Thursday, 2008-04-03

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Pun1Hi, are any of the GSoC mentors around? (Specifically any on rulesets)02:26
mithrollnz: is the tpserver-cpp ruleset mentor02:30
mithroI would mentor to the tpserver-py rulesets02:30
Pun1I would be going cpp02:30
Pun1Either way, I've been working on my app (I know its a little late) and I was wondering if I should post basically the whole thing to the forums before I submit02:31
Pun1Or if I should just post an overview of the mechanics02:31
mithroPun1: I would recommend starting a wiki page02:31
mithrolike the a few of the other students have done02:32
Pun1ok, thanks02:32
Alklomionmithro: I've been mucking about with the WTK in netbeans, I've got a hello world sort of thing going (a screenshot i'll send you later) and I've added something that tries to use sockets. It is rather difficult without a command prompt :)02:32
mithroAlklomion: okay02:33
mithroI thought println and stuff would got to the console02:33
mithro~seen nash02:35
tpbmithro: nash was last seen in #tp 1 day, 0 hours, 59 minutes, and 1 second ago: <nash> brennan_: Yourself?02:35
Alklomionoh silly me, there it is02:35
Alklomiondeadlocked, a start!02:35
mithroAlklomion: is the netbeans environment working okay?02:35
Alklomionmithro: yeah, it works fine on my pc. it hogs all the resources on my laptop and doesn't go anywhere, but given my laptop is a slow, i don't blame it02:36
Alklomionmithro: will you be at the meeting tomorrow?02:46
Pun1mithro: if you have a chance, I would love some quick feedback on my proposal
tpb<> (at
Pun1moved it to to be more inline with other's proposal pages03:10
tpb<> (at
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llnzinteresting ruleset, not much proposal though05:12
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CIA-15llnz tpserver-cpp * r41b475fd0692 /tpserver/ (orderqueueobjectparam.cpp orderqueueobjectparam.h): Removed unneeded members in OrderQueueObjectParam.05:42
CIA-15llnz tpserver-cpp * r0bd0378e0c13 /modules/persistence/mysql/ (mysqlpersistence.cpp mysqlpersistence.h): Added OrderQueueObjectParam persistence05:53
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llnzlater all08:02
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llnzmorning all18:26
nash git+ssh://reef/share/src/fst/fancypants/doc/usermanual18:31
PunDllnz: Hi. You had commented on my GSoC proposal on the forum, and asked for me to put together a detailed schedule and such. If you have a chance to take a look at it, I've updated ( If there needs to be more detail, or a design doc for the code itself, I'd be happy to put those together too.18:32
tpb<> (at
llnzPunD: looks pretty good18:52
PunDllnz: Anything I should be adding? Or is it in good shape? (and thanks)19:02
llnzyou could merge the milestones and the implimentation stages, so they are more closely associated19:10
PunDsure. Do those seem reasonable? They seem like an overestimate (in terms of time needed) to me, but I haven't actually started coding it yet, so I figured it was safest to make them that way.19:15
llnzthey seem fairly good19:19
llnzyou could be a bit more specific with the stages19:19
llnzsuch as orders, etc19:20
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PunD(wrong chat) and thanks, I'll update that later today.19:30
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JLafontmaking and reading this script is going to take longer than a turn playing it.20:37
mithroJLafont: oh?20:39
JLafonthaha yeah20:40
JLafontI'm making a detailed script of a game20:40
JLafontIts taking much longer than I thought it would20:40
JLafontIt is fun though20:40
JLafontHelps with thinking the ruleset over20:40
JLafontI even made a "map" using paint! weeeeeee20:41
mithroJLafont: that sounds cool20:41
JLafontAnd by map I mean a bunch of circles with names20:43
JLafontBut it at least helps me visualize how the game is playing20:44
JLafontMight put in screen shots using the less than satisfactory Warcraft 3 Mock-up I'm doing.20:45
mithroJLafont: sounds like you are a long way towards putting together an awsome proposal20:46
mithroJLafont: remeber - release early, release often :)20:46
JLafonthaha yeah. It should be done by tomorrow, since I'm done with tests this week. Been getting frustrated with the Warcraft 3 editor lately... Its being mean and not letting me generalize rules20:47
JLafontWill do.20:47
JLafontYou can read the first drafts of the proposal on the google doc. I'm actually working on it right now.20:47
mithroJLafont: sure!20:47
JLafont<qubodup> question: why is it in some places mentioned that this engine is under the GPL and on one page that it's under the AGPL?20:47
JLafont<qubodup> also: Is it possible to license GPL software linke soya3d, on which pysoy is based, under agpl?20:47
mithroJLafont: ???20:48
mithroJLafont: wrong button click? :)20:48
JLafontI'm as confused as you are20:48
JLafontCopy Paste is being dumb I guess20:48
JLafonthmm, maybe its cause I'm remote connecting from work. Lemme type it out20:50
mithrosounds plausable20:50
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec Ruleset: DroneSec (at
JLafontyay! Game script should be in blue text20:52
JLafontStill only on turn 5 though20:52
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JLafonthmm, I think I'll split the script into two different tables to make it easier to read.21:23
mithroJLafont: probably a good idea21:37
greywhindmithro: did you see my patch yesterday?21:43
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bddebianHi JLafont21:58
mithrogreywhind: yes, I have not had a chance to look into it yet22:00
bddebianHeya mithro22:00
mithrohey bddebian22:00
mithrohow goes everything?22:00
bddebianOK thanks, you?22:01
mithrovery busy22:03
mithroJLafont: might I suggest putting your stuff in a table22:11
mithroand separate the "orders" from the "results"22:11
JLafontWas thinking of that22:14
JLafontI'll do it once I finish it, which hopefully won't take too long22:14
mithroit will help seperate what a player does and the results of a players actions22:15
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SmokingRopemithro: didn't you mention a particular date format you wanted on the proposals?23:00
JLafontI should probably do that too23:01
JLafontoh wait23:01
JLafontmaybe it was ISO23:01
JLafontlemme check23:01
mithroyes that is correct23:07
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SmokingRopewould something like August 31st, 2008  be rewritten as 2008 August, 31?23:23
mithroSmokingRope: no it would be rewritten to be "YYYY-MM-DD" and then you could do a "YYYY-MM-DD (<month> <day>)"23:26
SmokingRopei don't see that clause on wikipedia :)23:29
* SmokingRope dives into the ISO-8601 standard23:30
mithrothats the "mithro friendly" format :)23:31
SmokingRopehehe, yes "this international standard does not cover dates and times where words are used in the representation"23:33
mithroproblems with words is that they are dependent on the locale23:34
SmokingRopeISO is wise23:35
mithroSmokingRope: except when hijacked by Microsoft23:36
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