Wednesday, 2007-03-07

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* nash waves to mithro01:17
jothamhey nash01:18
nashI was expecting mithro online01:18
jothammithro-online the newest rpg experience01:19
nashtpb normally quits and rejoins about then ;-)01:19
nashAnyway how is life at your end?01:19
jothamsick again01:19
jothami think i need to go to the doctor01:19
jothambut otherwise excellent =)01:19
nashIndeed -twice in a week or so isn't good01:20
jothamthink i'm being poisoned by something01:21
jothamdizziness, fatigue, cold swets01:21
jothamwho knows01:21
jothamhows your AI stuff going01:22
nashGo to a doctor01:22
jothamthere goes 67$01:26
jothamjust made an appointment for tomorrow01:26
mithrohowdy people03:57
jothamfeh, wikipedia page i added was deleted04:03
jothamand i don't know how to cite a museum as a reference04:03
mithrojotham: which one?04:04
jothamwhich is apparently what i have to do it get it put back04:04
jothamSaw Pit and Pit Saw04:04
jothamprevelent pre-steam era milling technique04:04
jothamhell the US even has a town called Sawpit04:04
jothamin colorado04:04
jothamanyway i guess i have to find a book that references it04:05
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mithrohowdy nash06:50
nashHow is life?06:51
nashBTW: Lots of issues with multiple clients connected :-(06:51
nashOrders don't seem to work at all06:53
nashI send them... I get an okay - they aren't executed, next trurn the AI tries again06:53
mithromultiple clients connected to same account == bad (as far as tpserver-cpp) is concerned06:54
nashDifferent accounts...06:54
nashTHis is basically player 206:55
mithroso what is happening?06:56
nashSend the other, get an OK06:58
nashNothing gets built06:58
nashVery strange06:58
nashbbs - people in the house :-/06:59
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mithrooh no! the people stole nash!09:48
nashAnyway - about to log off... I'll be back shortly09:58
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* nash has returned10:21
nashwith the pacific fleet10:21
* nash waves to mithro 10:21
nashits been an interesting 2 hours10:22
nashanyway - why doesn't my second players buikd orders work!10:24
mithronash: dunno!?10:24
nashwhat could I possibly be doing wrong10:25
nashremewmber I see the ok msg back10:25
* nash needs to install tpclient-py on this machine to test with that one10:30
nashAnd lots of pytho packages... *sigh*10:32
nashback soon10:32
* nash hates pythong10:39
mithronash: why?10:41
nashEvery time I install a new python program I need to install a new set of python libs10:42
nash Half the time that needs a new version of python itself which means a dozen other python packages need to be upgraded10:42
mithronash: what system are you using?10:42
nashOh lovely... libtoproto-py requires RPM!10:43
mithrorequires RPM?10:43
mithrolibtpproto-py as not dependencies apart from python10:43
nashrpm -ba --define _topdir /home/nash/work/thousandparsecs/libtpproto-py/build/bdist.linux-i686/rpm --clean build/bdist.linux-i686/rpm/SPECS/libtpproto-py.spec10:43
nashunable to execute rpm: No such file or directory10:43
nasherror: command 'rpm' failed with exit status 110:43
nashmake: *** [release] Error 110:43
nashAnd python setuptools...10:44
mithrowhy are you trying to build an rpm?10:44
nashI'm not.10:44
nashI typed make10:44
nashmake install didn't work10:44 just gave me a help message10:44
mithro"python install"10:44
* nash wonders WTF the Makefile is for then... and why this isn't in say... the README file10:45
mithroyou don't even install libtpproto-py/libtpclient-py if you are using the .inplace version of tpclient-pywx10:45
CIA-20[email protected] * libtpproto-py/ (Makefile Makefile): Obsolete Makefile.10:46
nashWhat is the .inplace version of tpclient-pywx10:46
nashlocalhost doesn't have that dir...10:47
CIA-20[email protected] * libtpclient-py/ (Makefile Makefile): Obsolete Makefile.10:48
tpb<> (at
CIA-20[email protected] * libtpclient-py-dev/ (Makefile Makefile): Obsolete Makefile.10:50
nashokay testing now10:53
nashmithro: The popups don't set their parent correctly10:55
nash"Would you like to download the new turn"10:57
nashI get them on my current destop10:57
nashOkay, it's my client.  If it is not user 1 it can't submit orders11:00
nashOr they don't stick11:00
nashTwo pyclients work fine11:00
nashThis doesn't make sense11:04
nashmithro: Any ideas?11:07
nashWhy would two clients, who are identical except for the login ID not be able to submit orders?11:08
mithroyour connecting to the same user by accident?11:08
mithroone login fails?11:08
nashHmm.. 92L was the error I jsut got trying to run as my clients player (Which I had killed)11:09
nashWell the users are different - I can see the two homeworlds11:10
nashBoth logins seem to be working - I can submit the order okay.11:10
nashThey just don't work11:10
nashSame error with tpclient - 92L11:12
nashNFI what that is supposed to be...11:13
nashIt's like a mac error11:13
mithroi'm very confused11:13
mithrocan we start from the begining again?11:14
nashI'm using tpclient-pywx.11:16
nashI just logged in to the game/account created by my client, and I got the error "92L" as it downloaded the universe info11:17
nashCheck the bug report11:17
nashAs for the my client issues...11:17
nashWhen I log in multiple times, the 2nd clients orders don't stick.  I can set the orders, but they just don't do anything, and 1 turn later they are gone11:18
mithrocould it be that the client is trying to add orders to the wrong things and tpserver-cpp isn't returning errors?11:26
nashIt's the right object - I'm fairly sure of that11:28
mithrowhere does 92L appear?11:28
nashIn a little dialog box with a (-) Error symbol11:28
mithronothing else?11:29
mithrocould you attach a screenshot?11:29
nashNope, nothing else11:30
nashNow I can't reproduce,.. I've got a 63L...11:32
nashWould the stack trace be more useful11:33
nashmithro: Enjoy the stack trace.11:35
nashAnd I've found my bug...11:36
mithroany idea?11:36
nashI'm setting the wrong  build id - always using '2', not the one from the server11:37
nashSo for some reason it accepts it, but then drops it next turn11:37
nashDo you want the screenshot?11:39
mithronash: ahh log a bug report, it should accept it11:41
mithronash: sure!11:41
nashYou mean it shoudl not accept it.11:42
nashIt was given the wrong ID11:43
* nash is trying to find his sourceforget login11:43
nashmithro: ?11:56
nashDid that help11:57
mithrosorry bit distracted today12:01
nashthats okay12:02
nashAnyway - may be back later... else I'll talk to you tomorrow12:02
nashmithro: anything else?12:02
nashookay - off now...12:03
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mithrohowdy JLP14:00
JLPmithro: ahoy14:00
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bokeymithro, ping16:24
bokeyhowdy people.16:26
bokeyanyone awake ?16:26
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jothamhey mithro?20:30
jothamso i can pull my current set of patches etc to another linux box right20:30
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jothamwoo, apt-get segfaulting21:36
jothamthat's a new one21:36
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bokeyhi all22:21
bokeyjotham, hi22:21
bokeyjotham, i am involved with the development of network protocol in java. But I have some questions. could you possibly answer it ? :)22:22
jothamno sir22:22
bokeyjotham, hehe..22:22
jothami am just a graphics guy kinda22:22
bokeyjotham, fine.22:23
bokeyjotham, a user has to register with tp server right ? when he/she registers, is the registration info sent via email ?22:24
bokeyjotham, i ask it anyway. ;)22:24
jothammithro reads the logs, he will see it when he is back22:25
bokeyjotham, my school blocks irc. it's such pain. everytime I end up writing a mail to mithro.22:25
jothamyou just missed him by 10 minutes :\ maybe he will be back soon22:26
bokeyjotham, right22:26
bokeyjotham, and I have to leave for school. :(22:27
jothampost your email here22:28
jothami'll tell him to email you22:28
bokeyjotham, tell him it's libtpproto-java guy. he'll know it.22:29
bokeyjotham, thanks. :)22:29
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nashheyo mithro22:38
nashWeird - we both joined within 1 minute22:39
mithroin Telecoms 4, the only intresting course I have this semester22:39
nashEnjoy then ;-)22:39
jothamhe mithro read the logs23:00
jothamfor the last 1 hour or so23:00
mithro[07:04] <jotham> so i can pull my current set of patches etc to another linux box right23:00
jothamno not about me23:00
mithroahh okay23:02
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tpb<> (at

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