Sunday, 2008-07-06

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mithroonly got 13 minutes before this very expensive telstra internet runs out :(02:29
mithroI will disapear in 8 minutes02:34
mithroanything interesting happening?02:34
mithro~seen jphr02:38
tpbmithro: jphr was last seen in #tp 1 week, 1 day, 14 hours, 14 minutes, and 28 seconds ago: <jphr> hehe, perhaps02:38
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JLPgood morning everyone04:46
llnzhi JLP05:48
* llnz wanders off08:23
llnzlater all08:23
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CIA-31jezuch libtpproto-java * r4f9401c7a590 / (2 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed)10:01
CIA-31Generate setters for useparameters that can allow more than one parameter.10:01
CIA-31This has to be a mirror of getWhateverparams(), which decodes a byte array10:01
CIA-31according to a provided "template" WhateverDesc and returns a List. The setter10:01
CIA-31has to do the opposite: serialize the List into a byte array according to the10:01
CIA-31template. The template is used only to check if there is sufficient number of10:01
CIA-31parameters provided and that their types are the same as those in the template.10:01
CIA-31jezuch libtpproto-java * r4b87dd13a5cc / (2 files in 2 dirs):10:02
CIA-31Add an additional chack that there are no more parameters than expected.10:02
CIA-31[Securitron: Police State 2000!]10:02
CIA-31jezuch libtpproto-java * r201dff6801ed / (2 files in 2 dirs): Also generate a javadoc for the parameterset's setter if it's indirect.10:08
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CIA-31aaron libtpproto-cpp-config * r4bc673cea740 /tpproto/ (adminlayer.cpp framecodec.cpp): Async log messages are now handled correctly.11:21
CIA-31aaron tpserver-cpp-config * rc8f54b2d99b3 /tpserver/commandmanager.cpp: Added reconfigure command (instruct server to re-read config file).11:21
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CIA-31aaron tpadmin-cpp * rdb286ecf3bf7 /tpadmin/ (clientasl.cpp servercommand.cpp session.cpp):13:28
CIA-31Detect server-end disconnection when attempting to send a server command.13:28
CIA-31Command list is now reset from ClientASL (on any kind of disconnection).13:28
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tpbdisconnected from worldforge: Ping sent at 2008-07-06T17:14:19 not replied to.17:16
tpbtpb has joined on worldforge17:38
tpbmode change by on worldforge: +nt17:38
tpbmode change by on worldforge: -o tpb17:40
tpbmode change by on worldforge: -t17:40
tpbaloril has joined on worldforge17:40
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llnz~seen jotham19:32
tpbllnz: jotham was last seen in #tp 3 weeks, 6 days, 12 hours, 50 minutes, and 37 seconds ago: <jotham> no mithro :\19:32
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mithro~seen xdotx19:52
tpbmithro: xdotx was last seen in #tp 2 weeks, 3 days, 17 hours, 12 minutes, and 49 seconds ago: <xdotx> nope. i tested with -ansi -pedantic and it went fine19:52
mithro~seen jmtan20:11
tpbmithro: jmtan was last seen in #tp 1 week, 3 days, 18 hours, 7 minutes, and 45 seconds ago: <jmtan> mithro: regarding the fps thing, any ideas on when to switch back from icon view? maybe a "high" threshold?20:11
mithro~seen jphr20:11
tpbmithro: jphr was last seen in #tp 1 week, 2 days, 7 hours, 47 minutes, and 46 seconds ago: <jphr> hehe, perhaps20:11
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nashEpyon: Why did you IM message have japanese in it?21:40
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