Wednesday, 2008-04-23

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Alklomionmithro: hey, are you there?01:27
mithroAlklomion: yeah01:27
Alklomionmithro: I've been working on the code, removing compilation errors where I can. it seems a lot of errors are reliant on other errors, many tied to generics01:28
mithroAlklomion: as in are you fixed stuff, more errors appear?01:28
Alklomionmithro: that happens, but they're mostly related to methods being out of whack (for example, if i removed the generics from the class definition, it may tell me that one of the methods isn't overridden01:29
mithroAlklomion: ahh yeah01:30
mithroany ideas how to work around that?01:31
mithrohow goes the vectors ones?01:31
AlklomionSo far, vectors have not been a problem, i just change them and the methods that relate to them and the errors go away01:31
mithrowell that is good01:32
Alklomiongenerally, the work around is just to remove the generics from that method too which seems to fix it.01:37
AlklomionI've been adding the solutions (highlighted ) to the compiler analysis, i'm sending you a PDF of it now, just to see if the infromation is useful in there01:37
mithroare you using CVS or git?01:39
* jotham met lee today01:40
mithrooh dang, I have not set you up a branch yet01:40
mithrojotham: cool!01:40
AlklomionI've just been commenting and replacing for now01:40
tpb<> (at
tpb<> (at
mithroAlklomion: I recommend checking out that and then working from it01:45
mithroAlklomion: feel free to commit early and often to the midp branch02:03
Alklomionmithro: will do, just looking for a solution to use net beans and that cvs structure02:04
Alklomionjust copied the two folders netbeans requires to recognize a project, i'll just ignore them when committing02:06
mithroadd them to the cvs ignore list02:07
AlklomionI think i'm going crazy02:17
mithronot in a bell tower with a high powered rifle?02:17
AlklomionMy directory structure has src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/objects02:17
Alklomionnaw, not that way02:17
Alklomionbut the version i checked out doesn't have that particular folder02:18
tpb<> (at
mithrothe website version doesn't have that either02:19
Alklomionmy version contains an objects directory that contains galaxy, starsystem etc02:20
mithroAlklomion: oh - they are propbably copied from the generated directory?02:21
Alklomioni don't think so02:24
Alklomionoh wait, maybe they were created when i ran the build script02:24
mithroany luck?02:30
mithroAlklomion: looks like they went away02:32
Alklomioni can't find where i got them from02:32
Alklomionmithro: went away?02:32
tpb<> (at
mithrolooks like we may have been working on an old version02:34
Alklomionthe joys of versioning :)02:35
mithroAlklomion: looks like there are less things to fix in the newer version :)02:35
Alklomionmithro: what was that program that i think you mentioned that shows you differences between two files?02:49
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Alklomiondiff sounds like the one02:55
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mithroAlklomion: so we up for a meeting tommorrow morning?02:58
Alklomionyes indeed!02:58
mithroAlklomion: have you had any luck getting NetBeans working okay on your laptop?02:58
Alklomionno: i gave up on trying anything on my laptop, darn thing02:59
mithroAlklomion: if you can get your changes committed then we can look them over and stuff on my laptop03:00
Alklomionmithro: should i be working on the newest version?03:00
mithrodo you think you'll have time to port the stuff over?03:00
Alklomioncool - downloading this diff tool to look at the files with the same name03:01
Alklomionif they haven't changed, i can just commit them03:01
mithrothere are a large number of diff tools03:01
mithroAlklomion: make sure you commit to the MIDP branch03:01
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Alklomionmithro: i can't be anonymous when i'm committing, correct?03:24
mithroAlklomion: correct03:32
Alklomionhave you ever used tortoise cvs with a key pair?03:40
mithroI know it has been successfully done before03:40
mithroas a GSoC student used it last year03:40
Alklomionmithro: :ext:[email protected]:/git/libtpproto-java.git does that look correct?03:52
mithroit giving you permission denied?03:53
AlklomionCannot access /git/libtpproto-java.git/CVSROOT03:54
AlklomionNo such file or directory03:54
mithrooh I know why03:55
mithrogive it a try now03:55
Alklomioncvs checkout: warning: unrecognized response `Couldn't open '/var/log/gitcvs' for writing : Permission denied at /usr/bin/git-cvsserver line 2000, <STDIN> line 3.' from cvs server03:56
mithrookay getting closer :)03:56
mithrogive it a try now03:57
Alklomioncool - some files are checking out03:58
Alklomionnow they all are03:58
CIA-29alklomion /tmp/orpKU3ZLV2/ZJfPDdoK8V-midp * r3b766f0b2117 / (13 files in 3 dirs):04:04
CIA-29Testing commit, I have included updated files, slowly removing issues of generics and other unsupported language/functionality issues in midp04:04
CIA-29via git-CVS emulator04:04
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mithrohrm - that was rather interesting04:04
Alklomioncvs commit: warning: unrecognized response `DBD::SQLite::st execute failed: attempt to write a readonly database(1) at dbdimp.c line 402 at /usr/bin/git-cvsserver line 2590, <FILELIST> chunk 2.' from cvs server04:04
mithrothe commit appears to have worked04:05
mithroAlklomion: what happens if you do an update?04:07
mithroAlklomion: this isn't going to wokr04:07
mithro-                                       framever=in.readInteger8();04:07
mithro+                                       framever=in.readInteger32();04:07
tpb<> (at
mithrothe reason that won't work is that the Thousand Parsec protocol defines the framever to be 8 bits04:10
Alklomioni didn't do anything with those04:11
Alklomioni might have to revert, start from scratch and speedily zip through the changes04:11
mithroAlklomion: dang04:12
mithroAlklomion: want me to just push a revert for that whole patch?04:13
Alklomionplease :)04:13
CIA-29mithro libtpproto-java-midp * r07c994b00d7d / (13 files in 3 dirs):04:15
CIA-29Revert "Testing commit" at Alklomion's request.04:15
CIA-29This reverts commit 3b766f0b2117b4b66d274f6d2f063f71018ecdf7.04:15
mithroAlklomion: done!04:15
Alklomioncool - that totally means at our meeting tomorrow, you'll go progress: and i'll definitely say none :(04:16
mithroAlklomion: if you do an update04:16
mithroyou should get the revert04:16
mithroAlklomion: the night is still young :)04:17
Alklomioncvs update: warning: unrecognized response `DBD::SQLite::st execute failed: attempt to write a readonly database(1) at dbdimp.c line 402 at /usr/bin/git-cvsserver line 2590, <FILELIST> chunk 2.' from cvs server04:17
mithroAlklomion: give it another try now04:18
Alklomioncool, that worked04:18
mithroAlklomion: coffeeshop again?04:25
AlklomionYeah, Chris won't be there04:25
mithrowell I have to head off now04:28
mithrosee ya04:28
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llnzcool, parsek in the KDE commit digest06:41
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llnzhi Alklomion06:42
Alklomionhello llnz06:42
JLPgood morning all06:46
llnzhi JLP06:48
* llnz waves to jotham 06:48
llnzi met jotham today :-)06:48
JLPoh Parsek again mentioned in commit digest, nice :)06:55
Alklomionsilly question: which cvs command only gets modified files from the repository?07:04
Alklomioni'm using tortoise cvs and i used update, it only told me what files had changed, it didn't get them07:10
llnzyou could try checkout, it normally skips files that are up to date07:14
JLPyay, all the blogs for gsoc are now collected and linked on
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec Blog (at
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mithroAlklomion: ping?07:58
Alklomioni totally hit all the errors and more that i spent all day doing in about an hour and a half :)07:58
Alklomionas well as removed a few for-each loops07:59
mithroAlklomion: yay!08:00
Alklomioni haven't done anything in those new files found under generated yet08:00
mithroAlklomion: it's always easier a second time08:01
Alklomioni realised i was editing old files, its not good to have two projects open with the same name08:02
mithroyeah - that sounds right :)08:02
CIA-29alklomion /tmp/WDTjs7OFK6/eTbgDGaktJ-midp * r31e11966adf8 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/ (15 files): (log message trimmed)08:14
CIA-29A redo on the newer version of the code, I have removed a _lot_ of the unsupported generics code that is present in libprototp-java and cannot be present in libprototp-midp.08:14
CIA-29Further: i have changed all for-each loops (unsupported in midp) found in the netlib directory and have replaced them with for loops.08:14
CIA-29Replaced some lists with vectors, in all tried cases, these worked08:14
CIA-29Removed annotations08:14
CIA-29Some generics are left in because it breaks things further, discussion and research as to how to fix these will be needed08:14
CIA-29All these changes are untested at this point, as there is nothing developed to test them against08:14
Alklomionmithro: I've not gotten around to the prototype mockups, i guess i'll probably do them and send you them tomorrow afternoon08:17
mithroAlklomion: okay cool08:17
JLPmithro: what os the TP feed collection link from Planet SoC again?08:34
tpb<> (at
JLPoh this one is showing the posts from all categories, not just gsoc/tp08:36
JLPprobably the /planet one should show only gsoc feeds, I'll use that one, it will probably be fixed later08:41
Alklomionsee you tomorrow08:44
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mithroJLP: yes08:50
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JLPahoy pluskid and Iwanowitch09:25
JLPpluskid, Iwanowitch: don't forget to register at and add feeds to your gsoc blogs09:26
tpbTitle: Planet SoC (at
pluskidJLP: I think I've done that yesterday09:27
pluskidam I supposed to post the feed link?09:27
JLPpluskid: ah yes i see it, vool09:27
* llnz wanders off09:38
llnzlater all09:38
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mithrohey pluskid :)09:39
pluskidhi mithro09:39
mithroyou have email09:40
IwanowitchJLP: okay, will do09:40
pluskidmithro: got it. reading.09:40
mithropluskid: could you turn off HTML email in Gmail?09:42
pluskidmithro: sure. :)09:42
mithroyour reply was a bit mangled by it09:43
IwanowitchAny project-specific guidlines on this Git thing? Or is the "git for SVN users" guide enough?09:43
Iwanowitch(together with Google and similar resources)09:43
mithroIwanowitch: pretty much :)09:44
pluskidmithro: got it. I'll sent you plain text mail in the future. :)09:44
mithropluskid: no worries - I'm going to keep poking the gmail team about it now :P09:44
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pluskidmithro: That's cool! They should have better support to the plain text mail. :D09:49
mithrohere plain-text version should be better09:50
ezodim really not a fan of the auto-wrap09:50
ezodmesses up pgp09:50
mithroanyway I should be in bed now09:51
mithropluskid: you able to connect to git?09:51
pluskidmithro: yep09:51
mithropluskid: cool09:51
pluskidI'm trying to set the origin to my new url09:51
pluskidmaning git-remote :)09:52
pluskidmithro: thank you.09:52
mithroI was looking for an email from you with an attachment which is why I missed your first request :P09:52
mithropluskid: I set you as the owner of Schemepy repository too :P09:52
tpb<> (at
pluskidmithro: thank you. :)09:53
pluskidI will work on the repo directly instead of a new branch09:53
pluskidsince there haven't too much code yet. :)09:53
mithropluskid: yes, that is fine09:53
mithroIwanowitch: I'm waiting on your public key :)09:56
Iwanowitchmithro: Wait, what? I just made an ssh connection to the git server (which rejected me for thinking it is a shell)09:58
Iwanowitchverhoevenv is me.09:58
mithroo wait :P09:59
mithrosilly me09:59
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CIA-29jlp web * r187602a3ebac /news/ Meet Thousand Parsec GSoC 2008 Students10:00
IwanowitchThe difference between "verhoevenv" and "Iwanowitch" is mostly historical. I picked the former for git username because it matches most of my other accounts then.10:01
mithroJLP: can you include a short 2-3 line description?10:01
mithroIwanowitch: no probs10:01
mithroJLP: could you add a short description of each project?10:02
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JLPmithro: from summary into the news?10:04
mithroyeah - I think it would be good10:05
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r889f31b9543f /doc/ (19 files in 4 dirs): add document skeleton10:05
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r783bae10e631 / (.gitignore doc/html/front_end.html doc/src/front_end.rst): document for the front-end of Schemepy10:05
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * re4617ceca2a9 /doc/ (html/front_end.html src/front_end.rst): update front-end api10:05
pluskidcool. git push works!10:06
mithroyes :)10:06
JLPmithro: let's see if i can come up with nice descriptions10:08
mithroI think we could also do a weekly "meet the student" type session10:09
JLPyeah that would also be nice, kinda like an interview by e-mail10:22
pluskidinterview every week?10:22
JLPpluskid: well we could come up with some questions which we would then send out once to each student and then publish the Q&A in wiki for example10:23
pluskidJLP: Oh, that's fine. :)10:24
JLPpluskid: kinda like this -
tpbTitle: People Behind KDE (at
mithroJLP: lets wait till SoC actually starts I think10:25
mithroanyway I'm really disappearing now10:25
JLPmithro: yeah of course10:25
JLPmithro: good night10:25
pluskidJLP: haha, that's interesting.10:27
pluskidgnight mithro10:27
tpb<tpb@worldforge> New news from Meet Thousand Parsec GSoC 2008 Students10:31
pluskidtpb is a robot?10:36
JLPpluskid: yup, thousand parsec bot10:36
pluskidJLP: cool10:36
* JLP goes back home10:37
JLPsee you in an hour or so10:37
pluskidsee you10:39
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CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r85d15b413093 /schemepy/guile/ disable gc debug output12:38
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * rd112d5780736 /tests/ (18 files): rename all test files so that py.test can discover them automatically.12:39
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * raacb4958b7ef /tests/
CIA-29fix the require path for schemepy module.12:39
CIA-29Then we can run the test cases in any working directory.12:39
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r9267c12fd2d5 / (Rakefile doc/Rakefile doc/src/ Rake task for running tests and generating documents.12:39
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vi1985hey guys13:37
JLPvi1985: ahoy13:48
vi1985roger that mate13:49
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CIA-29jlp web * r307a020a3b83 /news/ (4 files): A couple of XHTML fixes15:56
CIA-29jlp web * rc0bbf4b55bd4 /news/ One more XHTML fix15:56
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nashstupid .se people using my nick20:22
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mithromorning people20:44
mithrohey llnz20:44
greywhindhey mithro20:44
llnzhi mithro20:49
nashPants on!20:49
mithroI don't think my work collegues work enjoy Pants Off! :)20:53
nashThey need to get out more20:56
greywhindmithro: the person who administrates my internship posted this on the blog for the SAGE club at our school:
tpb<> (at
greywhindfree publicity :)21:04
mithrogreywhind: cool :)21:05
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mithrohey JLP21:05
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mithroheading to lunch22:16
mithrowill be back later22:16
bddebianHeya folks22:18
nashheyo bddebian...22:19
nashbddebian: Still no galaxie debian fixes ;-)22:19
bddebianHi nash22:19
bddebianI know, sorry :-(22:19
nashThat's cool22:20
nashIt still depends on experimental debian..22:20
nashDo you have commit to TP git?22:20
nashhmm... well if you do, you hereby have permission to commit to galaxie for such things whenever you wish22:22
* bddebian goes looking for the git equivalent of rm -rf22:24
nashbddebian: history is fun ;-)22:27
IwanowitchNight all.22:31
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greywhindmithro: any chance you could talk to me about constructing the list of messages?22:31
nashgreywhind: He is at lunch22:37
nashbddebian: Have you tried to build it?22:38
greywhindnash: ah. so i see.22:39
bddebiannash: No, no recently :'-(22:40
bddebianRL job is ugly lately22:40
nashbddebian: At all? ;-)22:40
nashbddebian: That I can appreciate22:40
bddebianI tried it the first time you asked me about it.  Not since to be honest. :(22:41
nashbddebian: That's cool,22:43
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* mithro is back!23:09
mithrogreywhind: I'm back now23:12
nashIt's a fake mithro!23:18
mithroI'm going to meeting23:18
nashSee, no real mithro would go to a meeting ;-)23:19
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