Monday, 2008-03-17

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JLPmorning all03:00
llnzhi JLP03:00
mithrohey JLP03:03
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* llnz wanders off08:01
llnzlater all08:01
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mithrowell off to bed08:07
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JLPahoy, both10:55
bddebianHello Epyon, JLP10:57
EpyonJLP, waiting for the GSoC org results? :D11:06
JLPEpyon: yeah :) 4 more hours...11:08
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JLPmithro: morning17:10
Lukstrcongrats guys17:18
JLPLukstr: thanks!17:18
* JLP posts the news17:21
greywhindwell... that's an issue.17:21
CIA-13jlp web * r8f8ad4094c0a /news/ Thousand Parsec is in Google Summer of Code 2008!17:22
mithrohey greywhind17:28
CIA-13jlp web * r925dd7b6f1f3 /news/ Added link to TP page at GSoC200817:28
greywhindmithro: hey... i just read the FAQ for SOC more carefully and realized that it requires you to be 18 by April 14...17:28
mithrogreywhind: and you won't be?17:29
greywhindmithro: nope. about 1.5 months too soon...17:29
mithrogreywhind: dang17:29
greywhindi know... i assume that's a set-in-stone sort of requirement, unfortunately.17:30
JLPgreywhind: :(17:31
mithrogreywhind: yeah, by US law pretty much17:31
tpbNew news from We are mentors for Google Summer of Code 2008!17:32
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec : News (at
*** Lukstr is now known as Lukstr|Beer17:34
mithroyour news item looks a little broken17:34
mithroJLP: the topic sounds a little funny too17:35
JLPmithro: just special effect to make it more ehhh interesting :)17:35
mithromaybe "Thousand Parsec has been accepted into Google Summer of Code" ?17:35
JLPmithro: will change17:36
CIA-13jlp web * rcc2f829386b2 /news/ Fixed title and the two links list17:38
JLPmithro: damn, i submited the mentor request from the wrong google account17:47
greywhindmithro: on the #gsoc channel, I noticed this, and I don't think you saw it: JeffM: mithro, plan on having anothe gamers meeting at the summit this year? I think we still need to convince content creators that Z is still up ;)17:47
JLPmithro: ignore the first one, i will submit again from the right one17:47
tpbNew news from Thousand Parsec has been accepted into Google Summer of Code 2008!18:02
JLafontI have a question about RFTS: Is there a max on the pop/industry/social environment/ planetary environment ?18:03
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mithroJLP and llnz you are now admins18:36
* llnz needs to track down who said they would do what18:47
llnzahh... thanks irc logs  :-)19:05
mithroIRC logs are very good19:07
llnzi've found one, looking for the other19:08
llnzfound both19:09
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JLPezod: ahoy19:13
ezodso i just found out about TP through GSoC19:13
JLPezod: cool19:14
ezodi spent a large part of my life playing 4x games19:14
JLPezod: even cooler :)19:14
llnzhi ezod, welcome19:14
ezodso needless to say, i'm monstrously interested in applying :)19:15
JLPezod: which ones did you play/like the most19:15
ezodstars! was the big one19:15
ezodstar wars: rebellion was similar, sort of19:16
ezodand i played a LOT of heroes of might and magic19:16
ezodvga planets19:16
ezodMoO a little19:16
greywhind1? 2? 3?19:17
ezodfor HoMM?19:17
greywhindfor MoO19:17
greywhindah. I used to play 2.19:17
* JLP never played moo :( they say 2 is the best19:18
ezodi hear that also19:18
ezodi never played much of the original though19:18
ezodso anyway, i was planning on mainly applying to gentoo projects as i'm already an arch tester and have some good ideas, but TP just rocketed to the top of my list due to sheer coolness ;)19:19
JLPezod: so did any idea from the list already catch your attention?19:19
JLPezod: or do you have an idea of your own?19:19
ezodnothing really jumped out at me, although i haven't read it thoroughly yet19:19
ezodbut i was going to ask here19:20
ezodi'm handy with both python and cpp19:20
JLPezod: great, so lots of stuff you can choose from :)19:20
ezodthe development tool stuff looked cool19:21
llnz~seen krazytekn019:22
tpbllnz: krazytekn0 was last seen in #tp 2 weeks, 0 days, 19 hours, 50 minutes, and 30 seconds ago: <krazytekn0> night19:22
ezodas i said, though, i had no idea TP existed until now, so i'm going to have to play aroudn with it first19:22
JLPezod: take as much time as you need19:22
JLPezod:  and if you have any questions just ask here, or on the mailing lists19:22
ezodwill do, thanks19:23
JLPezod: btw, any place where you are looking for news about 4x games, so that we could post the news about tp and gsoc there?19:24
ezodJLP: not really, to be honest i kinda thought i was the last person on earth that cared about 4x games :)19:26
JLPezod: yeah, it often seems like so these days, not as popular genre as it used to be :(19:27
JLafontI dunno, Civ has been kinda keeping the genre alive19:29
llnztrue, but only just19:29
llnzlots of people would play again in future, i think19:29
ezodi don't know many people who have actually tried games like this and not liked them19:30
ezodbut a lot who've never tried them at all19:30
mithrothere is Galactic Civilisation too19:31
mithrohey peoples :)19:32
ezodlooks like you have quite a few different packages, is there a gentoo ebuild for this stuff?19:34
JLafonthey mithro19:34
ezodif not, i could whip one up19:34
JLPezod: i tried to write some ebuilds quite some time ago, but never realy made it19:34
JLPezod: i have some ebuilds for c++ stuff somewhere, didn't start to do them for python stuff19:36
ezodJLP: did you have any experience writing ebuilds previously?19:36
JLPezod: nope, it was my very first try making ebuilds for TP19:36
ezodalright, well, i'd rather have it installed cleanly on my system anyway, so i can probably get them working19:36
ezodebuilds are a little esoteric, but it's kinda what i do, so should be no problem19:37
JLPezod: let me try to find them19:37
ezodJLP: if you do, my email is mavrinac at gmail dot com19:38
JLPezod: found and sent19:39
ezodJLP: thanks, i'll get back to you when it's done... hopefully i don't have to do anything evil to get it working, so you can distribute the overlay ;)19:40
JLPezod: cool, thanks to you19:41
JLPezod: i think there is only the server and needed libraries in there, maybe c++ protocol libraries19:42
JLPezod: to try the main client which is in python the -inplace package from the download page works out of the box from one folder19:42
JLPezod: but it19:42
JLPwould still be nice to make proper ebuilds for that too someday19:43
greywhindmithro: ping?19:43
mithrogreywhind: pong19:43
greywhindmithro: so the demo shows that the wx.PopupWindow and its derivatives are not available on Mac19:44
greywhindis there any other way to get the window to not pull focus from the main window and then refuse to return focus when you click outside of it?19:44
mithrogreywhind: yes, that is why we have our own custom wx.PopupWindow in ./extra/__init__.py19:45
mithrowhich we use for the starmap popups19:45
greywhindreally? didn't know that.19:45
greywhindmithro: so i have to import extra.wxPopupWindow?19:47
mithrogreywhind: no19:47
mithrogreywhind: the extra/ will automatically overload the broken mac one19:48
mithroso just use it like normal19:48
mithrogreywhind: see lines 711 to 743 in ./extra/__init__.py19:49
greywhindyeah, i was looking at that.19:49
mithrogreywhind: cool :)19:50
ezodJLP: i see you submitted some of these to gentoo bugzilla :)19:51
JLPezod: yeah :)19:51
JLPezod: completely forgot about that19:51
mithrogreywhind: remeber the debugging we did with the Popup Window stuff on the starmap?19:53
greywhindmithro: the "stealing focus" stuff?19:53
mithrogreywhind: yeah19:54
llnzbrb, lunch19:58
* JLP will be right back, goes watching st:tng20:02
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greywhindmithro: you said you thought I should use PopupTransientWindow... but that still gives a NotImplementedError. Will just plain PopupWindow work?20:03
bddebianHey folks20:03
mithrogreywhind: PopupWindow might work20:03
mithrohey bddebian20:03
mithrowe got into GSoC!20:04
bddebianw00t, nice20:04
bddebianHello :-)20:04
mithrobddebian: Hoping to do a 0.3.1 release this weekend20:04
bddebianEgads.. :)20:04
greywhindmithro: before i change things around too much, i'm going to submit this small patch that adds text to the PopupCtrl based on what resources are checked20:06
mithrogreywhind: okay cool20:06
* llnz is back20:08
CIA-13noegnud tpclient-pywx-orderxrc * r7e6c68daf485 /windows/main/overlays/ Added text to the Resource Selector box on the Resources overlay.20:15
llnz~seen Lukstr20:16
tpbllnz: Lukstr was last seen in #tp 2 hours, 58 minutes, and 2 seconds ago: <Lukstr> congrats guys20:16
greywhindmithro: ok. i'm not sure what I need to do here - seems like the PopupCtrl itself might be the source of the problem, which might be rather complicated to replace...20:19
mithrogreywhind: hrm?20:19
greywhindmithro: i tried replacing the current window that pops up from the control with a plain wx.PopupWindow, and it still prevented anything else from taking focus20:19
mithrogreywhind: I'm not sure what you mean?20:20
greywhindmithro: do you remember our conversation a week or two ago, where you said that the current popup refuses to go away unless you click on its button, whereas it should disappear if you simply click outside it?20:20
mithrogreywhind: kind of20:21
* mithro has a bad memory :)20:21
greywhindmithro: i probably remember it better because I went and looked up the log20:21
mithrohe he - link me :)20:21
greywhindlet me find it again...20:22
tpb<> (at
mithrogreywhind: maybe look at the code around the pop-up window on the starmap20:25
greywhindmithro: alright.20:26
mithrogreywhind: want to commit what you have to see if it fixes the other issues mentioned there?20:27
mithro(IE The popup in the wrong place, etc)20:27
greywhindmithro: well, i committed what I have20:27
greywhind5:19pm] CIA-13: noegnud tpclient-pywx-orderxrc * r7e6c68daf485 /windows/main/overlays/ Added text to the Resource Selector box on the Resources overlay.20:27
mithrogreywhind: oh, I thought that was changing the text for the pop-up box?20:28
greywhindmithro: well, it's all I have20:29
mithrogreywhind: I thought you where going to replace the pop-up ctrl with a wx.PopupWindow?20:29
greywhindmithro: well, i can't totally replace the PopupCtrl with just a wx.PopupWindow... something has to control when/where/what size it pops up.20:30
greywhindi guess i could try to make my own class that duplicates the PopupCtrl but is essentially just an ImageButton20:31
mithrogreywhind: that might work20:32
mithrothe pop-ctrl doesn't look quite right on linux anyway :/20:32
* JLP is back20:50
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mithrogreywhind: you could combined a textctrl an a stock button20:57
greywhindmithro: i'm not sure the text part is necessary20:59
mithrogreywhind: yeah, you might be right21:01
greywhindsince it was there, i made use of it, but i don't know whether it really adds anything.21:02
mithroonly really makes sense when selecting a single resource21:02
* llnz wonders how Lukstr is getting on with boost.random for tpserver-cpp21:03
Lukstrllnz: I got a little into it21:03
Lukstrthen last week hit with midterms and my birthday21:03
Lukstrso the whole last weekend was a drunken blur21:03
llnzah, ok21:03
LukstrI've never used boost before so it's new to me21:04
Lukstrplanning on being around much much more this week though21:05
llnzi just wanted to check21:06
Lukstrthat's cool, glad no one's forgotten about me :P21:06
Lukstrat least, not everybody21:07
mithroLukstr: you go to midterms drunk?21:07
Lukstrmithro: Haha, nah (well that one time...), aftewards if a different story21:08
Lukstrafterwards, rather21:08
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JLafontThat only really happens if you wake up drunk21:13
mithrohello Ohm21:14
JLPOhm: hey21:14
Ohmhey people21:14
Ohmsorry for not being around lately, I've had MAJOR trouble with ubuntu21:14
Ohmthere's an explanation of what my problems were, if anybody wants to read21:15
OhmIt's all solved now, though. librsvg was the culprit21:15
OhmI'm lucky I have some linux gurus in the section21:15
mithroOhm: running hardy?21:16
Ohmnope, gutsy21:16
mithrodid the library some how become corrupted?21:16
OhmHad a bad for some reason21:16
Ohmno, it remained bad when I reinstalled the librsvg things21:16
greywhindhmm... so basically anything using SVG was failing?21:17
Ohmfixed it by installing the 2.22.2 version from source rather than 2.18.2 from apt-get21:17
Ohmgreywhind: yep21:17
greywhindthat must have been hell to track down21:17
Ohmnautilus, gnome-panel, etc, etc21:17
Ohmit was21:17
mithroOhm: that is generally considered a very bad idea (mixing source and apt-get)21:17
Ohmtook like five days21:17
Ohmmithro: well, it works better now than it did before, so I'm happy21:18
Ohm(until everything breaks again)21:18
LukstrOhm: this is why it's fun to keep the OS installed in its own partition, and your home folders elsewhere :P21:19
Ohmyeah, I've been running windows xp while this ordeal has been going on21:20
Ohmoh yeah21:20
OhmI have /home on the same partition as /21:20
mithroOhm: did you do an update just before?21:21
LukstrI've always done <swap><os files><---empty space---><home> on drives, left to right being beginning to end (for speed purposes swap is thus faster)21:22
Ohmmithro: Not manually, but about 5 hours before I let the update manager update vlc and some vlc-related libs21:22
Ohmnot rsvg though21:22
OhmLukstr: cool21:22
mithrothere must be something else which went wrong :/21:23
Ohmyes, somewhere21:23
Ohmbut I really have no idea21:24
Ohmaround 5 days before I installed some rsvg things manually21:24
Lukstrultra bizarre though21:24
Ohmwhich was probably the causing factor, although I have no idea why it took so long to materialize21:24
Ohmit should be noted that I have none of my media/work/etc files in /home21:25
Ohmit's all symlinked from my home-folder, so I still have convenient access21:25
Ohmoliver@Ra:~/Videos$ ls -l21:25
Ohmtotal 021:25
Ohmlrwxrwxrwx 1 oliver oliver 30 2007-12-18 19:26 Documentaries -> /media/Khemennu/documentaries/21:25
Ohmlrwxrwxrwx 1 oliver oliver 24 2007-12-07 00:39 Film (A - H) -> /media/SD5/Film (A - H)/21:25
Ohmlrwxrwxrwx 1 oliver oliver 29 2007-12-18 19:22 Film (I - Z) -> /media/Khemennu/Film (I - Z)/21:26
Ohmlrwxrwxrwx 1 oliver oliver 22 2008-03-12 01:26 Film (RAR) -> /media/SD4/Film (RAR)/21:26
Ohmlrwxrwxrwx 1 oliver oliver 30 2008-03-12 01:26 Music Videos (RAR) -> /media/SD4/Music Videos (RAR)/21:26
Ohmlrwxrwxrwx 1 oliver oliver 23 2007-12-18 19:32 Series -> /media/Khemennu/Series/21:26
Ohmlrwxrwxrwx 1 oliver oliver 19 2007-12-18 19:57 Series 2 -> /media/SD5/Series 221:26
Ohmlrwxrwxrwx 1 oliver oliver 18 2008-03-12 01:26 Series 3 -> /media/SD4/Series/21:26
Ohmlrwxrwxrwx 1 oliver oliver 28 2008-01-20 22:08 Stuff -> /media/Khemennu/Video-stuff/21:26
Ohmlrwxrwxrwx 1 oliver oliver 21 2007-12-18 19:29 Talks -> /media/Khemennu/talks21:26
Ohmlike so21:26
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* Lukstr heads to bed21:55
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EpyonCongratz to making it into GSoC :DDDDDDDD21:59
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JLPEpyon: thanks22:02
* JLP goes writing on his blog about this22:04
EpyonI'll be submitting a proposal this year :)22:06
EpyonI hope at least one of the orgs takes me :D22:06
JLPEpyon: looking forward to ready your applications22:08
* JLP needs to get sleeping, see you in 8 hours22:24
JLafontJLP: Nite22:34
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mithroJLafont: so how goes your RFTS stuff?23:03
JLafontmithro: I'm working on the second Draft of what I showed you last time23:04
JLafontThis is what I've been thinking off so far23:05
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec AI (at
JLafontFeel free to be as blunt and harsh as possible23:05
mithroI don't have a lot of time to look today23:09
mithrobut will look tommorrow probably23:09
* llnz reads23:10
JLafontkk np23:10
JLafontStill needs alot of work23:11
JLafontHave a lot I keep thinking of doing, but I need to balance it out and make sure it is possible.23:11
mithroJLafont: it would look really good if you have some type of example done before the selection criteria finishes23:20
mithro(IE A proof of concept type thing)23:20
llnzJLafont: are you going to start with tpsai-py or a protocol library, or what?23:22
JLafontmithro: Do you mean like a general code/pseudocode23:27
JLafontllnz: I'm thinking of building from tpsai23:27
llnzok, cool23:27
JLafontllnz: I still haven't fully explored the protocol library though23:27
mithroJLafont: well a working example would be like a killer application23:28
mithroJLafont: something which shows that your idea works23:28
mithromaybe playing an example game only using the rules you develop23:28
JLafontmithro: Ahh ok. Hmmm. I'll have to look into that23:28
mithroJLafont: if you are going to base on tpsai-py you showing a good understanding of that is also good23:29
mithroJLP: ugg phpBB strikes again23:32
tpb<> (at
JLafontmithro: Yeah I've been looking it at a lot. Its helped me figure out a little about how it interacts with the server23:32
JLafontmithro: JLP went to sleep23:33
mithroJLafont: I can prove that tpsai-py will converge to a stable solution on any given input :)23:33
mithrotpsai-py is also deterministic23:33
mithroit will always do the same thing given the same input23:33
JLafontheh, I'm hoping my AI will be as well23:34
mithroJLafont: so what are you going to do to show that?23:37
JLafontmithro: Good question. I guess I can try doing a quick program to show its effectiveness23:39
JLafontmaybe with Minisec23:40
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