Sunday, 2008-03-30

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mithrohey llnz01:15
llnzhi mithro01:15
mithrotwo more applications and we hit multiple pages! yay!01:16
llnzone more?01:17
llnzoh, right01:17
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mithrogreywhind: ping?01:59
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SmokingRopemithro: i did git clone
tpb<$> (at
SmokingRopemithro: after colonizing a planet the client is still crashing02:28
mithroSmokingRope: did you follow these steps ->02:29
tpbTitle: Win Setup - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at
SmokingRopepretty closely: don't have PIL, don't have PyGame02:32
mithrocan you get me a copy of your log then?02:32
SmokingRopeit locked up on the orders part of the universe download02:34
mithroSmokingRope: umm that is a log from the non-git version of the client02:35
SmokingRopedoes it log to a different directory?02:35
mithroSmokingRope: okay02:47
mithrofirstly, I would recommend installing PIL02:49
mithroIf you look at that log it should be obvious why :)02:49
SmokingRopeyea the client does complain a bit :)02:50
mithroSmokingRope: it also appears that somewhere along the line you installed python eggs02:50
mithrothe bug was in libtpclient-py not tpclient-pywx02:51
SmokingRopei installed the egg versions of both tp libraries02:51
mithrothe windows exe install does not require them02:52
mithroand the development version you should be using git checkouts as explained on the setup page02:52
mithroI'm surprised that the client even ran! :P02:53
SmokingRopei'm going to go to bed now :P02:53
mithroSmokingRope: okay02:56
mithroI just about have a windows binary built02:56
greywhind_mithro: pong03:04
greywhind_but i'm going to sleep soon03:04
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mithrogreywhind: any chance you could build a mac binary?03:06
greywhindmithro: sure, as long as it doesn't break03:06
greywhindmithro: mind if I commit a patch for added comments in IdleFinder?03:07
JLPgood morning all03:13
llnzhi JLP03:16
greywhindmithro: ping?03:20
mithrogreywhind: sorry03:27
mithroI was cooking dinner03:27
greywhindmithro: that's ok03:27
mithrogreywhind: could you build from the tag03:27
mithrobut feel free to commit it first03:28
greywhindmithro: k.03:28
CIA-13noegnud tpclient-pywx-stable * r9d2606f2fa91 /windows/main/ Added comments to IdleFinder.03:28
greywhindmithro: is this the last patch I should have applied:03:32
greywhindCommit: 830a3719d0066a9c8e8f525fdf305c57f170898803:32
greywhindAuthor: Tim Ansell <[email protected]> Thu, 27 Mar 2008 11:24:23 +103003:32
greywhind    Fixed unicode output on the console and log file.03:32
CIA-13llnz tpserver-cpp * r2d0a32c5bbca /modules/persistence/mysql/mysqlpersistence.cpp:03:36
CIA-13Fixed setDirty() => setIsDirty() in Object persistence.03:36
CIA-13TpMysql module builds again. Still not working.03:36
mithrogreywhind: yes03:43
greywhindmithro: k. i'll build now then.03:43
mithrosorry about being in and out03:43
mithroin the middle of cooking dinner :)03:43
greywhindmithro: was that... git clean that I had to do first?03:44
mithrogit rest --hard03:44
greywhindthere was also git clean or something like that03:44
mithrogit clean -d -x03:45
greywhindmithro: k03:45
greywhindmithro: seems to have been successful03:50
greywhindmithro: 5 minutes left03:55
greywhindmithro: done.04:01
greywhindfeel free to check it when you can, but I'm going to sleep now.04:01
mithrogreywhind: thanks04:03
greywhindmithro: hopefully all is well, but if not, tell me tomorrow and I'll work on it04:03
greywhindsee you later04:04
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* llnz finishes his draft of his "Licensing 101" slides for presentation to Free Culture Club on Tuesday04:47
tpbdisconnected from worldforge: Ping sent at 2008-03-30T04:52:52 not replied to.04:54
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karolhi all04:56
JLPahoy karol04:59
llnzhi karol05:00
karolllnz: could you please review my proposal and write som critisism? :)05:02
llnzwhich one is yours?05:03
karolpersistence module (my name is "viewable" by /who)05:04
* karol hates timechanges05:12
* llnz wishes he didn't start painting 30 minutes ago05:16
llnzsorry about the delay, are you agoing to be around for 15-20 minutes?05:17
karolllnz: I can05:17
karolllnz: have you read it?05:18
llnzi did read it before and nothing major stuck out05:22
llnzi will read it again shortly and give some detail feedback05:22
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* llnz finishes painting05:34
JLPllnz: model trains?05:35
llnzJLP: good guess05:35
llnzkarol: i have given you some feedback before, iirc05:37
llnzwas it email, forum or wiki?05:38
karolllnz: last year, mail05:38
JLPllnz: cool, i've also fascinated with model trains until highschool, lack of time since then05:38
* llnz finally finds it05:40
llnzJLP: i've had model trains since i was 405:40
llnzthis is the first loco i've assembled/painted05:40
llnzkarol: first of all, what is DDL? (may 26-june 8)05:41
karolllnz: Data definition language. SQL statements that can be used either interactively or within programming language source code to define databases and ...05:42
karolCREATE TABLE ...05:42
JLPllnz: i never got to assemble my own engine, and only did some small paintings like lights and stuff to make it more real on the parts from the tran sets i got05:42
llnzJLP: i'm building a layout from scratch with my future brother-in-law, and getting a few things for when I build my own05:43
llnzkarol: as JLP noted on your application, you should use ISO dates (yyyy-mm-dd) in your schedule05:44
llnzkarol: including your irc nick would be useful too05:45
JLPllnz: way cool, i also had some grand plans to build the whole layout, looks like i'll go back to it when i get into pension or something :)05:45
llnzJLP: I have won and been given hobby vouchers, so i'm going to use them05:46
JLPllnz: good idea :)05:47
llnzgoing to get DCC gear with it05:47
llnzkarol: can you give more detail about what PostgreSQL features you will use?05:48
* llnz follows the Further Information link and notes updates05:49
karolllnz: hmm, I don't know if I will need some special, just ordinary storre, retreive, select stuff :)05:49
llnzkarol: store procedures? precomplied queries?05:49
llnzkarol: odbc?05:51
karolllnz: maybe precomplied queries05:51
JLPllnz: cool, you should blog about the progress with the layout, with photos of yourse :)05:53
llnzkarol: have you seen the ObjectParameter work I've started in MysqlPersistence?05:53
llnzJLP: I should do05:53
llnzJLP: I should stop redesigning it and just start building05:53
JLPllnz: hehe05:54
JLPllnz: btw which scale are you using? HO?05:54
llnz00/H0 mixed05:54
llnzH0 america locos are about right for 00 NZ locos05:55
karolllnz: I looked mainly on the stable version of tpserver-cpp05:55
llnzkarol: you should have a look at the git version05:55
tpb<> (at
llnzkarol: you might like to also have a "risks" section about what problems you might face06:00
karolllnz: i am looking at the code, i will need some time to find the main diferences06:01
karolllnz: ad risk> should I write about possible ilnesses or injuries? :)06:02
llnzkarol: main one is Object Parameters (not complete yet), and the view persistence (ObjectView, DesignView, ComponentView)06:03
JLPkarol: yeah, maybe a broken computer, things like that06:03
llnzkarol: and unexpected challenges06:03
karolllnz: ok, I will look into it, in few hours there will be an update :)06:04
karolJLP: there is a computer lab on campus (or 3 :P)06:05
* karol needs food06:05
JLPkarol: we can't know this, for all we know you could be working from home where there is only one computer available and if that one would get down....06:06
karolJLP: I know, the proposal will resemble that ...06:06
karolI am going to have breakfast & lunch :)06:09
karolsee you later06:09
llnzcya karol06:13
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llnzgrr... i need to reinstall imagemagick on my webserver/firewall06:45
mithrohello BZA_06:45
BZA_mithro: hey mithro06:45
* llnz removes the compiler and dev libraries from his firewall06:56
llnzwhy oh why is imagemagick installing qt4?07:02
llnzand wtf did it install iceweasel?!?07:14
mithrohe he07:14
mithro~seen JLafont07:31
tpbmithro: JLafont was last seen in #tp 1 day, 5 hours, 43 minutes, and 4 seconds ago: <JLafont> np07:31
mithroI've updated the spreadsheet quite a bit07:32
* llnz finally gets photos upload to his gallery again07:42
llnzwow, just got tls read error07:50
llnzin tpserver-cpp07:50
mithrollnz: i got a few segfaults in tpserver-cpp locally07:51
mithrowasn't running under gdb and now I can't reproduce :(07:51
mithrollnz: maybe run some more tests with tpsai-py?07:51
llnzcan i fix persistence first?07:57
llnzJLP: re model rail:
* llnz notes he should put some more ram in his firewall/server08:17
* llnz wanders off08:44
llnzlater all08:45
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mithroSmokingRope: ping?08:58
mithro~seen Arc09:19
tpbmithro: Arc was last seen in #tp 3 days, 6 hours, 17 minutes, and 29 seconds ago: <Arc> ^ modern09:19
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mithrohey bddebian09:33
mithrodid a release09:33
bddebianHi mithro09:33
bddebianOh man... :-(09:33
mithro(of libtpclient and tpclient-pywx09:33
mithronot updates to libtpproto09:35
bddebianYou are killing me :)09:41
mithrobddebian: just uploading now09:41
mithrobddebian: well atleast we are an active project :)09:57
bddebianGood point :-)09:57
CIA-13mithro web * redbb0ae96f85 /downloads/ (8 files in 2 dirs): Added the release.09:59
CIA-13mithro web * r5c018425f346 /news/ Merge with git+ssh://
mithrobddebian: there you go10:00
mithroJLP: ping?10:15
mithro~seen JLP10:15
tpbmithro: JLP was last seen in #tp 4 hours, 9 minutes, and 26 seconds ago: <JLP> karol: we can't know this, for all we know you could be working from home where there is only one computer available and if that one would get down....10:15
mithroJLP: the fixes to major bugs10:16
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SmokingRopeafternoon everyone14:49
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llnzmorning all16:40
llnzhi Nuleren16:40
NulerenI've got a couple questions about turns16:44
Nulerenmithro made the comment that the flow of my ruleset (tigris and euphrates) doesn't quite follow the flow of TP16:45
Nulerenmy ruleset needs each player to take turns separately of the other players16:45
Nulerenthis seems like it could be done easily using a variable of sorts that indicates who's turn it is...16:46
karolllnz: good evening :)16:46
Nulerenthe real problem is that to match the flow of the ruleset correctly, each order needs to be resolved immediately16:47
NulerenIs that OK? Or should I try to modify it so that all the players rules are decided then resolved simultaneously16:47
Nulerenerr rules should be "orders" in my last line16:48
karolllnz: are you coding a priority queue?16:49
karolllnz: (in the persistence module)16:49
karolNuleren: we've made an overkill ;)16:51
Nulerenhehe, yeah its kinda hard to explain... let me give an example if that would work better16:54
NulerenEach player can execute a maximum of 2 orders per turn16:55
NulerenWay I want to do it:16:55
NulerenPlayer 1 executes order 1... order 1 is resolved and map is updated16:55
NulerenPlayer 1 executes order 2... order 2 is resolved and map is updated16:55
NulerenPlayer 2 executes order 1... order 1 is resolved and map is updated16:56
NulerenAccording to some previous IRC logs, this is the way it would work better with TP:16:56
NulerenPlayer one executes order 1 and 2... both orders are resolved simultaneously and map is updated16:57
NulerenPlayer two executes order 1 and 2... both orders are resolved simultaneously and map is updated16:57
Nulerenmy question is: is it OK if I do it the first way as opposed to the second, or is that a big no-no?16:58
llnzhi karol17:01
* llnz was afk17:02
Nulerenllnz: sorry bout all the text there :P17:02
llnzkarol: no, why?17:02
llnzNuleren: give me a moment to read17:03
Nulerenllnz: no rush17:03
karolllnz: hm, I looked at the code (yet not released) and I'm kinda puzzled :-/17:05
llnzNuleren: either way could work17:10
Nulerenok cool17:10
llnzsecond way will probably be easier17:11
llnzkarol: what's the problem?17:12
Nulerenllnz: ok, thanks for the info...17:12
karolllnz: ah, you replaced orderid by queueid, simplified interface for selecting data; I could make any of *OrderQueue methods ...17:18
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napiTim Ansell here? (not sure what irc nice is)17:26
* jotham points at mithro 17:27
mithrooh no!17:27
napihai :)17:27
* mithro is about to run off to bed in 5-10 minutes17:28
napidamn. nevermind - talk tomorrow? (is about the web client in case btw)17:29
* mithro will be back in about 1 hour17:29
karolllnz: good? :(17:30
llnzkarol: you are starting to understand it17:31
karolllnz: any other hint?17:32
llnznot that I can think of at the moment17:33
* karol is almost asleep17:34
karolllnz: ok, I will look at it again tomorrow after school17:35
karolllnz: however I don't believe that I will understand it in a day :(17:36
llnzkarol: i wouldn't expect anyone to in a day17:37
napino doubt there. I made the mistake of thinking I understood the web client... boy was I wrong ¬.¬17:41
napimithro; please explain to me your reasoning for wanting a single web client hosted by TP that acts as the gateway for *all* tp servers?17:43
llnzlearning is good17:43
karolnapi: i would say that as in math you understand the sentence after you proofed it or in this case after you implemented it & it works :)17:43
* karol needs rest17:49
karolbye everyone, night17:49
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llnzhi nash17:51
nashheyo llnz17:52
nashWhat are you doing on on a daytime weekday?17:52
llnzat uni, with irc open17:53
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mithro~seen napi18:33
tpbmithro: napi was last seen in #tp 50 minutes and 17 seconds ago: <napi> mithro; please explain to me your reasoning for wanting a single web client hosted by TP that acts as the gateway for *all* tp servers?18:33
* napi waves18:34
mithronapi: because providing a client and providing a server are two logically separate entities.18:34
napiyes but also no18:35
napithe web client ultimately is there to offer players a more accessible route to joining games18:35
napisurely each person hosting a server should choose whether to offer the web client or not?18:36
mithronapi: no18:36
mithronapi: just like each server can not choose which client connects to their server18:36
mithroif someone wanted there should be no reason why they can not setup the web client locally and use that18:37
napiI'm really not convinced that having a single web client being the gateway to all servers for players connecting through their browser is a good idea18:37
napimithro that will change the coding signficantly if there are multiple web clients serving all servers18:38
mithronapi: why?18:38
mithrothey just connect like any other client18:39
napiyes but each client can (and likely will) be serving multiple players18:39
napilets say you have 2 servers, and 2 web clients18:40
napi10 players, 5 on each server18:40
napi2 players on each server are connected via web client, each player using different web client18:40
napiboth computers hosting web clients will be serving data for both tpservers18:41
mithroall player data *has* to be totally separated so it makes no different where it is stored18:41
napidouble the bandwidth, double the database queries, double the resource usage18:41
mithronapi: not at all18:41
mithroweb client 1 only has data for player 118:41
mithroweb client 2 only has data for player 218:41
mithrothere is nothing which can be shared between the data for player 1 and player 218:42
napiadd 2 more players, 3 and 4, on web clients 2 and 1 respectively18:42
napiyou now have complete replication of *all* data transfer+manipulation18:42
mithrowhat are you talking about?18:43
napinot the response I was hoping for. Was looking for an "aaaaah I see"18:43
mithroeven if the client is running on the same machine, each player has a totally separate dataset18:43
mithro(tpserver-cpp can even have different ids for the same object for different players)18:44
napiok I'm not talking about which machine the web client is running on18:44
llnzmithro: one day18:44
mithroso the amount of data you download for each player is identical no mater where you are downloading it18:44
napiaaaaah I see... about that bit18:46
mithro(specially since the web client has no special information)18:46
napibut I still don't see the advantage to not serving a single web client directly connected (albeit on a different machine) to each tpserver18:46
napijust seems more ... logical18:46
mithronapi: it seems less logical as it means everyone needs to setup a copy of the webclient when they setup a server18:47
mithro(and do extra port mappings)18:47
mithro(and worry about conflicts with their already running web server)18:47
mithrowhere as providing a web client centrally allows server admins to **not care** about how a person is accessing their server18:48
mithroand which client they are using18:48
mithroJLafont: ping?18:48
napihmm ok18:48
mithro~seen JLafont18:48
tpbmithro: JLafont was last seen in #tp 1 day, 17 hours, and 2 seconds ago: <JLafont> np18:48
napiI get it now. Sorry if I seemed argumentative mithro- just couldn't understand your reasoning before18:51
mithronapi: we want to keep proper separation of responsibility18:51
Iwanowitchmithro: would you kindly take a look at my proposal?
tpb<> (at
IwanowitchAnd thank you.18:53
llnznapi: there is no reason that the web client could have a configured whitelist of servers to connect to18:56
llnzbut it's not needed first up18:57
napiIt could be a nice config setting (if people want it) to add later for if you want to run a web client, you can have it open to all servers or only serve for X Y Z18:58
napidefinately not a priority to add though18:58
mithroIwanowitch: I think you need to work on your timeline18:59
mithroIwanowitch: did you see the tips page19:01
brennan_ hi guys19:07
Iwanowitchmithro: as in expand it? Provide more details?19:10
mithroIwanowitch: yeah19:13
mithroIwanowitch: I would recommend taking a look at Andrei's or vi1985's applications19:18
* vi1985 *blushing... in a manly way*19:19
IwanowitchTo be honest... I don't believe in schedules like that.19:21
IwanowitchI should expand on the subgoals, probably.19:22
andreiIwanowitch, They're actually really useful. Both for you and the project. So that they have confidence you have time and that you do as well19:22
andreiIwanowitch, Planning 3 months ahead of time is hard :)19:22
mithroIwanowitch: they are very useful to see if you have a good understanding in what you actually have to do, how you are going to do it and what you think your skills are19:23
andreiThe first time I applied to SoC my timeline was.. about the length of my application right now. But I was told that was overkill :P19:23
andrei(and was offered to work on a slightly different project that didn't interest me, so I declined, but that just goes to show how much people like timelines)19:24
vi1985mh, my five cents is that i didn't believe in them as well, until i actually did it, and it gave me an appreciation of the workload relative to the timeframe... even if it's not 100% percise anyway19:24
andreimithro, By the way, are you interested in our CVs? (it has things like my work history, which isn't in the application)19:25
mithroandrei: can't hurt to add a link19:25
andreimithro, Okies, I'll add one to the end of the application tomorrow; must read over it first, it's been a while. Don't think I updated it since I finished undergrad.19:26
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mithrohey greywhind20:02
greywhindhey mithro20:02
mithrothe dmg seemed to work fine20:03
greywhindmithro: k, good20:03
OhmHm, seems like I won't be doing SoC20:28
Ohmwhich you probably noticed by now20:28
Iwanowitchmithro: I expanded a bit on the milestones.20:30
OhmThe reason is a mix of personal things.20:30
mithroOhm: oh?20:30
OhmI'll still be doing some random programming on TP during the summer, though20:30
Ohmmithro: yeah, some different philosophical and life-style choice thoughts are fighting battles over me, so to speak20:31
mithroOhm: well it's good to hear that you are still interested in working on TP20:35
mithrowe are happy to help you if any problems20:35
OhmI'll be asking whenever I encounter anything I can't understand by myself, for sure20:35
mithroI can always use help with tpclient-pywx :)20:40
mithrohaving greywhind to help out has made a huge difference in the progress of the client20:40
Ohmtpclient-pywx is probably what I'll be working on, yeah20:42
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mithroOhm: that would be cool - anything which is most interesting to you?20:57
Ohmright now I'm going to complete my goal of making the EOT blink optional20:58
Ohmwhich includes figuring out how to make stuff appear in the preferences window20:58
mithroOhm: did you have a look at the Config interface in winBase?20:59
OhmI've also checked other windows that have settings things20:59
mithroI think only the winConnect has config settings at the moment?21:00
Ohmthat's true21:00
Ohmhm, how do I update my local version of the code to the latest in repos?21:01
mithroor git pull21:01
mithroI need to increase my git foo21:01
OhmGit is extremely cool21:01
OhmI find the easiest and most pleasurable way of learning things like these is to use them daily, and keep an eye out for things you do often21:02
Ohmand check if they can be done faster in any way21:02
andreiPeople still use cg? I thought it was deprecated?21:04
nashandrei: I got people on cg just befre it got deprecated.. .and now noone wants to jump back to git, even though git is better now ;-)21:06
IwanowitchWhat is the big difference between git and cg anyway? From my 10-seconds-experience, they seem pretty equal.21:06
Ohmcg is a cli interface for git21:06
andreiIwanowitch, I think it's still a bit simpler to use than git (though I haven't used cg in ages). There's no advantage to it these days though21:09
IwanowitchSeeing that I don't have any knowledge of both, I suppose it'd be better to just stick with git then.21:11
nashIwanowitch: That's what you awnt to do21:12
andreiIwanowitch, All you get with a cg is an interface that has fewer options and fewer commands. It's better to stick with git as cg, I don't, think will be updated anymore :)21:12
nashAnd aside from cg-switch, there is no difference you will generally notice21:12
andreierm, rather than instead of as :P21:12
andreiBy the way, for SoC; do people have a prefernce as to what type of repository I keep my code in?21:15
nashYes, keep it in git to make it easier to transfer later21:15
andreiBy my system the SoC code goes into a darcs repository, not a git one (I use 3 different repository types depending on what/how I'm storing things)21:15
nashjust log out then21:16
nashI know what hte problem was - logging out will fix it for now21:16
nashwrong window21:16
andreinash, I can always convert the darcs repository to a git one and keep the full history21:17
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mithroI prefer the output of cg-status to git status21:18
mithroandrei: we use git, so your code would need to be in a git repository21:19
mithrohow you get it into the git repository is your own prerogative21:19
andreimithro, Allrighty :)21:19
andreiI'll just use git then. I'm doubtful of darcs' ability to interface with git repositories day to day.21:22
mithrofind with me :)21:25
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tpbmode change by on worldforge: -o tpb23:23
tpbmode change by on worldforge: -t23:23
tpbaloril has joined on worldforge23:23
*** TBBle has joined #tp23:23
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JLafont_hmm allo?23:25
JLafont_mithro, pong! (Not sure if you got this as I think my irc disconnected)23:25
*** JLafont_ is now known as JLafont23:25
llnzhi JLafont23:25
JLafonthey llnz!23:25
JLafontwhats up?23:26
llnznot much23:26
llnzvery busy here at work23:28
JLafontBig deadline or just the usual?23:30
llnzabout a month to go for my current project23:32
JLafontgood luck23:32
mithrohey JLafont23:49
JLafonthey mithro23:55
*** Lukstr has quit IRC23:58

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