Saturday, 2007-05-12

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* mithro ponders where tpb was00:09
mithrodmpayton: so we should get you to push something to the repository soon00:10
mithro~seen niphree00:10
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 2 weeks, 2 days, 16 hours, 58 minutes, and 49 seconds ago: <niphree> hello00:10
dmpaytonniphree is the other student?00:17
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mithrodmpayton: yeah00:23
dmpaytonmithro: I'll probably be able to do a git push tomorrow. Gotta finish some work stuff tonight for a deadline tomorrow.00:25
mithrodmpayton: okay00:25
dmpaytonSo how are things with you?00:26
dmpaytonDid your Honors project go well?00:26
mithroi do the presentation and handup this wednesday00:32
dmpaytonFun fun. What's it on?00:39
tpbTitle: Mithro rants about stuff : (at
mithrofirst post on that describes my project01:12
tpbTitle: Index of /git/binaries/mingw (at
*** nash has joined #tp02:56
dmpaytonHowdy nash03:00
mithrohey nash03:00
nashheyo all03:01
mithrohows your weekend been?03:04
mithroit's quite empty in here atm :/03:04
nashIt's been okay03:06
nashtrying to work out the best way to set up voice talk for my RPG grougp03:06
dmpaytonnash: Oooh, what do you guys play? and personally, I like skype.03:10
nashMage, Werewolf, HARP, True20, a few others03:12
dmpaytonfun fun03:13
dmpaytonAD&D is about the extent of my p&p role playing.03:14
nashBah AD&D sucks03:15
nashTo mechanic heavy03:15
nashAnyway - I need a multiplatform, and free voice solution03:16
nashdmpayton: of course, if we are playing online - you can always join from anywhere ;-)03:24
dmpaytonnash/mithro: var = foo ? bar : foobar <-- you guys know what this style of syntax is called?03:31
nashternary operator?03:31
nashThat is what ? : is in C03:31
mithrodmpayton: you looking for the equiavlent in python?03:32
mithrovar = (bar, foobar)[foo == 'testing']03:33
dmpaytonmithro: does python have an equivalent?03:33
dmpaytonOh, sweet03:33
dmpaytonI use ?: all the time in PHP... something I picked up but never knew what it was called. Thanks nash.03:33
dmpaytonAnd thanks for the equiv in python, mithro. :)03:33
mithrodmpayton: not quite as nice as the ternary03:34
mithrobut that is fairly common03:34
dmpaytonCould just declare an if_else function...03:38
tpb<> (at
dmpaytonsecond comment from the top03:40
nashAnyone know the deal between gaim/pidgin and voice support ?03:44
mithronash: nope03:53
nashmithro: Yeah - all the documentation on the web is 2 years old that I can find03:55
mithroas far as I know Skype<shudder> is the easiest way to do conference calls04:12
mithroif you had skills with asterisk, that is the second easiest way to do it04:12
nashmithro: You may be too right there :-/04:15
nashPlaying with a few options however04:15
mithronash: i would be intrested in knowning what you end up with06:22
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