Monday, 2007-12-03

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* mithro 's head hurts00:57
mithroin C++ your friends can see your privates :P01:01
nashNot only that, they can touch them01:01
mithrowell I think I am going to head home01:33
mithrosee ya01:33
nashsee you later01:49
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llnzhi all03:17
nashheyo llnz03:28
llnzhi nash03:30
nashAnyway... 7:30pm... going home03:30
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llnzhi JLP05:25
JLPllnz: ahoy05:25
* llnz wanders off06:30
llnzlater all06:30
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remaximhi JLP11:55
remaximI ll be back ;)12:06
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remaximis anyone in here?13:18
remaximI need a test-listener ...13:28
tpbTitle: - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files (at
remaximJLP, it would be great if you could tell me what you think of it ;)13:52
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remaximperes, do you want to listen to something?15:10
peresyes, why not15:11
remaximfuck... I am damn slow15:19
tpbTitle: - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files (at
remaximplease tell me what you think of it!15:19
remaximand please write my name at the beginning, so I can react faster ;)15:20
peresremaxim: those high pitched keyboards are triggering some sort of killer reaction in my brain15:23
remaximperes, which ones?15:24
peresremaxim: those sounds resembling backward keyboards15:24
remaximwhen do you hear them the first time?15:24
remaximperes, I don't know how resembling backward keyboards sound like ;)15:25
peresafter the 'thunders', when the cursor is just over the 8 in the player15:25
remaximyou mean those single notes?15:26
peresthey really hurt my nerves, i'm sorry :(15:26
remaximhm... I can understand that ...15:27
peresi'm sure i've heard something like this in a game, though15:27
remaximit's made for being a little painful ;) ...15:27
peresit surely works on me ;) great job ;)15:27
remaximI think it's a great atmospherical method15:28
peresnow i'm going upstairs and take some icecream to relax15:28
* peres afk15:28
peresremaxim: those sounds are actually making some resonance in my head...15:31
remaximperes, maybe if I make this line not that loud you could enjoy the music ...15:31
remaximperes, sick15:31
perestry having somebody else listen to it15:31
peresi'm curious, really15:31
remaximI almost can't hear them in the new version15:32
peresmaybe there is a small peculair cavity in my head...15:32
remaximdo you want to listen to the softer version?15:32
peresok, but promise me is not that painful because i haven't got any icecream left15:32
remaximperes, now that I ve concentrated on those notes I have a headache as well15:34
peressee ;)15:34
remaximI really have to make it less painful15:34
peresi've given the previous link to some guys in another room15:35
peresi hope some of them listen to it, so you can get more feedback15:35
remaximgreat! so maybe more people could get a headache15:36
pereseh, those guys owe me one ;)15:36
remaximokay... then it's okay! :D15:36
remaximperes, how far did you listen to it?15:37
perestill the end15:37
remaximthe censored version is almost ready15:37
remaximperes, thanks for listening it to the end... did you like the rest of it?15:39
pereswell it's ok for ambience music15:39
peresit's pretty sinister, and i guess you wanted it to be like that15:39
remaximyeah, it is ...15:40
remaximso everybody playing the game gets depressed ...15:40
remaximand if I am lucky gets a headache as well ;)15:40
tpbTitle: - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files (at
remaximthat s the new version15:41
peresoh much nicer for my brain ;)15:42
peresi got a couple of clicks at the beginning of the track, though15:43
remaximas many players could feel the same way you do, it's kind of risky to put the uncensored song into the game15:43
peresno no, don't worry, just my system wasn't working well15:43
remaximah, ok!15:44
peresi like long hypnotic keyboard sounds15:44
* peres is a huge pink floyd fan15:45
remaximperes, how old are you?15:45
pereseh turned 30 some weeks ago15:46
remaximtoo young to listen to pink floyd, don't you think so?15:46
peresi don't think so15:46
remaximperes, are you a tp-player?15:47
peresi'd say too old to listen to massive attack ;)15:47
peresremaxim: my interest is more towards development, but my contribution is still at 0% ;)15:47
remaximperes, did you ever play that game?15:48
peresmy attempts at installing it have been recently frustrated by my hard disk crash15:48
remaximah ok!15:49
remaximdo you really want to contribute to a game you've never played?15:49
peresso please take my words with a grain of salt15:49
pereswell, i'm doing with scummvm ;)15:50
remaximI mean I never played it as well... but I m doing music, you know15:50
remaximperes, what are you doing with scummvm?15:50
peresi am responsibile for one of the engines15:50
peresthe dreaded (sic) parallaction15:51
remaximwhat's that?15:51
pereswell, each engine in scummvm is meant to run one or more games15:52
remaximperes, and which games does your engine run?15:52
perescurrently, only 'nippon safes inc.' is supported15:52
peressupport for 'big red adventure' is on its way15:52
remaximperes, ähm... what does it have to do with TP?15:53
peresthey are completely different planets, of course15:54
remaximmay I ask you once again? do you really want to contribute to a game you've never played?15:55
peresremaxim: if there are interesting tasks to do to help the crew, why not?15:56
peresand i could always install the game and start to play, after all15:56
remaximusually the main motiviation to work on a opensource game is the fact that you like that game ;) ...15:57
peresi'm intrigued by tp being a framework15:57
peresnot really a single game15:57
remaximah, okay! that makes much more sense ;)15:58
remaximsorry, I was just interested ...15:59
remaximso did anybody from the other channel answer?15:59
peresi had some exchanges with the big guys here ;)15:59
peresi wrote a little utility to generate random planets names16:00
peresnow, a list of 10000 names is all that remains, the code is on the broken disk16:01
remaximthat's bad ...16:01
remaximok... have a great time16:04
remaximI have to go... bye16:04
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mithromorning people17:58
nashheyo mithro18:09
mithrothere is activity on this channel while I sleep18:12
nashmithro: Purely an accident I'm sure18:18
mithrosome guy is doing some music18:18
nashSaw some before... looks not bad18:23
mithroi'm not sure it is all that useful as you could just pull up your favourite MP3 player18:46
mithrobut I am happy to collect media18:48
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mithronash: ping?23:30
nashmithro: pong23:30
mithronash: I could use your proper presentation information :)23:30
nashmithro: I'm half asleep... I have to demonstrate our software to tomorrow night... I have been working straight for the past10 days... can you wait 2 days?23:31
mithronash: if you could get it to me by the weekend, that would be good23:32
nashPoke me thursday... I have that day off23:32
mithronash: demoing fancypants?23:35
nashProduct built on FancyPants23:39
nashIt's what I'll be showing at LCA at the embedded miniconf23:45

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