Thursday, 2009-05-21

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* llnz wanders off07:26
llnzlater all07:26
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totehello :)12:02
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epyon_to get the refactor branch of tpserver-cpp what url should I use?16:33
* epyon_ searched but couldn't find it16:33
epyon_mithro, ping?16:43
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epyon_llnz: ping?16:51
epyon_to get the refactor branch of tpserver-cpp what url should I use?16:51
* epyon_ searched but couldn't find it16:51
llnzhi epyon_16:51
llnzthe same as master, but then branch/checkout afterwards16:52
epyon_hmm, any tips? :P16:52
epyon_using commandline git16:52
llnzso git+ssh://
llnzclone that16:52
epyon_hmm, permisson denied...16:54
epyon_one moment16:54
epyon_damn wrong window16:57
epyon_Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).17:01
epyon_fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly17:01
epyon_Any idea?17:01
epyon_I've got the keys in my .ssh dir17:02
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epyon_username = epyon?17:29
llnzi guess so17:30
epyon_not working :/17:33
llnzi don't have ssh access to that box from here, we will need to sort it with mithro, or I can in about 8 hours17:49
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