Monday, 2007-07-09

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* nash has returned00:12
mithrohey nash00:21
mithrowork been busy too?00:21
nashSo where you going?00:21
nashYeah, very busy00:21
mithromid-north Flinders Rangers00:21
nashPlus got a new toy which has been distracting me00:21
mithroa place near Quorn00:22
mithronash: what new toy? or it is of the yet-to-be-released variaty?00:22
nashNot that cool.. it's of the expensive sony console variety00:22
mithrooh, a PS3 or a PSP?00:23
nashhad a psp for ages00:24
nashAnd a copy of oblivion too ;-)00:24
nashMy fav RPG ;-)00:24
mithrohow are the graphics?00:24
* mithro hasn't been impressed by the xbox36000:25
nashVery nice00:25
nashEspecially teh 1080p stuff ;-)00:26
nashOblivion is at 720p, and a lot less popup then the xbox version00:26
mithro1080p doesn't do much if the graphics been displayed are still quite blocky :P00:26
mithroinfact it probably makes graphics look worse as you can see all the problem :P00:28
nashI haven't had any major issues with quality yet..00:28
nashOnly issue now is a lack of people i know with a ps3...00:28
* mithro has never been big on multiplayer :P00:29
mithro(says the guy developing a multiple player game :)00:29
nashStrategy games are a different beast really00:30
nashAlso single player games feature big with online leader boards and such things, so able to laugh at peoples lap times or something.00:31
mithronash: the guys who I know have xbox360 are actually getting a kick out of the live offerings00:32
mithrospecially the board-games converts00:32
nashYeah, some of them look quite nice00:33
DystopicFromithro: ping00:50
DystopicFronash: ping00:50
mithrohey DystopicFro00:50
DystopicFroahoy mithro00:50
mithrohow goes the reorg of the code?00:50
* mithro is about to disappear00:50
DystopicFrobeen done since monday00:51
DystopicFroas has new panel loading stuff00:51
nashpong DystopicFro00:51
DystopicFroseems a bit more spry now00:51
DystopicFroahoy nash00:51
nashHow is life?00:51
DystopicFropretty good, weekend was nice and relaxing, spent some quality time with the gf00:51
DystopicFrohow's things for you?00:51
nashBusy... house buying is stressful :--/  Otherwise okay00:52
DystopicFromithro: I saw that you had pinged me earlier, anything specific on yer mind?00:52
mithroDystopicFro: to see how the reorg is going00:52
DystopicFroah, I can only imagine it would be quite painful00:52
DystopicFroyea, it went pretty well, I think I have a few rogue wx imports, but other than that things are nice. this week I'll decouple the xml stuff as well00:53
nashDystopicFro: Indeed.00:53
DystopicFronash: I wanted to check in quickly with the direction of my project, sort of a diversion that I think would be cool to get working before moving on to the expression editor, and wanted to get your ok before heading off on it00:53
nashGo on?00:54
DystopicFrothe tpcl expression editor is going to take a while, just because I need to conceive and iterate through a few different ideas...and I don't think much else will be done during that time, I get very focused like that00:54
DystopicFroso, before I do that, I think it might be of tangible benefit to add in a scheme interpreter to the RDE and work in some syntax checking and maybe even more general error checking for the TPCL code00:55
DystopicFrothat seems more concrete and direct, something that I could do fairly quickly and which would have payoff in terms of making the RDE useful00:55
nashWorks for me00:55
nashTo be honest the other thing I'd love to see is some way to right the expressions to generate game turns in the RDE to fire into engine00:56
nashSo basically the RDE can generate a new game... Just a thought00:56
DystopicFroaye...that's a very cool thought, and I've had that on the backburner of my brain after you mentioned it once a long time ago00:57
* nash will keep watering that plant00:58
DystopicFrothere's definitely potential there...but it's another big concept thing o.O00:58
DystopicFroif I get the expression editor up and running in good time that's what I'll go after next00:58
DystopicFroheck, even if I don't, I'll need to do something with my spare time once I go back to uni00:58
nashThe other thing that could do is describe the forma tso the generated code you have now stays in the engine and it just loads a scheme file with all that stuff in it00:58
nashSweet ;-)00:59
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mithroI think the turn generation stuff is a bit tricky01:01
nashAnyway... yeah, you have my blessing.01:01
nashmithro: Absolutely, but it is worthy ;-)01:01
nashIf rulesets could be self contained... it would be very useful ;-)01:01
mithronash: yeah - but I think it's probably going to be server specific01:02
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nashMy point is to make it so it _isn't_ server specific...01:02
mithromaybe a way for servers to describe various tasks which are avaliable?01:03
mithro(and the parameters for each task?)01:03
mithronash: if you can think of a way to do it, put a proposal forward! I can't think of a way personally01:04
nashOr just define an API, and try not to generalise everything too far at hte first step...01:04
mithro(doesn't mean it's impossible :P - I don't know everything :)01:04
nashmithro: I'd need an implementation first... ;-)01:04
nashmithro: I know... different people see problems in different ways01:04
nashI personally can never understand why people have so much trouble with bit-op and pixel filters... ;-)01:05
nashDystopicFro: Have you any thoughts on it?  You've obviously been playing near that edge recently?01:08
nashmithro: Of course I'd probably define the rulesets in terms of lua...01:08
mithronash: which means it's not portable :P01:09
nashDude it runs on ps2...01:10
mithronash: but it's very hard to the python server to use it01:11
* nash notes lua is generally easier to write then lisp-variants, and just as powerful (welll mostly)01:11
nashThat can be fixed...01:11
mithrobut that is a lot of effort :P01:11
mithrowhy not just use python ;)01:12
nashInstall size?01:12
mithroanyway got to run01:12
mithrobase python is 1.5-3mb01:12
nashbecause lua is more portable then python? And higher level?01:12
nashcomplete lua is < 0.5mb01:13
nashAnd _no-one_ uses base pythong01:13
nashAnyway - have a good trip!01:13
mithrosee ya01:13
DystopicFronash: ack, was making a post to the mailing list about the website >.<01:17
nashSweet.. I should too.. . but I'll wait for yours now ;-)01:17
DystopicFrobasically just seconding what JLP says, I think the main page should cater to new users, not necessarily the established community so much01:18
DystopicFrobut as for my thoughts...I think that aiming for generality over servers raises the question of the need for multiple servers, even the way that rulesets are defined at a basic level, and to try to make them self-contained would certainly bring the possibility of switching to something like lua attractive01:20
DystopicFrobut...I ramble...early morning to a late night >.<01:21
nashWell multiple servers is a good way to make sure things like priotocol are consistent between them01:22
nashMultiple clients is similar, and also caters for multiple platforms01:22
nashFor instance I want galaxie to move towards lower end devices...01:23
* DystopicFro nods01:23
DystopicFroI'm sure there's a lot that I'm not seeing >.<01:24
nashMaybe, maybe not01:24
DystopicFroanyways, off to bed for me >.< I'll see you tomorrow for the first of the weekly checkins, have a good one01:25
nashYou too01:26
nashsleep well01:26
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llnzhi all03:59
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llnzhi JLP05:43
JLPllnz: ahoy05:43
llnzhow was akademy? learn anything useful for parsek?05:44
llnzbeen reading your blog05:44
JLPit was great, i must go again next year, so nice meeting all the people in peron05:44
JLPand it sucked me quite a lot into kde education project, so much so that they are inviting me to a meeting that they are having sometime in winter05:46
JLPfor parsek i found out that i don't actually need to move the code to KDE SVN in order to check it with Krazy on EBN05:47
tpbTitle: English Breakfast Network (at
JLPthe code is somewhere in SVN and it can be installed locally or maybe on TP server05:48
JLPi also intended to go to 2 hour tutorial about Interview (model/view framework in Qt), but I had such a nice tim at KDE Education day that i missed that05:50
llnzEBN would be great to have for all the c++ code05:50
JLPhere it is if i remember correctly :
tpbTitle: Index of /trunk/KDE/kdesdk/ebn (at
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * ra6cdaa77ebb7 /modules/tpcl/mzscheme/tpmzscheme.cpp:07:03
CIA-3Better warning/error messages around file loading in TpMzScheme.07:03
CIA-3Should help diagnose problems better.07:03
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * r166dcbf62fdd / (17 files in 3 dirs):07:23
CIA-3Made ObjectData::clone() const.07:23
CIA-3Should protect against some silly things.07:23
llnzjotham: I will be in Wellington on Wednesday08:14
* llnz wanders off08:14
llnzlater all08:15
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tpbdisconnected from worldforge: Ping sent at 2007-07-09T08:45:27 not replied to.08:47
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