Monday, 2007-04-23

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mithronash: our web repository hits some type of obscure git-daemon bug00:37
mithrocan you try cloning via http?00:37
* nash tries00:45
mithroit might take a while00:47
nashSeems to stop at :00:49
nashprogress: 5 objects, 7937 bytes, now fetching 6801184a0542... (238 bytes)00:49
mithrostop or just take a long time?01:01
nashIt's still going01:02
nashSince it claims it is 238 bytes...01:02
mithrohrm - you are right - mine stopped with "238 bytes"....01:03
nashSomething is nicely farked01:04
mithronash: run it in strace and see if it is doing anything?01:06
nashdoing now01:06
mithroit seems to be doing something....01:07
mithrothe pack is 126mb01:08
nashumovestr: Input/output error01:09
mithrothe bytes of the file directory does seem to be climbing01:09
mithroit's definately working - just no output01:10
nashhow big is that pack?01:10
nash128 meg?01:11
mithroyea about 126mb01:11
nashhmm... could just be the transfer time then01:13
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mithronash: it appears so01:13
mithronash: here is a strace of the serverside git-daemon process01:15
mithronash: if you want to have a look at where the git-daemon is dieing01:16
nash20768 write(1, "aborting due to possible reposit"..., 67) = 6701:16
mithronash: if you got up furthur you will see the mmap2 error that is occuring01:17
mithroi'll log a bug report sometime01:19
nashA signkill01:19
mithronash: it dies with an ENOMEM01:20
nashAt least it is on teh server now :-(01:20
mithrogit+ssh clone also works01:21
mithronash: i'm trying a git+ssh checkout now01:22
mithrocan you do a git+ssh checkout?02:23
mithrosame with git+ssh infront02:26
mithrogit+ssh://[email protected]/git/web.git02:26
nashclonihng now02:26
nash26%... I love even %s02:32
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mithronash: any luck with the clone?02:46
nash27stoped at 27% now - 858 objects02:47
mithro858 is a fairly big commit i believe02:48
mithrois the directory size changing?02:48
nashtmp_pack_3vRUX2 is growing02:49
mithronash: cool02:50
mithrotime to hack git to have a bytes/sec indicator :P02:50
nashnever had a problem before02:51
nashthis web archive is bloody weird02:51
nashDid you design it to annot RCS systems?02:51
mithronash: he he, probably02:56
mithroit has binaries - which most repositories don't02:56
mithroand sometimes very large binaries - the dmg files are 35Mb each02:56
mithronash: how does one find out which commits havn't been pushed?02:57
nashgiggle/gitk will show you02:57
nashOtherwise there is a command, but I don't recall at the moment02:57
* nash is suffering from a bad flu02:57
mithronash: I have a light flu atm :/02:58
CIA-17mithro libtpproto-py * rb4022aa47c23 / (.boring .gitignore): Removing darcs .boring and added git .gitignore02:59
CIA-17mithro libtpproto-py * rc10589743a98 /tp/netlib/objects/OrderExtra/
CIA-17Fixed the NOp definition.02:59
CIA-17This error wasn't noticed as most of the time the server defines a NOp02:59
CIA-17order and hence this one is overwritten.02:59
CIA-17mithro libtpproto-py * r8c2ace14bcee /tp/netlib/objects/ObjectExtra/
CIA-17Fixed the resource list structure for Planet.02:59
CIA-17Forgot the inaccessible amount.02:59
tpbaloril has joined on worldforge03:01
CIA-17mithro libtpclient-py * rdfba12447727 / (.boring .gitignore): Removing darcs .boring and added git .gitignore03:01
nash72 meg downloaded03:04
CIA-17mithro tpclient-pywx-development * ra5a1d6cf74bd / (.boring .gitignore): Removing darcs .boring and added git .gitignore03:06
CIA-17mithro tpclient-pywx * r9187a32d6ff3 / (.boring .gitignore): Removing darcs .boring and added git .gitignore03:06
mithronash: cool - what speed is your DSL?03:06
nash1.5 in good weather03:07
CIA-17mithro tpsai-py * r8d9c1224b804 / (.boring .gitignore): Removing darcs .boring and added git .gitignore03:08
mithronash: maybe we should convert it to subversion :P03:09
nashWhat - you want the largest repos on hte planet?03:09
mithronash: ?03:16
nashDid i post the wine info when they compared the various repos?03:19
mithrodisk space usage isn't a huge problem :P03:19
mithronash: and no you didn't03:19
tpbTitle: HackingTips - The Official Wine Wiki (at
nashYou may reconsider that when you see the difference between subversion and git03:20
nashAnd note, git is the entire project history... svn wasn't03:20
nash85 vs 550 is a big difference03:23
nash116 meg... almost done03:23
nashgot an error03:27
nashResolving 1915 deltas.03:27
nash 100% (1915/1915) done03:27
nashfatal: pack: not a valid SHA103:27
nashStill running however03:27
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llnzthree more tests and then i'll commit the "big change"06:34
llnz(currently, 18 files, 486 inserts, 325 deletes)06:35
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CIA-17llnz web * re06cd31712dc /documents/matrix.php: Updating Feature Matrix, tpe now know as Galaxie06:59
mithrollnz: did you do that on the machine locally?07:20
mithroso you pulled a copy of the web repo okay then?07:20
mithrohow? git+ssh ?07:21
mithrohow much ram do you have in your machine?07:22
llnz2 GB07:22
* mithro must head home07:22
llnzcya later07:22
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llnzhi nash07:37
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nashor someone ahs your computer07:49
llnzwb mithro07:49
mithronash: where you able to clone in the end?07:55
nashmithro: Yes07:55
mithronash: how much ram do you have?07:56
nashOn that machine - > 1gb07:57
nashSame as my desktop here07:57
nashdidn't use any appreciable ram07:57
mithrothe OOM killer got mine check :/07:58
nashNo problem with ram at all07:58
nashSlow to download, but ram was fine07:59
nashThe website repo needs to be fixed I think07:59
nashAnyway = I'm off to bed.07:59
nashBafd bad flu07:59
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mithrollnz: so how goes that commit :P08:13
llnzwaiting 11 more turns for one test, then reset server for one last test08:14
CIA-17llnz tpserver-cpp * r83ad454346b6 /modules/games/mtsec/ (build.cpp mtsec.cpp):08:35
CIA-17In MTSec, set type before setting size08:35
CIA-17Since size is now an object parameter, it is actually in the ObjectData08:35
CIA-17object, and therefore can not be set before the ObjectData is set (via the08:35
CIA-17setType method).08:35
mithrollnz: that it? :P08:40
llnzjust one issue thrown up by it08:41
llnzi would commit the similar changes for minisec, but there are other changes in those files08:41
llnzthe patch will have in it's body something like "This patch breaks persistence"08:42
llnzwhich reminds me08:42
llnzhistory support08:42
llnzwhat history to you want?08:42
llnz(to save breaking persistence again later)08:43
mithroeverything! :P08:45
llnzoh :-(08:45
llnzmaybe i should just make tpserver-cpp run mysql-dump at the end of each turn08:46
llnzseriously though, that is a lot of data08:49
llnzany ideas about how to store it?08:49
llnzi would have to save the calculated values as well08:49
llnzor be able to call up the right historic version of the parameters08:50
* llnz wonders if he should rewrite tpserver-cpp from scratch to support it08:51
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* llnz notes that with 20k lines of C++, rewriting from scratch is a very stupid idea08:55
mithrollnz: all object information is probably a good start08:59
llnzhow would you store it in a database?09:00
llnzone table with current and another with old versions? or one table with both and filter on turn number?09:01
* llnz notes that when he redoes mysql support, he will add support for mysql-cluster09:02
mithroturn number?09:09
llnzyeah the turn number, the revision, or age09:09
mithrollnz: you only have to store things when they change09:31
mithroI can think of some tricky queries which means you only have to store the turns which things change09:36
llnzi have to rethink how i am going to handle objects and such10:00
llnzit might be that i only store one version of the master universe, and lots of copies of the player's perceptions of those object10:01
* llnz wanders off10:01
llnzlater all10:01
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CIA-17mithro tpserver-py * r8c9006948e28 / (5 files):10:14
CIA-17Changes for the repository being in GIT.10:14
CIA-17Removing darcs .boring and added git .gitignore10:14
CIA-17Made the executables executable.10:14
CIA-17mithro tpserver-py * r0f69a07ef836 /tp/server/ Actually return the value from send.10:14
CIA-17mithro tpserver-py * rf3c6f39850dd /tp/server/bases/ Better __str__ method for the Object class.10:14
CIA-17mithro tpserver-py * r9c92bae62c3f /tp/server/rules/minisec/actions/ Make combat work again when performed as an action.10:14
CIA-17mithro tpserver-py * r91aa598d36d5 /tpserver-py-turn:10:15
CIA-17Make turn generation work again.10:15
CIA-17FIXME: Transaction is not being used properly.10:15
CIA-17mithro tpserver-py * r36c2cfd98921 /.gitignore: Ignore the SQLite database.10:15
CIA-17mithro tpserver-py * r381f0ad40dd0 /tp/server/bases/ Fixed the index.10:15
CIA-17mithro tpserver-py * r03576b3fd886 /tp/server/bases/
CIA-17Start of a ruleset class for all those bits a ruleset needs together.10:15
CIA-17 - Game creation code10:15
CIA-17 - Player addition code10:15
CIA-17 - Turn generation code10:15
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mithroniphree: hi11:11
mithroi'm heading to bed now :P11:11
mithrohave a good day11:12
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