Wednesday, 2007-11-21

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mithronash: it appears that your backwards compatible idea doesn't work unless the Object selection argument is the last argument for an order00:03
nashmithro: It's not backwards compat, but it's close too00:07
nashIt also won't work if there are multiple arguments00:07
mithronash: you can't really be "partially backwards compatible" :P00:08
nashNo, but there is a little change00:11
nashAnd to be frank, most things are only partially backwards compatible...00:11
mithroI guess it depends how you define backwards compatible00:13
mithroif you fix a bug you have effectively broken backwards compatibility for things which depended on that bug00:14
nashmithro: But yes, it's not compatible, but it's an easy change to make it basic work00:15
mithronash: agreed00:15
mithrowell, any change is relatively easy to make at the moment :)00:16
mithrothanks to a development team of like 5 people00:16
nashmithro: True...00:23
nashBut I'm thinking things like:00:23
mithroand we have no players :(00:23
nashif (protocol == 3) getwords(3) else if (protocol == 4) getwords(4);00:23
mithronash: replied with the summary of our discussion earlier01:16
nashmithro: Just replied ;-)01:17
nashwhatcha think?01:19
mithrohrm... :P01:21
mithrowhy don't we add tpcl support! ;)01:27
nashmithro: Because once again, I'm thinkign that total number is only useful in a limited number of cases, but a weight makes it a common case01:29
mithrojust have a validate function which checks the arguments are sane01:29
nashAnd it makes RFTS work in just hte client ;-)01:29
* mithro points to the smiley01:30
nashmithro: :-P01:30
mithrothe problem with tpcl stuff is that it is pretty impossible for an AI to comprehend01:30
mithroI think i'm just going to head home01:31
nashmithro: I suppose at this point our most advanced games are RFTS and MTSec, and I think that covers both pretty much01:31
mithroyeah, TIM Trader is probably on par (in terms of tp protocol functionality) with Minisec01:31
mithro(IE It doesn't require designs or anything else fancy)01:32
mithroI think I just need to create a brain recorder device, I would be a 100 times more productive if I could just record my thoughts01:32
mithroanyway, see you later!01:33
nashNot really... you'd have to filter all the crud out, and it would take ages01:33
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xdotxhey llnz03:17
llnzhi xdotx03:17
llnzthanksgiving holiday?03:17
* xdotx just found out about Echidnas and thinks they're the coolest/weirdest animals ever03:18
xdotxnot yet03:18
xdotxone more day03:18
xdotxer wait, does anybody else even celebrate thanksgiving?03:19
llnznot really (it's spring here anyway)03:20
llnzbut my fiancee's family does (american heritage)03:20
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llnzlater all07:30
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CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental * r7024984e118b /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/
CIA-10Use correct close() method and try to avoid deadlock when the receiver task is exiting (not tested!) (but rare, I hope for some unlucky guinea pig to hit this ;))17:47
CIA-10And in the process remove InterruptedException from throws clause of PipelinedConnection.close().17:47
CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental * rdb0843cea2ee /build.xml: Compile with debugging information.17:47
CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental * r3c3783718f1f / (5 files in 2 dirs): Publicise parameters' types (ids) in public static final ints of classes representing them.17:47
CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental * r95b14f9fec33 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/ The receiver task's ExecutorService does not need to be stroed in an instance field.17:47
CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental * rdb0843cea2ee /build.xml: Compile with debugging information.17:47
CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental * r84650ce3a930 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/ final frenzy!17:47
CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental * r7024984e118b /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/
CIA-10Use correct close() method and try to avoid deadlock when the receiver task is exiting (not tested!) (but rare, I hope for some unlucky guinea pig to hit this ;))17:47
CIA-10And in the process remove InterruptedException from throws clause of PipelinedConnection.close().17:47
CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental * r84650ce3a930 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/ final frenzy!17:47
CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental * r84650ce3a930 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/ final frenzy!17:47
CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental * r3339c674f883 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/ Barf if the PipelinedConnection's pipeline is closed and someone tries to use it.17:47
CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental * r3339c674f883 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/ Barf if the PipelinedConnection's pipeline is closed and someone tries to use it.17:48
mithrowoah, big push17:53
mithromonring people17:54
nashheyo mithro17:55
mithrohow is everything going?17:59
nashpretty cool17:59
nashreplying to lee righ tnow ;-)17:59
nashAnd a double free...17:59
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mithronash: you find the double free?18:43
nashNot yet18:43
mithroyay for manual memory management18:44
nashActually it's the automatic memory management that is the problem18:50
mithrotpserver-cpp doesn't have automatic memory management18:56
mithronash: I don't really understand what you and llnz are going on about18:56
nashSo weighted max thing...18:59
nashIt limits you on one resource essentially.19:00
nashI've just turned it from a single 'cost' into a vector of costs.  Then total vector < max vector19:00
nashmithro: Make sense?19:04
mithrokind of19:04
nashThinking about it, it is rather cool19:04
nashAlthough the UI may be tricky ;-)19:04
* mithro should be really evil and suggest a TPCL function ;)19:06
nashBut that is bad for UIs and users19:06
nashTPCL can't be displayed to a user, and is opaque to an AI19:07
nashLook at my rather long UI example... and it shoudl make sense19:09
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mithroug I hate forums19:46
nashMailing lists are awesome19:47
mithroI've been pondering setting up a Thousand Parsec not-for-profit20:07
mithromainly so that I can seperate my own finances from the tp ones20:08
nashThe cost be painful though20:12
mithroactually it doesn't seem to be too bad20:18
nashMust have improved it then ;-)20:19
nashAGM at LCA each year to get the Quorum up?20:19
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greywhindmithro: i figured out the cause of the lack of drawing@21:41
greywhindmithro: PieChart doesn't scale the diameter from pixel amount to universe coordinates21:42
greywhindso i had to multiply by 10^7 or some such number to actually see anything21:42
greywhindin Point, which was the old object drawn, the help text says: "The Diameter is in screen points, not world coordinates"21:44
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greywhind_hmm... darn internet connection. what did i miss?21:45
mithrogreywhind_: ahh, there is a version of the PieChart which does21:46
greywhind_mithro; where?21:46
mithroor maybe I just thought about such a thing21:46
mithrobtw, I think it's probably a good idea to move to the floatcanvas version of the PieChart21:47
greywhind_mithro: why? the one we have works better on Mac21:47
mithroit does?21:48
mithrogreywhind_: btw, you should join the floatcanvas list and point out the problem with the piechart which comes with float canvas21:48
greywhind_mithro: yep - pie charts draw perfectly on Mac with the one in ThousandParsec, but they draw like i showed you yesterday in the FloatCanvas one21:48
mithrogreywhind_: okay21:50
mithrogreywhind_: the one in floatcanvas is likely to be maintained in the future :P21:50
greywhind_mithro: we can maintain ours, or get ours put back into FloatCanvas, since it seems to work well21:52
greywhind_mithro: so... how do i go about converting reliably from screen coords to universe coords or vice versa?21:54
mithrowell, I'm sure the floatcanvas PieChart takes a boolean which lets you define the diameter in pixels or universe units21:55
mithroor look at point22:01
greywhind_mithro: hmm... well, every _Draw method has a pair of parameters WorldToPixel and ScaleWorldToPixel, but that's the wrong part of the class for the scaling of the diameter.22:06
mithrowell, it's the only place to scale it22:06
greywhind_mithro: hmm... the only solution i can think of at the moment would involve modifying ArcPoint22:09
CIA-10nash galaxie * rb330238ca822 /ewl/gewl_object.c: Update to try and append widgets at the right place.22:10
CIA-10nash galaxie * rce9bf4592cc3 / (ewl/gewl_object.c gui_list.c gui_window.c gui_window.h): Add title & icon to EWL windows too.22:10
CIA-10nash galaxie * rae0eb1485aa0 /Makefile: make clean removes everything.22:10
CIA-10nash galaxie * r80319e72dc71 /ewl/gewl_object.c: Start of support for submitting orders.22:10
mithrogreywhind_: how does the FloatCanvas's PieChart do it?22:10
greywhind_mithro: it has its own draw method - it doesn't use ArcPoints22:10
greywhind_mithro: are you sure there's no way to get the world dimensions?22:11
greywhind_and the screen dimensions?22:11
mithronot a good way22:11
mithroand it changes22:12
mithroyou can not do it in the constructor22:12
greywhind_mithro: true.22:12
mithrogreywhind_: I would look into why the floatcanvas's piechart doesn't work22:12
greywhind_mithro: the real problem here is that ArcPoint forces you to give it the center, start, and end points rather than a center point, a diameter, and a number of radians22:13
mithrogreywhind_: btw, the guy commited the stuff22:16
greywhind_mithro: ah, excellent22:16
mithrothe guy who does the FloatCanvas is on a Mac22:18
mithroso asking on the mailing list might be a good way to get the right answer22:18
greywhind_mithro; *sigh* i guess22:19
mithrogreywhind_: you need to learn to get other people to do your work ;)22:19
greywhind_mithro: :P22:19
greywhind_mithro: the colors change works22:21
greywhind_but the geometry still doesn't22:21
mithrogreywhind_: but still getting cords instead of arcs?22:21
greywhind_mithro: yep22:22
greywhind_it appears the problem is the dc.DrawEllipticArc call on line 128 of PieChart, but i'm not sure if it's a broken function or if it's being passed the wrong parameters22:23
mithrogreywhind_: find something else which uses DrawEllipticArc?22:26
greywhind_mithro: good idea22:26
tpb<> (at
greywhind_mithro: so... no fix for OS X yet?22:29
mithrothat suggests changing it too "DrawArc" instead of "DrawEllpiticArc" ?22:30
greywhind_mithro: hmm... well, that does change it quite a bit... but i think it needs different parameters22:31
greywhind_wow... this may take some work to change over22:33
mithronot as much as you think22:34
mithrohold on a sec22:34
nashmithro: YOu need to teach greywhind_ to use sed... or vim at least ;-)22:35
greywhind_mithro: i think i might have converted it successfully... not sure though22:43
greywhind_need to convert to radians22:48
mithrogreywhind_: to use DrawArc?22:58
greywhind_mithro: yeah, because i have to use sin() and cos(), which take radians22:59
mithrothis was my attempt22:59
tpbTitle: general pastebin - mithro - post number 793313 (at
mithroI think it is all mirrored however22:59
mithroit looks pretty ugly on Linux :(23:00
greywhind_mithro: you may eventually have to tell me if what i have is what you see with the original version23:01
mithrogreywhind_: yeah23:01
greywhind_mithro: i think i did it!23:09
greywhind_mithro: everything looks right now23:11
mithrogreywhind_: :)23:14
greywhind_mithro: now, the question is how to get it into ThousandParsec's version of wxFloatCanvas23:16
greywhind_just replace the old PieChart?23:16
mithrocp :P23:17
greywhind_so we don't update FloatCanvas automatically or anything?23:17
mithroI manually merge when I get the urge23:18
greywhind_alright then. i'll do that tomorrow.23:18
greywhind_mithro; shall i send you a new screenshot?23:19
greywhind_mithro: i took a slightly different approach to the drawing than you did in your patch because it matched how i think better23:20
mithrogreywhind_: okay23:20
greywhind_mithro: should be pretty much equivalent in function though23:20
tpb<> (at
greywhind_mithro: does that look right?23:27
greywhind_mithro: :)23:28
mithrowant to send me your copy of the PieChart to see what it looks like here?23:28
greywhind_mithro: sure23:28
tpb<> (at
mithroFree File Type Not Allowed23:30
greywhind_mithro; sigh.23:30
greywhind_i'll e-mail it23:30
mithrogreywhind_: I need to fix it so that you can also scp files to www.thousandparsec.net23:31
greywhind_mithro: sent23:32
mithrogreywhind_: looks okay - the sizes seem different?23:44
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mithrocould someone send me an email?23:52
* mithro just installed greylisting and seeing if it works23:52
nashmithro: I won't send you an email... tell if you don't receive it23:54
greywhindmithro: still need an e-mail?23:54
nashAnd mithro: It doesn't work so well anymore... too many people use it... spammers now deploy bots that resend - botnets solve that problem23:55
mithronash: ahh well, my server is getting overrun by spam23:55
nashIt may help then... but expect to still get lots23:55
nashI just sent two23:55
nashYou should get message 2 first23:55

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