Saturday, 2008-02-09

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greywhind_mithro: pong01:12
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llnzhi remaxim05:33
remaximhi llnz05:34
llnzhow are you going?05:34
remaximI already have to go again...05:34
llnzthat's ok05:34
remaximllnz, I am a little bit disappointed because the week is almost over and mithro didn't give any feedback yet05:35
llnzremaxim: if i see him i'll give him a poke for you05:36
llnzyou could also email him to remind him05:36
remaxima poke would be great ;)05:37
remaximso... have to go! bye05:37
remaximand thx05:37
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remaximI didn'T take that long... so I am back again05:44
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llnzlater all06:45
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remaximmithro, did you listen to it once again to explain me which instruments you ment?12:49
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mithroit gets empty in here on weekends :(20:10
jothamweekends are time for rest, not toil21:20
mithroso how goes the battleviewer?22:12
jothamstill reading the red book22:15
mithrothe svn red book?22:19
tpbTitle: OpenGL Programming Guide (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company): Table of Contents (at
jothami find version control an incredibly boring topic, that's why you don't get much traction from me =)22:20
mithrojotham: I find version control pretty boring until a rm -rf accident :)22:21
jothamoh i mean i use it22:21
jothamjust since i met you you've made me dick around with 3 seperate types22:21
mithrojotham: sorry about that :(22:22
jotham(svn, darcs, git)22:22
jothamit's fine22:22
jothami wish i could find a suitable sollution for work22:22
mithrowell git is the way of the future :)22:22
jothami hear that about all kinds of things22:22
jothami really need a new linux box22:23
jothamsomething silent, so i can leave it running in my room22:23
* mithro 's quad core beast is almost silent 22:28
mithroeverything apart from the CPU is passively cooled22:28
jothamthe psu is?22:29
mithroactually, no the PSU isn't either, but the fan never spins up22:30
mithro(it's thermal controlled)22:30
mithro(well it never spins up when the machine is idle)22:30
mithrodoes when the machine is running games, but then you can't hear it over the sound system22:33

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