Tuesday, 2007-06-19

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mithro~seen dmpayton04:44
tpbmithro: dmpayton was last seen in #tp 2 weeks, 0 days, 3 hours, 45 minutes, and 31 seconds ago: <dmpayton> In the mean time...04:44
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* llnz wanders off10:03
llnzlater all10:03
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nashDystopicFro: So how is going20:55
nash(ignore my AIM comment ;-)20:55
DystopicFroah >.<20:56
DystopicFrosee, I saw that and then checked here20:56
DystopicFroand didn't see anything >.<20:56
DystopicFroso just replied on AIM20:57
nashMy timing was ogg20:57
nashI noticed you on im first, then check irc20:57
nashAnyway, so I've got things running,20:57
DystopicFroyea...mithro pointed out that a CRLF line ending ruins the shebang...I never knew that20:58
nashLittle thing BTW... when you commit patches from others it's good practice to include their names in the commit20:58
nashIn fact really good practice is to include 'thanks to X' even if they just suggested things - you'll get a good rep from it, and that really encourages feedback and patches from people20:59
DystopicFrohm...I thought I specified mithro as being the author for the commit of his patch? or did I do that incorrectly?20:59
DystopicFroused the --author option on cg-commit20:59
nashOne you didn't20:59
* nash double checks20:59
DystopicFroahhh, yeah, didn't give thanks to mithro on the CRLF removal...is there a way to edit commit messages post commit?21:00
nashThere is, but it's bad practice after you've pushed21:01
nashDon't worry about it for this, mithro will live ;-)21:01
* DystopicFro nods21:01
nashAnd I had the patch to send as well :-)21:01
DystopicFrobut I'll be more vigilant in the future21:01
nashI was just checkign it wasn't a zsh problem, but a generic one21:01
nashThat's cool21:01
nashAlso it's a bit of a limitation of the commit script in use, that it doesn't show it properly.21:02
nashI personally always try and mention it in the commit message, so even if the author line gets lost or anything, it's there (and people pay more attention to commit messages).21:03
DystopicFroohhh yes, I see that now, in the email it's shown as me being the author21:03
DystopicFrokk, will do in the future21:03
nashYou pushed, so that's correct as it is.21:03
nashurgh... my net connection is as slow as a dog at home21:04
DystopicFroI just rearranged the furniture in the house, so I'm currently on wireless with a propensity to drop out at odd times, meh21:04
DystopicFroso, is what I've got so far following along well with what you brought me on for? (aside from missing all the cool stuff like code generation and a TPCL editing feature)21:05
nashLooking nice so far.. code generation will be the magic21:06
nashHow confident are you about a working mtsec are you?21:06
nashAdd another are you in the question too... just make it more mangled ;-)21:07
DystopicFroFor the July 9th midterm deadline...hm...I'm certain that code generation will be able to make code that can be easily used as part of a ruleset on a server21:07
DystopicFroas to having a working MTSec, I'm not so sure about that21:08
nashI need to get a client/AI which can make use of hte code you send however ;-)21:08
DystopicFroI'm planning on getting all of the functionality to make the RDE functional by the end of this week so that I can tear into the servers in earnest for code generation21:10
nashSweet, I'll play again today/tonight and give you some feedback on how it works for me21:10
nashIt's a reasonably chunky piece of code, and aside from pythons ugly list generators... is fairly readable.21:11
DystopicFroawww...I wanted to do at least one list comprehension...the whole neat stuff thing and all that :P21:12
DystopicFrothanks, though o.O21:12
nashI find it ironic that it reads exactly like perl - which python people always say sucks because of the hard to read syntax...21:12
nashBTW: Did you reply to mithros email at all?21:13
DystopicFrounless I've missed one I've replied to 'em all, he's given me a lot of good suggestions and direction21:14
nashCool - didn't see it then.  Just wanted to check.21:14
DystopicFroit's a bit of a blessing and a curse that python doesn't do regex's with the deadly ease of perl...>.< that's where so much of the fun kicks in21:15
nashI think you code is probably fine - communication and community are the main two things I'm going to prod you with I think ;-)21:15
DystopicFroaye, I'm just a little hesitant about using XRC files for my GUI, but I'll definately be taking a look at it also when I dive into the server code21:15
DystopicFrowell, like I said, I've got plenty of clutter on my desktop, but I'll be lurking in IRC much more regularly now21:16
nashI should show you my old dice-bot email service.  The entire system was two regexes.  One parsed the email found all [ ] commands in the email, loaded a data file, substituted out the game rules for rolling the dice for the roll (to hit, damage, hit locations, and special effects) and dumped it back in the email21:16
nashThe regex was an 87 long substitution which ended in something like /eex21:17
nashSo it executed the output from the substitution twice...21:17
DystopicFrohahahah, nice!21:17
* nash wonders where a copy is21:18
nashHere is rolling an rollmaster style open ended d100:21:21
nash        $line =~ s/\[OE([HL])?]/21:21
nash                    my ($total,$let);21:21
nash                    if (defined $1){21:21
nash                        $let = $1;21:21
nash                    } else {21:21
nash                        $let = "";21:21
nash                    }21:21
nash                    if ($let eq 'H'){21:21
nash                        $total = &rollhigh();21:21
nash                    } elsif ($let eq 'L'){21:21
nash                        $total = &rolllow();21:21
nash                    } else {21:21
nash                        $total = &rollboth();21:21
nash                    }21:22
nash                    "[OE$let = $total]";21:22
nash                  /ge;21:22
nashAnd a generic die roll:21:22
nash $line =~ s/([\[{])\s*(\d+)?\s*[dD]\s*(\d+)\s*(?:\s*([-+])\s*(\d+)\s*)?([21:22
nashThat's the match: it ends in /gxe after about 100 lines of code21:22
nashAnyway... enough unidays evilness21:23
DystopicFroheh, who says that isn't readable...just have to keep track of your parentheses, eh? :P21:23
nashHave a look at galaxie and how it parses the command line somtime...21:25
nashBTW: If I have patches for you - how would you like them?21:28
DystopicFrohrm, email is good? I was able to apply the one mithro sent me without too much bungling21:29
nashCool - otherwise I can set up a tree you can pull from21:30
DystopicFrothat would work just as well if it's easier for you21:31
nashcg-push is about as easy as it gets21:32
DystopicFroI could also set up my home server for you to push to it21:32
nashNah, easier for me to just give you a URL to pull from - else I can push to the tpserver on a #nash branch for you or something21:33
DystopicFrokk, whatever you end up doing, just pass over the URL and I'll pull or patch as necessary21:34
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CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r1a20c3bc99a8 /src/ (6 files in 2 dirs):22:41
CIA-3Add Object Functionality22:41
CIA-3Objects can now be created and empty files initialized for them. They also22:41
CIA-3appear in the object list but insertion in the proper place is still an22:41
CIA-3issue. This also raises the question of whether objects should be saved22:41
CIA-3on an object by object basis, or if the entire project should be saved22:41
CIA-3at one go, hence files should not be created until the project is saved.22:41
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