alanpie: when a ship is damaged but not destroyed01:59
alanpactually, that would modify it for an entire design :-(02:00
llnzif a ship is damage, you don't touch the design02:00
llnzits a property of the object02:00
llnzso a parameter of the object02:00
* alanp must have missed it, it's already there02:02
alanpuint32_t Fleet::getDamage() const{02:03
alanp    return ((IntegerObjectParam*)(obj->getParameter(4,2)))->getValue();02:03
alanpok, cool ;-)02:03
* alanp blind again02:03
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llnzlater all07:53
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CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rb80a91ccb034 / (11 files in 2 dirs): OrderQueue now handled by a shared_ptr08:47
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r3af3c2edfc94 / (5 files in 2 dirs): OrderQueue has now dedicated constructor, OrderManager has direct OrderQueue factory08:47
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r55199a23cf66 /modules/games/minisec/ (6 files): MiniSec now supports OrderQueue interface08:47
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rf887d496c865 /modules/games/mtsec/ (5 files): MTSec now supports OrderQueue interface08:47
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * re62a5d4b49bc /modules/games/rfts/ (fleet.cpp rfts.cpp rftsturn.cpp): RFTS now supports OrderQueue interface08:47
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r2208b12cc08a /modules/games/risk/ (colonize.cpp mapimport.cpp move.cpp planet.cpp riskturn.cpp): Risk now supports OrderQueue interface08:47
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r916b11fc8b0d /modules/games/tae/ (fleetbuilder.cpp fleetorder.cpp tae.cpp taeturn.cpp): TAE now supports OrderQueue interface08:47
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CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r01d68c9cf1d6 /tpserver/ (objecttype.cpp objecttype.h objecttypemanager.cpp): ObjectType now a ProtocolObject09:58
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r814c4e16f10f /modules/games/minisec/spaceobject.h: MiniSec updated with ObjectType update09:58
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rddee1efc3557 /modules/games/mtsec/ (10 files): MTSec updated with ObjectType update09:58
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r2442f127acfc /modules/games/rfts/ (6 files): RFTS updated with ObjectType update09:58
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CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rdc7b9cb67421 /tpserver/ (4 files): ObjectParameterGroupDesc major refactor11:22
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rc15c05b61167 / (6 files in 2 dirs): MiniSec updated to new ObjectParameterGroupDesc handling11:22
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r521968e23e7e /modules/games/mtsec/ (5 files): MTSec updated to new ObjectParameterGroupDesc handling11:22
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r86a1b751b4d9 /modules/games/risk/ (5 files): Risk updated to new ObjectParameterGroupDesc handling11:22
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r4c265e1f6f3b /modules/games/rfts/ (fleet.cpp planet.cpp staticobject.cpp universe.cpp): RFTS updated to new ObjectParameterGroupDesc handling11:22
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r6b80a27a1a31 /modules/games/tae/ (6 files): TAE updated to new ObjectParameterGroupDesc handling11:22
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llnzmorning all18:02
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mhilmillnz: hey ! Object tree now works
tpb<$> (at
llnzmhilmi: cool!19:18
mhilmillnz: hrm could you help with something?19:50 . this is some code from the procedure to populate the object model. I'm wondering if you know any mechanism that I can use to ensure reset() line 13 isn't called until all other objects have been downloaded. Any ideas? Right now I have to externally call reset afterwards because the receiveUniverse() function exits prior to receiving all objects...19:50
llnzmhilmi: what is the superclass of ObjectsModel?20:04
mhilmiit is a QAbstractItemModel20:04
mhilmisee Im wondering if restructuring the retrieval process helps.. but same thing - the model doesn't know when it is done retrieving (atleast the way im doing it now)20:05
mhilmiI also thought about trying to do something like wait or sleep until the last object is retrieved, but then again, the way I'm loading the data in it doesn't know which object is last...20:08
llnzwhy not just all dataChanged()?20:09
llnzor just call reset after each item20:10
mhilmiyeah I'll try the reset after each item, that'll probably work simplest. I'll let you know if that works...20:12
mhilmiaw yeah, that works. sweet, that was easy :)20:13
llnzin theory, if you register watches on each object, when a new one arrives, it will be reflected in the model20:14
alanpwhat's the best way to match tubes to missiles/torps?20:35
alanpIE: i'm in combat, i need to find all usable missiles/torps based on tubes20:35
* alanp thinks there is no "good" way20:36
alanpbecause my missiles are just a resource on a ship20:36
alanpi need to cycle through all ships, check the design store for the names of tubes20:37
llnzhave a parameter of the tube component that specifies the tube size, and the missile/torp resource could specify the size as well20:37
alanpi think that's just as ugly?20:37
alanpdefinitely doable though20:37
alanpi still have to go through the same kind of thing though20:38
alanpbecause one ship may have 1000 missiles and 2 ships may have 500 tubes each20:38
alanpi need to match everything up to tubes20:39
alanpi think i'll still have to reference the tubes by name in the DS too20:40
alanp(better than by number)20:41
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* Landon will be back home toniight, huzah21:38
Landonhome == comampus21:38
alanpwhen doees your semester start?21:39
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