Monday, 2008-09-29

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llnzlater all00:02
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mithrobddebian: ping?00:42
mithroezod: ping?00:43
mithrobddebian: do you know anything about virtual packages?00:47
CIA-18mithro tpclient-pywx-tpclient-pywx-0.3.x * re87760f5d862 /
CIA-18Check that you are always running the development version with development client.01:08
CIA-18Insert the local libraries in the front of the search path.01:08
mithronash: ping?01:10
mithrowould you have time for lunch this week?01:19
mithroI fly to MTV on thursday01:19
mithroThe instructions for setting up the development environment for tpclient-pywx have gotten much easier
tpbTitle: Ubuntu Setup - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at
nashmusic tv?01:21
mithroMountain View01:22
mithrothe states01:22
mithrowon't be back till 6th of Novemeber01:22
mithroso it would be good to catch up01:24
nashokay - try for wednesday then01:37
mithroyes, that sounds good01:46
mithrosay 12:30?01:46
mithroor would you prefer earlier or later?01:46
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nashSorry about the delay - yeah, sounds good02:33
mithrono probs02:49
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mithroJLP: ping me when you are around05:58
mithroezod: poke poke?05:58
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mithroJLP: ping?08:13
bddebianmithro: What about virtual packages?08:18
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mithrobddebian: could we have virtual packages called libtpproto-py which refer to the python-tp-client packages?10:02
bddebianIt's certianly possible.  I would have to check policy.10:06
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mithroa friend of mine was trying out stuff10:43
mithroand notice that it's confusing to refer to it as libtpproto-py on the website10:43
mithrobut have the debian package called python-tp-netlib10:43
mithrobddebian: as well, the tpclient-pywx packages do not depend on the required python-numpy and python-numpy-ext packages10:44
bddebianStill?  I swore I fixed that twice now. :(10:46
mithroactually, that could be my fault when I split the repository by distro (so I could import python-ogre)10:47
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ezodmithro: answered your email12:17
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llnzhi all18:46
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mithroJLP: ping?19:30
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