Friday, 2008-11-28

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mithrollnz: ping?00:25
llnzmithro: only here for a minute or two00:26
mithrollnz: so do you have a timeline for photos?00:27
llnzthere are a few up on facebook00:27
llnzhopefully someone will have the main (professional) photos today00:27
* llnz is back in Wellington with Megan00:28
llnzbbl (probably)00:34
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mithroJLP: ping me when you get up00:53
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tansellhi andy_t_roo01:38
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JLPgood morning everyone02:45
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gau_veldtthat red spot is definnitely not above the camera and I haven't moved on the map since starting the app04:03
gau_veldtjust turned so I can see the green light04:03
gau_veldtAND if I delete lamp.001 and start the app I see red under me now:
gau_veldtthat wasn04:07
gau_veldtwasn't there before04:07
gau_veldtbut if add the green light the red one moves04:08
gau_veldtoops sorry wrong channel04:09
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andy_t_rootansell: hi :)07:17
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mithroandy_t_roo: hi!07:34
andy_t_roomithro: g'day07:35
mithroyou got some time to answer some questions?07:35
andy_t_roomithro: i don't know enough to answer any questions, i think07:41
mithrosure you do :)07:41
mithroIE How did you find out about the Thousand Parsec project?07:41
* mithro is the fine founder of this here project :)07:41
andy_t_rooah, hmm07:41
andy_t_rooi've known about it vaguely for a while.07:42
andy_t_rooi played stars! a while ago, and i've noticed it in the gentoo portage tree07:42
andy_t_rootoday i came here via , and then the main TP page07:43
mithroezod: yay - your packages are working07:43
andy_t_roomithro: actually i'm on a windows box atm ...07:44
mithrowe support windows07:44
mithronot very well, but we do try given the limited access we have to it07:44
andy_t_roomithro: the wxwidges client installed with no problems :)07:45
mithroit's a bit old now07:45
mithroezod is hard at working making single player work07:45
andy_t_roothe advanced ai?07:46
mithroezod: is working on making it so that the client includes a "Setup a local game" wizard07:47
mithroso you can easily setup and play games (single player atm)07:48
mithroandy_t_roo: did you try the 3d client at all07:48
mithroi would be interested to know if that works for you07:48
andy_t_roodo you want me to?07:48
mithrothe windows version should work pretty well07:49
mithrodo you have a 3d card?07:50
andy_t_roonot in this laptop, just onboard graphics - my main deskop does though07:51
mithroahh, you might need to try on your main desktop07:53
mithroalthough if you have one of the later intel onboard it could work07:53
mithroi915 works okay (if a little slow)07:53
andy_t_roomithro: downloading now07:56
mithroandy_t_roo: cool08:00
mithroso whats your interest in the project?08:00
mithrowanting to relive the stars! experiance or?08:00
andy_t_roomithro: just playing around, nothing too serious08:01
mithrointerested in helping out development at all? we have plenty of different types of tasks08:02
mithrofrom web stuff, to 3d stuff, to artwork, to music, etc :)08:03
andy_t_roomithro: i do have some programming experience, i'm a bit busy with other things, but i might be able to help a bit - i don't have 3d modeling software though08:03
mithroandy_t_roo: well as I said there are plenty of different things08:07
mithrowe are always in need of someone to help update/maintain the website if you have php skills08:07
mithrohelp with the client if you have python skills08:07
mithrohelp with the server if you have c++ skills08:07
mithrohelp with some tools if you have java skills08:08
andy_t_roothe 3d client runs ok on my laptop08:18
mithrogreat to hear08:18
andy_t_roowait, no, it just threw a runtime error :(08:19
mithrooh :(08:21
andy_t_roopossibly at about the same time as a new turn came out, as i issued a random build order, and the number of turns was 1 less than the original construction length when i opened the client again08:25
mithrodid you get a traceback or anything?08:26
andy_t_roomithro: not this time, i just clicked ok without realy thinking about it that much08:28
mithrobug reports are useful08:28
mithrothe 3d client needs more testing08:28
andy_t_roomithro: just crashed again - no stack trace08:29
mithrohrm, i think it says a log somewhere08:29
mithrocan you reproduce the problem?08:30
andy_t_rooi was in the middle of typing here when it crashed  - it wasn't any specifc action that i did08:30
andy_t_roodid a turn just click over?08:30
andy_t_rooi was logged into demo108:30
andy_t_roothere's no errors in ogre.log08:31
mithroit could be crashing on the EOT notification08:36
andy_t_rooi'm switching from the directx to opengl rendering to see if that makes a difference08:36
andy_t_roomithro: i havn't rebooted since i installed -- would that matter; it didn't ask me too08:38
mithrowell I think i'm going to head to bed08:39
mithroandy_t_roo: I see you are in australia?08:39
andy_t_roomithro: yes08:40
andy_t_rooi think i'll go to bed also - i'll have a look at this tomorrow08:40
andy_t_rooi liked stars! and it'd be good to have a similer quality OOS game working08:41
andy_t_rooi realise that TP is a little way from that atm08:41
mithroStars! Nova is probably closer to being a real playable stars! clone08:42
mithrobut we have bigger ambitions08:43
andy_t_roomithro: i saw nova on the same page that linked me to TP08:43
andy_t_rooi downlaoded that at the same time i got TP :)08:43
mithroNova pretty much as Stars! V1.0 working08:43
mithroIE Support for multiple different types of games08:44
mithroSupport for multiple clients/servers08:44
mithroanyway - to bed for me for real08:47
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andy_t_roomithro: i've attached a debugger to ogre so if it crashes again, i'll have a stack trace17:28
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dhartmithro: hey Tim, it was good meeting you yesterday!  In ref to OGRE in realXtend, check out
tpb<> (at
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mithrohey dhart22:47
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dhartI just read the Genetic Conquest application. Interesting stuff.23:50

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