Tuesday, 2007-11-13

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mithroI wonder where nash disappeared too00:50
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mithromissed him01:53
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llnzhi mithro03:22
mithrohey llnz03:28
mithrollnz: you have email03:29
mithrollnz: had any more chance to do testing?05:05
llnznot yet05:07
llnzwill probably set up another game tomorrow night05:07
mithroi can use ~11 second turns with the sample config05:17
mithrocan use shorter turns if I pipe to dev null05:17
llnznotice the duals do better than single processes for the load?05:18
mithrohave not tried on a single proc machine05:20
mithroit seems to work out pretty good - because by the time an AI has 100's of fleets a couple of the other AI are dead05:21
mithrothe status report at the end it cool to watch05:26
llnzseems that the total number of objects is fairly consistent after the initial expansion05:34
llnzoff to Wellington tomorrow, for the day for business05:46
* llnz wanders off05:46
llnzlater all05:46
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CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental * r4b1420e2c382 /build.xml: Fix the project name in buidl.xml.17:23
CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental * r07d1573f2be3 /build.xml: Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://jezuch@git.thousandparsec.net/git/libtpproto-java into experimental17:23
CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental * rb2f769147bf3 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/PipelinedConnection.java: Don't catch all exceptions in PipelinedConnection's receiver - most errors are already caught in the low-level Connection itself.17:23
CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental * r355a044f706c /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/DefaultConnectionListener.java: Make DefaultConnectionListener more flexible - add three flags to print sent frames and/or received frames and/or errors. By default all three are set.17:23
CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental * r9a187eab204f /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/DefaultConnectionListener.java: Even more flexibility in DefaultConnectionListener: differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous incoming frames.17:23
CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java * r5fc26d1c8941 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/PipelinedConnection.java: Don't catch all exceptions in PipelinedConnection's receiver - most errors are already caught in the low-level Connection itself.17:23
CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java * r3ed041935774 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/DefaultConnectionListener.java: Make DefaultConnectionListener more flexible - add three flags to print sent frames and/or received frames and/or errors. By default all three are set.17:23
CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java * rabb3f410606d /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/DefaultConnectionListener.java: Even more flexibility in DefaultConnectionListener: differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous incoming frames.17:23
nashmithro: Has the CFP for the LCA games miniconf closed yet?17:49
mithronash: no17:49
mithrothis Friday17:49
mithronash: got something interesting?17:50
mithroI thought you wouldn't be able to make LCA2008?17:51
nashWhen someone else is paying... and my boss is kicking me to go.. I think I can twist my arm to get pissed for a week18:03
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mithronash: cool18:33
nashAnyway - gives me a deadline to get galaxie to a good start18:36
nashBUt it's getting there18:36
mithronash: yeah that would be ubber cool - galaxie work and getting to meet you :)18:37
mithrowe can have a little Thousand Parsec meeting18:38
nashYou met me at Sydney - you just didn't know me18:38
nashYou know pigeon/howell tam right?18:38
nashI was the guy with him ;-)18:39
mithrowell - I have met pigeon a couple of times18:39
mithrobut I'm hopeless with faces and names :)18:39
nashThat's cool18:39
mithronow I just need to convince the starmapper guy to move starmapper to the Thousand Parsec website and we can start acting more like the borg :)18:44
mithronash: I think LCA2008 would probably the a good time to finalise tp04 stuff18:48
mithroby then you and llnz will probably have some test implimentation code, right?18:49
nashI already have partial implementations - so yeah ;-)18:49
mithrothe object stuff still needs work I think18:51
nashBUt it's still a good foundation18:51
nashI think there may be a little too much there actually18:51
nashI think things like graphs are out of place18:51
mithroyeah, I think the ideas and stuff are in the right direction18:52
mithroit's just some of the finer details18:52
mithrobut I want us to focus on getting things working before contining to move forward18:53
nashAnd a few more games ;-)18:53
mithrowell, my TP todo list looks like this18:53
mithro1. get the development version of tpclient-pywx-dev released18:54
mithro2. get tpserver-py able to handle 5 tpsai-py minisec games18:54
mithro3. finish timtrader18:54
mithro4. add tp04 support to all of the above18:54
mithro(which will coincide with the finishing of the libtpproto2-py rewrite)18:55
mithronash: did you get my email about ikiwiki18:56
mithro5. fix up the tp website18:57
nashI like that order ;-)18:58
nashAnd yes, I replied to your ikiwiki message ;-)18:58
CIA-10mithro web * ra56e26d51953 /links.php: Added a link to starmapper.19:00
mithrohrm.. I didn't get your reply?19:00
nashSent at 9:#319:01
nashSent at 9:3319:01
nashJust forwarded to you19:02
nashget it?19:04
mithroyeah I got that19:04
nashokay - meeting time19:04
mithrowhere does your nash.id.au email come from?19:04
nashmithro: That one came from fst.net20:05
mithronash: I don't see any connection from fst.net to my server in the mail log20:06
nash no problems here20:08
nashIt could be from either fluffyspider.*20:08
mithrothe only one I have from fluffyspider is the forward20:10
nashMost weird20:10
mithrodo you run fst.net?20:10
nashmithro: As in does fluffy spider - yes20:16
mithronash: want to check your logs to see if it was ever delivered to lester.mithis.com?20:17
nashmithro: looking20:24
nashno log entry here for it20:25
nashmithro: FOund the issue20:28
nashBroken config in evolution20:28
nashfixed now20:28
mithronash: oh?20:28
nashUsing sendmail to send20:28
nashNot smtp20:28
mithrocould you resend that email rather then forward it?20:29
mithrothen it will end up in the correct thread20:29
nashtry that20:30
mithroI get so much spam :/20:36
mithro10 times the amount of real email :(20:37
mithronash: still no email :(20:38
nash2007-11-14 12:33:04 1Is77k-00083u-9E => mithro@mithis.com R=dnslookup T=remote_s20:41
nashmtp H=mail.mithis.com [] X=TLS-1.0:RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA1:32 DN="C=AU,20:41
nash2007-11-14 12:33:04 1Is77k-00083u-9E Completed20:41
nashmithro: Only 10?20:41
nashI greylist and spamassassin and procmail and still get 1:1 spam to mail in my inbox20:41
mithronash: seems to have been delivered21:19
mithronash: I only get a couple of spam messages into my mailbox21:20
mithrobut it puts a massive load on my server21:20
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mithrohey greywhind_21:22
mithro~seen greywhind21:22
tpbmithro: greywhind was last seen in #tp 4 days, 22 hours, 27 minutes, and 56 seconds ago: <greywhind> mithro: makes sense :P21:22
greywhind_hey mithro21:22
mithro~seen greywhind_21:22
tpbmithro: greywhind_ was last seen in #tp 1 second ago: <greywhind_> hey mithro21:22
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mithrogreywhind: how goes everything?21:23
mithrohad a chance to play with the starmap at all?21:23
greywhindwish my connection didn't keep dropping periodically for just long enough to kick me off and put my alternate name on... never used to do that.21:23
greywhindnah, but i'm about to. i did another college application this weekend, plus some other work.21:24
mithrogreywhind: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=723099&aid=1587320&group_id=132078 could you add a note that you finished this?21:25
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1+4k> (at sourceforge.net)21:25
greywhindoh yeah - i meant to update the SourceForge tracker. let me do that.21:25
tpbdisconnected from worldforge: Ping sent at 2007-11-13T21:32:57 not replied to.21:35
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tpbmode change by purple.worldforge.org on worldforge: +nt21:35
mithronash: do you know a program which lets you display a bunch of files side-by side?21:36
tpbdisconnected from worldforge: Ping sent at 2007-11-13T21:39:19 not replied to.21:41
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greywhind_mithro: alright... after some modification, the Resources overlay appears to show some small white dots where the systems are21:51
mithrogreywhind_: okay cool21:52
mithrogreywhind_: if you start a big fleet to build on a planet ship part resources should start piling up21:52
greywhind_mithro: not sure how, since i don't see where it's being told to draw them21:52
mithrooh :P21:52
greywhind_actually, i might...21:53
mithrowell, I am heading to lunch21:53
greywhind_yep, found the line21:54
mithroI after a meeting after lunch so I may be a while21:54
* nash is back21:54
nashmithro: vim -s f1 f2?21:55
nashvim -d f1 f2 if you want the differences between them21:55
mithrono, just the output21:55
mithrois there a way to get vim to reload the output every x seconds?21:55
greywhind_oh, by the way, it seems like the reason they're just tiny dots is that the cache.object.keys.Amount fields are all 021:56
nashmithro: Probably, but I don't know, otherwise tail -f ;-)21:57
greywhind_either that or the method to get the min and max of the values returns 0 instead of the correct number21:57
nashvim will notice if the file changes however21:57
mithroumm..... cache.object.keys is a function21:58
mithroand it doesn't have an Amount variable?21:58
greywhind_well, here's the relevant code21:58
greywhind_http://rafb.net/p/couGgj43.html (16 lines)21:59
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at rafb.net)21:59
greywhind_i meant the Amount fields for each object in cache.object.keys21:59
greywhind_oh, actually it looks like all the values are "1"22:01
mithroby default I think the proportion code will return one22:02
greywhind_actually, it divided by zero if min and max were the same22:03
greywhind_ah. found the problem - the Amount function needs to be implemented. heh.22:20
greywhind_now the problem is that I have no idea how to implement it...22:26
greywhind_or... i could just be more observant and notice that the function is apparently implemented already with the wrong name22:28
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mithrogreywhind: back23:53
greywhindmithro: well, i stopped a while ago to do other work, but i got it a little farther23:54
greywhindbasically, it is showing everything at very low size except one single fleet, which is very large23:55
greywhindnot sure why - i'll investigate it tomorrow23:55
mithrogreywhind: my guess is that most planets don't actually have any resources :)23:56
mithroone planet (your homeworld) will have a single resource23:56
greywhindmithro: could be, but it's odd that a fleet in space would have resources.23:56
mithrogreywhind: you sure it is a fleet?23:56
greywhindmithro: when i zoom in, it seems to be centered on the fleet23:56
greywhindthe warden02 first fleet in the demo1 server23:58
greywhindwhich also happens to be at 0,0,0...23:58
greywhindanyway, i'll figure it out tomorrow23:59

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